formality_level.yml revision 9940047ec4fd0ef151dfddd4253534eafa8c900c
301N/A- request:
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301N/A response:
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301N/A code: 200
301N/A message: OK
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301N/A Server:
301N/A - nginx/1.6.2
3661N/A Date:
301N/A - Sat, 04 Apr 2015 19:37:01 GMT
301N/A Content-Type:
301N/A - application/json
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301N/A - Thu, 26 Mar 2015 10:31:21 GMT
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301N/A {
301N/A "id": "",
301N/A "$schema": "",
301N/A "title": "Formality Level",
301N/A "description": "A formality level",
301N/A "type": "object",
301N/A "properties": {
301N/A "iri": {
301N/A "description": "The unique identifier for a formality level",
301N/A "type": "string",
301N/A "format": "uri"
301N/A },
301N/A "name": {
814N/A "description": "The name of the formality level",
814N/A "type": "string"
814N/A },
301N/A "description": {
301N/A "description": "A description of the formality level",
301N/A "type": ["string", "null"]
301N/A }
301N/A }
301N/A }
301N/A http_version:
301N/A recorded_at: Sat, 04 Apr 2015 19:37:01 GMT
301N/Arecorded_with: VCR 2.9.3