LocId.feature revision 554f2eb7286d90aa6fd39e2e2806ea01f9e9ffc5
Feature: Resolving LocId IRIs
Scenario: Loading a SingleOntology
Given there is a single ontology
When I visit the ontology via the loc/id
Then I should get a response with a status of 200
And I should have an API-command matching 'symbols'
Scenario: Loading a DistributedOntology
Given there is a distributed ontology
When I visit the ontology via the loc/id
Then I should get a response with a status of 200
And I should have an API-command matching 'children'
Scenario: Loading a Single-in-Distributed Ontology
Given there is a single-in-distributed ontology
When I visit the ontology via the loc/id
Then I should get a response with a status of 200
And I should have an API-command matching 'symbols'