README-ArchiveCreation revision 734
Create an area to build the final sample repository for OpenGrok Distribution
mkdir -p Extracted/Repository
Extract a copy of the actual Razor repository. The archive was made by
using GNU tar from the razor_db directory of the whole OpenGrokSample
Universe, with a few local symlinks to customised configuration dereferenced
and stored as files in the archive
gtar fxv ../../ActualRazorRepository-OpenGrokSample.tar.gz
Remove Bulky Non-Essential (for OpenGrok) Files and Executables.
Also remove any vendor supplied files in the repository which they
may be able to claim copyright or moral ownership of.
rm OpenGrokSample/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/DOMAIN_01/Simple##Threads/Tables/
Edit files to remove site specific usernames and data to protect privacy.
I have left my username and a few generic pieces of data to ensure the
validity of the repository.
vi OpenGrokSample/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/DOMAIN_01/++ISSUES++/Tables/Roles
Create the repository archive
cd ..
gtar fcv ../SampleRazorRepository.tar Repository
gzip -9v ../SampleRazorRepository.tar
Create the User Sandbox
mkdir UserSandbox
Use Razor's versions GUI, to extract all sample files into the directory UserSandbox.
cd UserSandbox
versions &
Create the user sandbox archive
cd ..
gtar fcv ../SampleRazorUserSandbox.tar UserSandbox
gzip -9v ../SampleRazorUserSandbox.tar