history.jsp revision 218
2d0611ffc9f91c5fc2ddccb93f9a3d17791ae650takashiCDDL HEADER START
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndThe contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndCommon Development and Distribution License (the "License").
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndYou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1a5a0356d04b1772b5a6b77c972774ab68832f81gryzorSee LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
1a5a0356d04b1772b5a6b77c972774ab68832f81gryzorlanguage governing permissions and limitations under the License.
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndWhen distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndfile and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
dc0d8d65d35787d30a275895ccad8d8e1b58a5edndIf applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
4b3a8afbfcea8b265d179a122bf40dfedd1ce280takashifields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
4b3a8afbfcea8b265d179a122bf40dfedd1ce280takashiinformation: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
4b3a8afbfcea8b265d179a122bf40dfedd1ce280takashiCDDL HEADER END
ident "@(#)history.jsp 1.1 05/11/11 SMI"
--%><%@ page import = "javax.servlet.*,
%><%@include file="mast.jsp"%><%
if (path.length() > 0 && valid) {
String userPage = environment.getUserPage();
String bugPage = environment.getBugPage();
String bugRegex = environment.getBugPattern();
if(bugRegex == null || bugRegex.equals("")) {
Pattern bugPattern = Pattern.compile(bugRegex);
HistoryReader hr = HistoryGuru.getInstance().getHistoryReader(f);
response.sendError(404, "No history");
<td colspan="4"><span class="pagetitle">History log of <a href="<%= context +"/xref" + path %>"><%=path%></a></span></td>
while (hr.next()) {
String rev = hr.getRevision();
if (rev == null || rev.length() == 0) {
rev = Util.URIEncode(rev);
if(hr.isActive()) {
rp = Util.URIEncodePath(rp);
%><td> <a name="<%=rev%>" href="<%= context +"/xref" + rp + "?r=" + rev %>"><%=rev%></a> </td><td align="center"><input type="radio" name="r1" value="<%=rp%>@<%=rev%>"/>
Date date = hr.getDate();
if(userPage != null && ! userPage.equals("")) {
%><%= hr.getAuthor() %><%
(bugPage != null && ! bugPage.equals("")) ?
bugPattern.matcher(Util.Htmlize(hr.getComment())).replaceAll("<a href=\"" + bugPage + "$1\">$1</a>")
List<String> files = hr.getFiles();
jfile = ifile.substring(1);
%><p><b>Note:</b> No associated file changes are available for revisions with strike-through numbers (eg. <strike>1.45</strike>)</p><%
%><p class="rssbadge"><a href="<%=context%>/rss<%=Util.URIEncodePath(path)%>"><img src="<%=context%>/<%=environment.getWebappLAF()%>/img/rss.png" width="80" height="15" alt="RSS XML Feed" title="RSS XML Feed of latest changes"/></a></p><%
%><%@include file="foot.jspf"%>