projects.jspf revision 58
58N/ASee LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
58N/Afile and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
58N/A--%><%@ page import="org.opensolaris.opengrok.configuration.*,
58N/ARuntimeEnvironment env = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
58N/Aif (env.hasProjects()) {
58N/A projects = env.getProjects();
58N/A Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
58N/A project = cookie.getValue();
58N/A String p[] = request.getParameterValues("project");
58N/A project = sb.toString().trim();
58N/A for (String aproj : project.split(" ")) {
58N/A if (proj.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(aproj)) {
58N/A project = sb.toString().trim();
58N/A Cookie cookie = new Cookie("OpenGrok/project", project);
58N/A response.addCookie(cookie);