CHANGES.txt revision 5e6c91d7e77062129cd0b6ac8aaa546dff216419
April 2010 update 0.9
This is a major update. It's advised you cleanup your old DATA_ROOT and run
indexing from fresh. Also the web application should be replaced, since new
indexes are not compatible with old application.
This is also a general rule for most of opengrok updates. We don't really
support backwards compatibility, unless it would be a really minor update.
New Features:
faster lucene engine(3.0.1) underneath - faster analyzers
new jquery(1.4.2) underneath - UI improvements
support for xrefs with Unicode characters(not indexed yet, but finally viewable!)
new smf service - just pass the source root, the rest is taken care by the service(Solaris)
Bugs fixed:
Bug #13280: RFE: Configurable tab size for xref
Bug #13362: plainanalyzer xref writer can never end for a file with long lines
Bug #13529: listing of a file (in xref) might take a LONG time
Bug #13330: Wrong URL when search for camel-case identifier has only one match
Bug #13364: regression : Jar analyzer doesn't analyze the jars it used to for 0.7
Bug #13884: IndexOutOfBoundsException in
Bug #13952: size output not correct
Bug #13951: Wrong revision in when not building from head of trunk
Bug #13949: Missing line numbers in xref for XML file
Bug #13961: no quick search box shown on windows (path separator problem in project names/IDs)
Bug #14030: Many lines with same line number (regression)
Bug #5848: trimmed diff link results in NULL pointer dereference
Bug #3900: Unexpected result when clicking a symbol definition
Bug #3435: C functions are not considered as functions
Bug #14978: upgrade lucene to 3.0.1
Bug #13185: broken focus
Bug #14757: pressing Enter on project select list box takes you to xref instead of submit of the search form
Bug #15004: Improved handling of UTF Byte Order Marks
Bug #15097: make the search bar in listing stay on top of the page
Bug #13997: main logo should take you HOME ;)
Bug #15114: AnalyzerGuru:stripBOM should not use String to avoid encoding issues
Bug #14953: history index for CVS repos should only include default branch if CVS/Tag is set
Bug #15240: radio buttons in history could behave like e.g. on wikipedia
Bug #437: OpenGrok should support source files with multibyte characters
Bug #15394: improve IPS package and SMF for OpenSolaris
Bug #15391: Executor should log the commands executed
Bug #14724: Incremental update of Bazaar history broken by instability in revision numbers
Bug #13524: Color coding in diffs is confusing
for bug details refer to:
We'd like to thank all the people that report bugs, send us ideas and
improvements. Below are just people that sent patches or pushed code, that
doesn't mean that we don't appreciate your work. On the contrary, you are
the people showing other people(who have the time to write code) what would
be good to fix when you use this software and file bugs against it!
Note that this is just a summary of how many changes each person made which
doesn't necessarily reflect how significant each change was. (inspect the
history log with "hg log -v -r 0.8.1:tip" to get all details)
33 Knut Anders Hatlen <>
22 Lubos Kosco <>
1 Chris Eldredge <>
1 Vitezslav Batrla <Vitezslav.Batrla@Sun.COM>
December 2009 update 0.8.1
minor changes from OpenGrok 0.8. Most importantly, the 0.8.1 release fixes
the broken Solaris packages. Also OpenGrok script is now improved and 2G of
memory is needed for it to accommodate most deployments.
November 2009 update 0.8
* Support more source code repository backends:
o Bazaar
o Monotone
* Support for more languages:
o Fortran
o Detect C++ keywords
o Parse C# files with the C analyzer
* Search through multiple projects at the same time
* Possibility to register an opengrok search as a search
* engine(provider) in Firefox(Internet Explorer)
* History cache stored in Java DB
* Simplified installation & setup. Improved user interface.
* Bug #405: Mercurial history parser may easily get out of sync
* Bug #2243: Show date and time of the last index update
* Bug #3401: C analyzer recognizes C++ keywords
* Bug #3624: History cache should be stored in Java DB
* Bug #4154: History cache should be created automatically for new
* repositories
* Bug #4505: resource leakage of ctags processes if started from the
* agent
* Bug #4580: The agent tries to create the repositories on the client
* side
* Bug #5826: "remote" subversion repositories no longer detected
* Bug #6658: rss.jsp generates ill-formed XML
* Bug #9468: history of renamed files is lost (mercurial) - use -f only
* for files
* Bug #10440: Skip files with no sections or empty section name string
* table
* Bug #10442: zip analyzer fails to parse odps
* Bug #11661: Invalid author link when revision has no author
* Bug #11662: No author not handled by JDBCHistoryCache
* Bug #11663: Failure when commit message exceeds ~32K
* Bug #11664: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in MercurialHistoryParser
* Bug #11886: set no word limit for indexing of files (can result in out
* of memory errors!)
* Bug #11896: indexer chokes on fifos
* Bug #12029: Check the first 1MB of the file
* Bug #12081: History not returned for uncached repositories when using
* JDBCHistoryCache
* Bug #12324: history view should not contain lists of files
A tentative roadmap for OpenGrok can be found here:
As of OpenGrok 0.8 we will change the release model to the train model and
start with quarterly releases.
The following people contributed to this release since 0.7.
