proof_status_factory.rb revision 1f41235c9549cfe332cc93df708e2c7199a17c65
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :proof_status_success, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find('SUC') }
factory :proof_status_csa, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find('CSA') }
factory :proof_status_csas, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find('CSAS') }
factory :proof_status_open, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find(ProofStatus::DEFAULT_OPEN_STATUS) }
factory :proof_status_proven, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find(ProofStatus::DEFAULT_PROVEN_STATUS) }
factory :proof_status_disproven, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find(ProofStatus::DEFAULT_DISPROVEN_STATUS) }
factory :proof_status_unknown, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find(ProofStatus::DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_STATUS) }
factory :proof_status_contr, class: ProofStatus do
initialize_with { ProofStatus.find(ProofStatus::CONTRADICTORY) }
factory :proof_statuses, class: Array do
statuses = [
{ 'identifier' => ProofStatus::DEFAULT_OPEN_STATUS,
'name' => 'Open',
'label' => 'primary',
'description' => 'A success value has never been established.',
'solved' => false},
{ 'identifier' => 'SUC',
'name' => 'Success',
'label' => 'primary',
'description' => 'The logical data has been processed successfully.',
'solved' => true},
{ 'identifier' => ProofStatus::DEFAULT_PROVEN_STATUS,
'name' => 'Theorem',
'label' => 'success',
'description' =>
['All models of Ax are models of C.',
'- F is valid, and C is a theorem of Ax.',
'- Possible dataforms are Proofs of C from Ax.'].join("\n"),
'solved' => true},
{ 'identifier' => ProofStatus::DEFAULT_DISPROVEN_STATUS,
'name' => 'NoConsequence',
'label' => 'danger',
'description' =>
['Some interpretations are models of Ax,',
'some models of Ax are models of C, and',
'some models of Ax are models of ~C.',
'- F is not valid, F is satisfiable, ~F is not valid,',
'~F is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of Ax.',
'- Possible dataforms are pairs of models,',
'one Model of Ax | C and one Model of Ax | ~C.'].join("\n"),
'solved' => true},
{ 'identifier' => ProofStatus::DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_STATUS,
'name' => 'Unknown',
'label' => 'primary',
'description' =>
'Success value unknown, and no assumption has been made.',
'solved' => false},
{ 'identifier' => ProofStatus::CONTRADICTORY,
'name' => 'Contradictory',
'label' => 'primary',
'description' =>
['Contradictory ProofStatuses',
'At least one ProofAttempt resulted in "proven" result',
'while at least another ProofAttempt resulted in "disproven".',
'This indicates an error in the system.'].join("\n"),
'solved' => true},
{ 'identifier' => 'CSA',
'name' => 'CounterSatisfiable',
'label' => 'danger',
'description' =>
['Some interpretations are models of Ax, and',
'some models of Ax are models of ~C.',
'- F is not valid, ~F is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of Ax.',
'- Possible dataforms are Models of Ax | ~C.'].join("\n"),
'solved' => true},
{ 'identifier' => 'CSAS',
'name' => 'CounterSatisfiableWithSubset',
'label' => 'danger',
'description' =>
['Countersatifiability shown with a subset of the axioms - Countersatisfiability of the goal has not been proven yet.',
'Let SAx be the selected subset of Ax, SF = SAx + {C}.',
'Some interpretations are models of the selected subset of SAx, and',
'some models of SAx are models of ~C.',
'- SF is not valid, ~SF is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of SAx.',
'- Possible dataforms are Models of SAx | ~C'].join("\n"),
'solved' => true}]
initialize_with do do |status|
ProofStatus.where(identifier: status['identifier']).any? ||