proof_status_factory.rb revision 7c39fd3c96a55308b5f9a17c7a44e73934c388b8
159N/A 'description' => 'A success value has never been established.', 159N/A { 'identifier' => 'SUC', 159N/A 'description' => 'The logical data has been processed successfully.', 159N/A ['All models of Ax are models of C.', 159N/A '- F is valid, and C is a theorem of Ax.', 159N/A '- Possible dataforms are Proofs of C from Ax.'].join("\n"), 159N/A 'name' => 'NoConsequence', 159N/A ['Some interpretations are models of Ax,', 159N/A 'some models of Ax are models of C, and', 159N/A 'some models of Ax are models of ~C.', '- F is not valid, F is satisfiable, ~F is not valid,', '~F is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of Ax.', '- Possible dataforms are pairs of models,', 'one Model of Ax | C and one Model of Ax | ~C.'].join("\n"), 'Success value unknown, and no assumption has been made.', 'name' => 'CounterSatisfiable', ['Some interpretations are models of Ax, and', 'some models of Ax are models of ~C.', '- F is not valid, ~F is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of Ax.', '- Possible dataforms are Models of Ax | ~C.'].join("\n"),