750N/A *
750N/A * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
750N/A * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
750N/A * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
750N/A *
750N/A * See LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
750N/A * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
750N/A *
750N/A * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
750N/A * file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
750N/A * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
750N/A * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
750N/A * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
750N/A *
750N/A */
750N/A * Copyright (c) 2008, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
750N/A */
750N/Apackage org.opensolaris.opengrok.history;
750N/Aimport java.beans.Encoder;
750N/Aimport java.beans.Expression;
750N/Aimport java.beans.PersistenceDelegate;
750N/Aimport java.beans.XMLDecoder;
750N/Aimport java.beans.XMLEncoder;
750N/Aimport java.io.BufferedInputStream;
750N/Aimport java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
750N/Aimport java.io.BufferedReader;
750N/Aimport java.io.BufferedWriter;
750N/Aimport java.io.File;
750N/Aimport java.io.FileInputStream;
750N/Aimport java.io.FileOutputStream;
750N/Aimport java.io.FileReader;
750N/Aimport java.io.IOException;
750N/Aimport java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
750N/Aimport java.io.Writer;
750N/Aimport java.nio.file.Paths;
750N/Aimport java.util.ArrayList;
750N/Aimport java.util.Collections;
750N/Aimport java.util.Date;
750N/Aimport java.util.HashMap;
750N/Aimport java.util.List;
750N/Aimport java.util.ListIterator;
750N/Aimport java.util.Map;
750N/Aimport java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
813N/Aimport java.util.logging.Level;
750N/Aimport java.util.logging.Logger;
750N/Aimport java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
750N/Aimport java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
750N/Aimport org.opensolaris.opengrok.configuration.RuntimeEnvironment;
750N/Aimport org.opensolaris.opengrok.logger.LoggerFactory;
750N/Aimport org.opensolaris.opengrok.util.IOUtils;
750N/A * Class representing file based storage of per source file history.
754N/A */
750N/Aclass FileHistoryCache implements HistoryCache {
796N/A private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileHistoryCache.class);
796N/A private final Object lock = new Object();
796N/A private String historyCacheDirName = "historycache";
796N/A private String latestRevFileName = "OpenGroklatestRev";
796N/A private boolean historyIndexDone = false;
796N/A @Override
796N/A public void setHistoryIndexDone() {
796N/A historyIndexDone = true;
796N/A }
796N/A @Override
796N/A public boolean isHistoryIndexDone() {
796N/A return historyIndexDone;
796N/A }
796N/A /**
796N/A * Generate history for single file.
796N/A * @param map_entry entry mapping filename to list of history entries
796N/A * @param env runtime environment
796N/A * @param repository repository object in which the file belongs
796N/A * @param test file object
796N/A * @param root root of the source repository
796N/A * @param renamed true if the files was renamed in the past
796N/A */
796N/A private void doFileHistory(Map.Entry<String, List<HistoryEntry>> map_entry,
796N/A RuntimeEnvironment env, Repository repository,
796N/A File test, File root, boolean renamed) throws HistoryException {
796N/A History hist = null;
796N/A /*
796N/A * Certain files require special handling - this is mainly for
796N/A * files which have been renamed in Mercurial repository.
796N/A * This ensures that their complete history (follow) will be
796N/A * saved.
796N/A */
796N/A if (renamed) {
796N/A hist = repository.getHistory(test);
796N/A }
if (hist == null) {
hist = new History();
// File based history cache does not store files for individual
// changesets so strip them.
for (HistoryEntry ent : map_entry.getValue()) {
// add all history entries
} else {
for (HistoryEntry ent : hist.getHistoryEntries()) {
// Assign tags to changesets they represent.
if (env.isTagsEnabled() && repository.hasFileBasedTags()) {
File file = new File(root, map_entry.getKey());
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
storeFile(hist, file, repository);
private boolean isRenamedFile(Map.Entry<String,
List<HistoryEntry>> map_entry, RuntimeEnvironment env,
Repository repository, History history) throws IOException {
String fullfile = map_entry.getKey();
String repodir = env.getPathRelativeToSourceRoot(
new File(repository.getDirectoryName()), 0);
String shortestfile = fullfile.substring(repodir.length() + 1);
return (history.isRenamed(shortestfile));
static class FilePersistenceDelegate extends PersistenceDelegate {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
File f = (File)oldInstance;
return new Expression(oldInstance, f.getClass(), "new",
new Object[] {f.toString()});
public void initialize() {
// nothing to do
public void optimize() {
// nothing to do
public boolean supportsRepository(Repository repository) {
// all repositories are supported
return true;
* Get a <code>File</code> object describing the cache file.
* @param file the file to find the cache for
* @return file that might contain cached history for <code>file</code>
private static File getCachedFile(File file) throws HistoryException {
RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
String add = env.getPathRelativeToSourceRoot(file, 0);
if (add.length() == 0) {
add = File.separator;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HistoryException("Failed to get path relative to " +
"source root for " + file, e);
return new File(sb.toString());
* Read history from a file.
private static History readCache(File file) throws IOException {
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
XMLDecoder d = new XMLDecoder(
new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(in)));
return (History) d.readObject();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
* Store history object (encoded as XML and compressed with gzip) in a file.
