search.jsp revision 1281
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You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright 2011 Jens Elkner.
--%><%@page session="false" errorPage="error.jsp" import="
include file="projects.jspf"
private StringBuilder createUrl(SearchHelper sh, boolean menu) {
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(64);
QueryBuilder qb = sh.builder;
if (menu) {
} else {
Util.appendQuery(url, "sort", sh.order.toString());
if (qb != null) {
Util.appendQuery(url, "q", qb.getFreetext());
Util.appendQuery(url, "defs", qb.getDefs());
Util.appendQuery(url, "refs", qb.getRefs());
Util.appendQuery(url, "path", qb.getPath());
Util.appendQuery(url, "hist", qb.getHist());
if (sh.projects != null && sh.projects.size() != 0) {
Util.appendQuery(url, "project", cfg.getRequestedProjectsAsString());
return url;
/* ---------------------- search.jsp start --------------------- */
cfg = PageConfig.get(request);
long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
SearchHelper searchHelper = cfg.prepareSearch()
if (searchHelper.redirect != null) {
if (searchHelper.errorMsg != null
+ "<br/>You might try to enclose your search term in quotes, "
+ "<a href=\"help.jsp#escaping\">escape special characters</a> "
+ "with <b>\\</b>, or read the <a href=\"help.jsp\">Help</a> "
+ "on the query language."
+ "Error message from parser:<br/>" + searchHelper.errorMsg
if (searchHelper.errorMsg != null) {
cfg.setTitle("Search Error");
} else {
response.addCookie(new Cookie("OpenGrokSorting", searchHelper.order.toString()));
include file="httpheader.jspf"
<div id="page">
<div id="whole_header">
<div id="header"><%@
include file="pageheader.jspf"
<div id="Masthead"></div>
<div id="bar">
<li><a href="<%= request.getContextPath()
%>/"><span id="home"></span>Home</a></li>
<%-- TODO: jel: IMHO it should be move to menu.jspf as combobox --%>
<div id="sortfield">
<label for="sortby">Sort by</label>
<ul id="sortby"><%
StringBuilder url = createUrl(searchHelper, true).append("&sort=");
for (SortOrder o : SortOrder.values()) {
if (searchHelper.order == o) {
%><li><span class="active"><%= o.getDesc() %></span></li><%
} else {
%><li><a href="<%= url %><%= o %>"><%= o.getDesc() %></a></li><%
<div id="menu"><%@
include file="menu.jspf"
<div id="results"><%
// TODO spellchecking cycle below is not that great and we only create
// suggest links for every token in query, not for a query as whole
if (searchHelper.errorMsg != null) {
<p><%= Util.htmlize(searchHelper.errorMsg) %></p><%
} else if (searchHelper.hits == null) {
%><p>No hits</p><%
} else if (searchHelper.hits.length == 0) {
List<Suggestion> hints = searchHelper.getSuggestions();
for (Suggestion hint : hints) {
%><p><font color="#cc0000">Did you mean (for <%= %>)</font>:<%
for (String word : hint.freetext) {
%> <a href=search?q=<%= word %>><%= word %></a> <%
for (String word : hint.refs) {
%> <a href=search?refs=<%= word %>><%= word %></a> <%
for (String word : hint.defs) {
%> <a href=search?defs=<%= word %>><%= word %></a> <%
<p> Your search <b><%= searchHelper.query %></b> did not match any files.
<br/> Suggestions:<br/>
<li>Make sure all terms are spelled correctly.</li>
<li>Try different keywords.</li>
<li>Try more general keywords.</li>
<li>Use 'wil*' cards if you are looking for partial match.</li>
} else {
// We have a lots of results to show: create a slider for
String slider = "";
int thispage; // number of items to display on the current page
int start = searchHelper.start;
int max = searchHelper.maxItems;
int totalHits = searchHelper.totalHits;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(4096);
thispage = (start + max) < totalHits ? max : totalHits - start;
StringBuilder urlp = createUrl(searchHelper, false);
int labelStart = 1;
int sstart = start - max * (start / max % 10 + 1) ;
if (sstart < 0) {
sstart = 0;
labelStart = 1;
} else {
labelStart = sstart / max + 1;
int label = labelStart;
int labelEnd = label + 11;
for (int i = sstart; i < totalHits && label <= labelEnd; i+= max) {
if (i <= start && start < i + max) {
buf.append("<span class=\"sel\">").append(label).append("</span>");
} else {
buf.append("<a class=\"more\" href=\"s?n=").append(max)
if (label == labelStart && label != 1) {
} else if (label == labelEnd && i < totalHits) {
} else {
slider = buf.toString();
} else {
// set the max index to max or last
thispage = totalHits - start;
<p class="pagetitle">Searched <b><%= searchHelper.query
%></b> (Results <b> <%= start + 1 %> - <%= thispage + start
%></b> of <b><%= totalHits %></b>) sorted by <%=
searchHelper.order %></p><%
if (slider.length() > 0) {
<p class="slider"><%= slider %></p><%
Results.prettyPrint(out, searchHelper, start, start + thispage);
<p><b>Completed in <%= System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime
%> milliseconds</b></p><%
if (slider.length() > 0) {
<p class="slider"><%= slider %></p><%
/* ---------------------- search.jsp end --------------------- */
include file="foot.jspf"