revision 261
0N/A * See LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
0N/A * file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
491N/A boolean searchRepositories = false;
886N/A boolean addProjects = false;
886N/A boolean refreshHistory = false;
491N/A boolean createDict = false;
77N/A createDict = true;
491N/A System.err.println(" Ex: \"-O on\" will optimize the database as part of the index generation");
491N/A System.err.println(" Ex: \"-Q on\" will just scan a \"chunk\" of the file and insert \"[..all..]\"");
491N/A System.err.println(" \"-Q off\" will try to build a more accurate list by reading the complete file.");
491N/A e.printStackTrace();
1088N/A } catch (IOException e) {
1088N/A if (searchRepositories) {
491N/A if (addProjects) {
491N/A if (refreshHistory) {
1100N/A if (createDict) {
1185N/A e.printStackTrace();
1062N/A e.printStackTrace();