* @param history history object to store
* @param file file to store the history object into
* @param repo repository for the file
* @throws HistoryException
private void storeFile(History histNew, File file, Repository repo) throws HistoryException {
File cache = getCachedFile(file);
History history = histNew;
File dir = cache.getParentFile();
if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
throw new HistoryException(
"Unable to create cache directory '" + dir + "'.");
// Incremental update of the history for this file.
History histOld;
try {
histOld = readCache(cache);
// Merge old history with the new history.
List<HistoryEntry> listOld = histOld.getHistoryEntries();
if (!listOld.isEmpty()) {
RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
List<HistoryEntry> listNew = histNew.getHistoryEntries();
ListIterator li = listNew.listIterator(listNew.size());
while (li.hasPrevious()) {
listOld.add(0, (HistoryEntry) li.previous());
history = new History(listOld);
// Retag the last changesets in case there have been some new
// tags added to the repository. Technically we should just
// retag the last revision from the listOld however this
// does not solve the problem when listNew contains new tags
// retroactively tagging changesets from listOld so we resort
// to this somewhat crude solution.
if (env.isTagsEnabled() && repo.hasFileBasedTags()) {
for (HistoryEntry ent : history.getHistoryEntries()) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Ideally we would want to catch the case when incremental update
// is done but the cached file is not there however we do not have
// the data to do it here.
// We have a problem that multiple threads may access the cache layer
// at the same time. Since I would like to avoid read-locking, I just
// serialize the write access to the cache file. The generation of the
// cache file would most likely be executed during index generation, and
// that happens sequencial anyway....
// Generate the file with a temporary name and move it into place when
// I'm done so I don't have to protect the readers for partially updated
// files...
final File output;
try {
output = File.createTempFile("oghist", null, dir);
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(output);
XMLEncoder e = new XMLEncoder(
new BufferedOutputStream(
new GZIPOutputStream(out)))) {
new FilePersistenceDelegate());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new HistoryException("Failed to write history", ioe);
synchronized (lock) {
if (!cache.delete() && cache.exists()) {
if (!output.delete()) {
"Failed to remove temporary history cache file");
throw new HistoryException(
"Cachefile exists, and I could not delete it.");
if (!output.renameTo(cache)) {
if (!output.delete()) {
"Failed to remove temporary history cache file");
throw new HistoryException("Failed to rename cache tmpfile.");
private void finishStore(Repository repository, String latestRev) {
storeLatestCachedRevision(repository, latestRev);
"Done storing history for repo {0}",
new Object[] {repository.getDirectoryName()});
* Store history for the whole repository in directory hierarchy resembling
* the original repository structure. History of individual files will be
* stored under this hierarchy, each file containing history of
* corresponding source file.
* @param history history object to process into per-file histories
* @param repository repository object
* @throws HistoryException
public void store(History history, Repository repository)
throws HistoryException {
final RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
String latestRev = null;
// Return immediately when there is nothing to do.
List<HistoryEntry> entries = history.getHistoryEntries();
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
"Storing history for repo {0}",
new Object[] {repository.getDirectoryName()});
HashMap<String, List<HistoryEntry>> map =
new HashMap<>();
* Go through all history entries for this repository (acquired through
* history/log command executed for top-level directory of the repo
* and parsed into HistoryEntry structures) and create hash map which
* maps file names into list of HistoryEntry structures corresponding
* to changesets in which the file was modified.
for (HistoryEntry e : history.getHistoryEntries()) {
// The history entries are sorted from newest to oldest.
if (latestRev == null) {
latestRev = e.getRevision();
for (String s : e.getFiles()) {
* We do not want to generate history cache for files which
* do not currently exist in the repository.
File test = new File(env.getSourceRootPath() + s);
if (!test.exists()) {
List<HistoryEntry> list = map.get(s);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
map.put(s, list);
* We need to do deep copy in order to have different tags
* per each commit.
if (env.isTagsEnabled() && repository.hasFileBasedTags()) {
list.add(new HistoryEntry(e));
} else {
* Now traverse the list of files from the hash map built above
* and for each file store its history (saved in the value of the
* hash map entry for the file) in a file. Skip renamed files
* which will be handled separately below.
final File root = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getSourceRootFile();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<HistoryEntry>> map_entry : map.entrySet()) {
try {
if (env.isHandleHistoryOfRenamedFiles() &&
isRenamedFile(map_entry, env, repository, history)) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
"isRenamedFile() got exception " , ex);
doFileHistory(map_entry, env, repository, null, root, false);
if (!env.isHandleHistoryOfRenamedFiles()) {
finishStore(repository, latestRev);
* Now handle renamed files (in parallel).
