User.feature revision f234ff491d735cd26625c054934d2f3d81b3800c
Feature: User Feature
This feature is for the integration tests of the user model,
including registration and login.
Scenario: User Registration
I want to create an Account at Ontohub.
Given I visit the landing page.
When I fill in the registration form.
And click on the singup button.
Then I should be on the after signup page
And a new User with the given values is registered.
But he is not confirmed.
Scenario: User Login
I'm a registered user of Ontohub
and want to log in.
Given I am a registered and confirmed user.
And I visit the landing page.
When I fill in the login form.
And click on the sign in button.
Then I should be logged in.
Scenario: Generating API-Key
I want to generate a personal API-Key
Given that I am really logged in
And I visit the Account page
And there is no existing API-Key
When I click on the generate button
Then I should see an API-Key
Scenario: Regenerating API-Key
I want to generate a new personal API-Key
Given that I am really logged in
And I have an API-Key
When I visit the Account page
Then I should see the existing API-Key
When I click on the generate button
Then I should see the new API-Key