OntologyVersions.feature revision 13aeda174b4d9b5850ccc2c04d02e0def35ca634
Feature: OntologyVersions
Scenario: When displaying the versions of a Single in Distributed
Ontology i should actually see its versions.
Given there is a distributed ontology
When i visit the versions tab of a child ontology
Then i should see the corresponding versions
Scenario: Displaying view buttons on ontology versions without repository permission
Given there is an ontology
When I visit the versions tab of the ontology
Then I should see a "View" button for each version
And I shouldn't see a "Edit" button for each version
Scenario: Displaying an edit button on the latest ontology if it is failed with repository permission
Given I have an account
And I am logged in
And there is an ontology with a "failed" version
And I have permissions to edit the ontology
When I visit the versions tab of the ontology
And I should see a "Edit" button for the latest version
And I should see a "View" button for every other version
And I click the edit button
Then I should see edit page of the ontology
Scenario: Don't display an edit button if the failed version is not the latest one
Given I have an account
And I am logged in
And there is an ontology with a "failed" version
And there is a newer "done" version
And I have permissions to edit the ontology
When I visit the versions tab of the ontology
Then I should see a "View" button for each version
And I shouldn't see a "Edit" button for each version