history.jsp revision 1404
3a83d293930b770886a457b3ab66953faa2741b4Tim ReddehaseCDDL HEADER START
de27e19f49289a796255959c1da41e0f635efc85Tim ReddehaseThe contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
3a83d293930b770886a457b3ab66953faa2741b4Tim ReddehaseCommon Development and Distribution License (the "License").
c2beed4a99acc487957c8bcbbd7331d09b845475Tim ReddehaseYou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0be0d83b1e96df3bbbe8ef199c1e619fd3ef87e8Eileen BolloffSee LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
e8a5b5d5423ad84fa85e944f07252030a01ccdf7Eileen Bollofflanguage governing permissions and limitations under the License.
file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
include file="mast.jsp"
%><%/* ---------------------- history.jsp start --------------------- */
PageConfig cfg = PageConfig.get(request);
String path = cfg.getPath();
if (path.length() > 0) {
String context = request.getContextPath();
RuntimeEnvironment env = cfg.getEnv();
String uriEncodedName = cfg.getUriEncodedPath();
String userPage = env.getUserPage();
String userPageSuffix = env.getUserPageSuffix();
String bugPage = env.getBugPage();
String bugRegex = env.getBugPattern();
if (bugRegex == null || bugRegex.equals("")) {
Pattern bugPattern = Pattern.compile(bugRegex);
String reviewPage = env.getReviewPage();
String reviewRegex = env.getReviewPattern();
if(reviewRegex == null || reviewRegex.equals("")) {
Pattern reviewPattern = Pattern.compile(reviewRegex);
File f = cfg.getResourceFile();
hist = HistoryGuru.getInstance().getHistory(f);
%><h3>Problem</h3><p class="error"><%= e.getMessage() %></p><%
%><script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
document.domReady.push(function() {domReadyHistory();});
<form action="<%= context + Prefix.DIFF_P + uriEncodedName %>">
<caption>History log of <a href="<%= context + Prefix.XREF_P
if (!cfg.isDir()) {
if (hist.hasFileList()) {
for (HistoryEntry entry : hist.getHistoryEntries()) {
String rev = entry.getRevision();
if (rev == null || rev.length() == 0) {
if (cfg.isDir()) {
if (entry.isActive()) {
Date date = entry.getDate();
%><%= df.format(date) %><%
String author = entry.getAuthor();
} else if (userPage != null && userPage.length() > 0) {
String alink = Util.getEmail(author);
%><a href="<%= userPage + Util.htmlize(alink) + userPageSuffix
%>"><%= Util.htmlize(author)%></a><%
if (bugPage != null && bugPage.length() > 0) {
cout = bugPattern.matcher(cout).replaceAll("<a href=\""
if (reviewPage != null && reviewPage.length() > 0) {
cout = reviewPattern.matcher(cout).replaceAll("<a href=\""
Set<String> files = entry.getFiles();
jfile = ifile.substring(1);
} else if (ifile.startsWith(path)
<a class="h" href="<%= context + Prefix.XREF_P + ifile %>"><%= jfile %></a><br/><%
<a class="h" href="<%= context + Prefix.XREF_P + ifile %>?r=<%= rev %>"><%= jfile %></a><br/><%
<p class="rssbadge"><a href="<%=context + Prefix.RSS_P + uriEncodedName
/* ---------------------- history.jsp end --------------------- */
include file="foot.jspf"