HashMap<String, List<HistoryEntry>> renamed_map =
new HashMap<>();
for (final Map.Entry<String, List<HistoryEntry>> map_entry : map.entrySet()) {
try {
if (isRenamedFile(map_entry, env, repository, history)) {
renamed_map.put(map_entry.getKey(), map_entry.getValue());
} catch (IOException ex) {
"isRenamedFile() got exception ", ex);
// The directories for the renamed files have to be created before
// the actual files otherwise storeFile() might be racing for
// mkdirs() if there are multiple renamed files from single directory
// handled in parallel.
for (final String file : renamed_map.keySet()) {
File cache = getCachedFile(new File(env.getSourceRootPath() + file));
File dir = cache.getParentFile();
if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
"Unable to create cache directory ' {0} '.", dir);
final Repository repositoryF = repository;
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(renamed_map.size());
for (final Map.Entry<String, List<HistoryEntry>> map_entry : renamed_map.entrySet()) {
RuntimeEnvironment.getHistoryRenamedExecutor().submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
doFileHistory(map_entry, env, repositoryF,
new File(env.getSourceRootPath() + map_entry.getKey()),
root, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// We want to catch any exception since we are in thread.
"doFileHistory() got exception ", ex);
} finally {
// Wait for the executors to finish.
try {
// Wait for the executors to finish.
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "latch exception ",ex);
finishStore(repository, latestRev);
public History get(File file, Repository repository, boolean withFiles)
throws HistoryException {
File cache = getCachedFile(file);
if (isUpToDate(file, cache)) {
try {
return readCache(cache);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error when reading cache file '" + cache, e);
* Some mirrors of repositories which are capable of fetching history
* for directories may contain lots of files untracked by given SCM.
* For these it would be waste of time to get their history
* since the history of all files in this repository should have been
* fetched in the first phase of indexing.
RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
if (isHistoryIndexDone() && repository.hasHistoryForDirectories() &&
!env.isFetchHistoryWhenNotInCache()) {
return null;
final History history;
long time;
try {
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
history = repository.getHistory(file);
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// In this case, we've found a file for which the SCM has no history
// An example is a non-SCCS file somewhere in an SCCS-controlled
// workspace.
return null;
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
// Don't cache history-information for directories, since the
// history information on the directory may change if a file in
// a sub-directory change. This will cause us to present a stale
// history log until a the current directory is updated and
// invalidates the cache entry.
if ((cache != null) &&
(cache.exists() ||
(time > env.getHistoryReaderTimeLimit()))) {
// retrieving the history takes too long, cache it!
storeFile(history, file, repository);
return history;
* Check if the cache is up to date for the specified file.
* @param file the file to check
* @param cachedFile the file which contains the cached history for
* the file
* @return {@code true} if the cache is up to date, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean isUpToDate(File file, File cachedFile) {
return cachedFile != null && cachedFile.exists() &&
file.lastModified() <= cachedFile.lastModified();
* Check if the directory is in the cache.
* @param directory the directory to check
* @return {@code true} if the directory is in the cache
public boolean hasCacheForDirectory(File directory, Repository repository)
throws HistoryException {
assert directory.isDirectory();
Repository repos = HistoryGuru.getInstance().getRepository(directory);
if (repos == null) {
return true;
RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
File dir = env.getDataRootFile();
dir = new File(dir, this.historyCacheDirName);
try {
dir = new File(dir, env.getPathRelativeToSourceRoot(
new File(repos.getDirectoryName()), 0));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HistoryException("Could not resolve " +
repos.getDirectoryName()+" relative to source root", e);
return dir.exists();
public String getRepositoryHistDataDirname(Repository repository) {
RuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
String repoDirBasename;
try {
repoDirBasename = env.getPathRelativeToSourceRoot(
new File(repository.getDirectoryName()), 0);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not resolve " +
repository.getDirectoryName()+" relative to source root", ex);
return null;
return env.getDataRootPath() + File.separatorChar
+ this.historyCacheDirName
+ repoDirBasename;
private String getRepositoryCachedRevPath(Repository repository) {
return getRepositoryHistDataDirname(repository)
+ File.separatorChar + latestRevFileName;
* Store latest indexed revision for the repository under data directory.
* @param repository repository
* @param rev latest revision which has been just indexed
private void storeLatestCachedRevision(Repository repository, String rev) {
Writer writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(getRepositoryCachedRevPath(repository))));
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot write latest cached revision to file for "+repository.getDirectoryName(),
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Cannot close file", ex);
public String getLatestCachedRevision(Repository repository) {
String rev = null;
BufferedReader input;
try {
input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getRepositoryCachedRevPath(repository)));
try {
rev = input.readLine();
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to load ", e);
return null;
} finally {
try {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "failed to close", e);
} catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "not loading latest cached revision file from {0}",
return null;
return rev;
public Map<String, Date> getLastModifiedTimes(
File directory, Repository repository) {
// We don't have a good way to get this information from the file
// cache, so leave it to the caller to find a reasonable time to
// display (typically the last modified time on the file system).
return Collections.emptyMap();
public void clear(Repository repository) {
// remove the file cached last revision (done separately in case
// it gets ever moved outside of the hierarchy)
File cachedRevFile = new File(getRepositoryCachedRevPath(repository));
// Remove all files which constitute the history cache.
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public String getInfo() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();