Note that this is just a summary of how many changes each person made which
doesn't necessarily reflect how significant each change was. (inspect the
history log with "hg log -v -r 0.7:tip" to get all details)
121 Knut Anders Hatlen <>
69 Trond Norbye <>
50 Lubos Kosco <>
39 Jorgen Austvik <>
4 Jan Berg <>
4 Peter Bray <>
1 Scott Halstead <>
October 2008 update 0.7
* Support more source code repository backends:
o ClearCase (Magnus Lind)
o Git (Jorgen Austvik)
o Razor (Peter Bray)
* JMX Agent (Jan Stale Berg)
OpenGrok can now talk JMX with clients. This work is the start of a
project to make it easier to configure OpenGrok. The first proof of
concept is a system tray applet to show OpenGrok status.
* Use external Subversion binary instead of svn-javahl.jar (Trond)
A lot of our users had problems installing svn-javahl.jar, now we use
the system provided svn binary.
* Logging
OpenGrok is changed to use standard java.util.logging (Jan Stale Berg,
Trond, Lubos Kosco)
* Store history cache in compressed files to save disk space (Trond)
* Quality (Trond, Knut Anders, Lubos Kosco, Jorgen Austvik)
- We have incorporated tools like PMD, FindBugs, CheckStyle and
Hudson into our development process, and fixed lots and lots of
potential bugs long before any users experience them.
- We have started to write unit-tests, and use Emma to measure how
good they are. In this release our unit tests cover 61% of our code
(block coverage), for OpenGrok 0.8 we aim for 70%.
* General code and design cleanup (Peter Bray, Trond, Knut Anders, Lubos
Kosco, Jorgen Austvik)
April 2008 update 0.6.1
This is a bugfix release.
Please see for
full history information, and for the list of contributors. The following is
just a summary.
Bug #67: Duplicate magics in the analyzers
Bug #546: IOException when viewing history for xref root in multi-project installation
Bug #785: Indexer don't use the value specified with -m
Bug #779: Add option to disable index optimization upon indexing
Bug #829: create links to account details in annotate mode
Bug #966: fails on directory names that contain a plus (+) character
Bug #989: Can't reindex a subtree
Bug #988: Make it possible to optimize the index without reindexing
Bug #1007: Add URL friendly project handling
Bug #1009: Economical mode generates suggestion database
Bug #1057: double-colon in search pattern throws an error
March 2008 update 0.6
Please see for
full history information, and for the list of contributors. The following is
just a summary.
New Features:
Analyzer-support for Tcl/Tk
Analyzer-support for SQL
Support for TeamWare repositories
Use multiple index databases
Bug fixes:
A lot.. See
August 2007 update 0.5
Please see for
full history information, and for the list of contributors. The following is
just a summary.
New Features:
Annotate support for Subversion and Mercurial
Use of a "history cache" for some SCM's to improve performance
Replaced system properties with configuration that may be changed runtime
Added support for Lisp
Updated the Lucene search engine, and allow wildcard search
Implemented glob'ing for IgnoredNames (-i *.bak)
Added a meta robots directive to the page headers to stop robots
Added support for "Projects"
Added support for RCS
Allow user-configurable bug patterns
Bug fixes:
Fix problems that Tomcat reports IllegalStateException for page redirects
Added more stack traces when errors occurs
December 2006 update 0.4
New Features:
New Java Analyzer
Experimental support for Mercurial
Bug Fixes:
Fixed image path (alt webroot) provided by Nathan Beyer
Improved JRCS parser provided by Gustav Gunnarsson
Improved error handling for a corrupt web.xml in error.jsp
Fix problem with unterminated <form> tag provided by Chris Elving
Fix problem with how arguments are passed to an editor
(reported by Joachim Deguara)
Added patch for glob'ing files provided by Ben Ravago
Added patch for displaying CVS files not present on HEAD.
Provided by Chris Elving.
April 2006 update 0.3.1
Bug Fixes:
Fix the webapp for custom context option
Many changes contributed by Knut Pape
More easy to understand usage message
tar.bz2 was not getting processed properly
PDF files were getting cross-referenced by mistake
Troff - missing space in xref
February 2006 update 0.3
New Features:
Support for Subversion.
A cscope like GUI for search.
A GUI wizard for creating or updating search index.
New option that supports webapps with different context URLs.
Better display of matched context
A new CSS style sheet with offwhite theme.
December 2005 update: 0.2.1
New Features:
Now runs on Microsoft Windows
a new CSS theme (polished)
Interim support for PHP and OpenSolaris Assembler code.
Single distributable file to keep things simple
Bug fixes:
Fixes a XSS security issue (reported by Wez Furlong)
Fixes bug where some CVS revisions could not be retrived
Fixes bug in handling CVS long histories (reported by Wez Furlong)
Handles extra characters in CVS symbol names (reported by Wez Furlong)
More robust EFTAR file handling (reported by Andy Tucker)
Throws more helpful error messages
Tomcat 4.x compatibility fixes
Minor fixes to hypertexting code that handles strings.
Fixed bug that ignored symlinked SRC_ROOT (reported by Michael Allen)
Compatibility Note:
The DATA_ROOT files generated by 0.2 are compatible
with this release. Changing the source.war parameters
and redeploying should work.
However to get full advantage, it is advisable to
generate the data from scratch (i.e. remove the old
DATA_ROOT and run the again).
Initial public release, November 2005 Version 0.2