comments_test.rb revision a5015ca9daa067f062e9e373c3dfafd5631560d9
require 'integration_test_helper'
class CommentsTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
setup do
@ontology = FactoryGirl.create(:ontology_version).ontology
@ontology.state = 'done'
@user = FactoryGirl.create :user
# Add user as owner to the ontology
FactoryGirl.create :permission, subject: @user, item: @ontology.repository
login_as @user, :scope => :user
test 'create a comment' do
comment_text = 'very loooooooong comment'
visit ontology_comments_path(@ontology)
find_link "Log out"
# zero comments at the beginning
assert_equal 0, all('.comments > ol > li').count
within '#new_comment' do
# fill in the autocomplete input
fill_in 'Text', with: 'Lorem'
click_button 'Create Comment'
# is the text too short?
assert_equal "is too short (minimum is 10 characters)", find(".help-inline").text
within '#new_comment' do
# fill in the autocomplete input
fill_in 'Text', with: comment_text
click_button 'Create Comment'
# wait for the comment to be inserted
comment_li = find '.comments > ol > li'
# success message
assert_equal "Thanks for your comment.", find("#new_comment").text
# author and timestamp
assert_match /#{@user.to_s} wrote a few seconds ago/, comment_li.text
# comment text
assert comment_li.text.include?(comment_text)
test 'delete a comment' do
comment = FactoryGirl.create :comment, commentable: @ontology
visit ontology_comments_path(@ontology)
# does one comment exist?
assert_equal 1, all('.comments > ol > li').count
within '.comments' do
# delete the comment
click_link 'delete'
# is the comment deleted?
assert page.has_no_css?('.comments > ol > li')