release.txt revision c6963a7ea2753672325502d342e653700be550a8
Checklist for releasing OpenGrok:
../ext_lib - is a directory where we keep latest JFlex.jar and all necessary jars/dirs for tests
0) set proper version in build.xml , <property name="version" value="???"/>
1) tag the build used for release in the versioning system so we can get back to it
2) build must be clean
ant clean
(defaults to jar currently)
3) check all tests, tests code coverage: junit, pmd, findbugs, checkstyle, emma, jdepend
(they should be ok, currently only checkstyle has 8 warnings, the rest is clean;
emma reports should be based according to what is set for the release, usually it's overall coverage above 80%)
(jenkins can help here, see README.txt on setup)
4) produce proper distributions, check them before upload, always try to build on Solaris, since
gnu tar might create a non-standard compliant .tgz
version and tag from 0) will be used to produce the archive
ant dist
ant dist-src
ant package
the release is OK, once above is fullfilled to our satisfaction