Combination.feature revision 5836ee88700245635cd096f27bdc6279178f4583
Feature: Combination Feature
This feature represents the combination of ontologies,
while utilizing DOL.
Scenario: Failing to create a Combination (insufficient permissions)
Given that I have a valid API-Key
And I know of a repository with path: "default"
And I have 2 ontologies
When I create a combination via the API of these ontologies
Then I should get a 403 response
Scenario: Failing to create a Combination (invalid key)
Given that I have an invalid API-Key
And I have a repository with path: "default"
And I have 2 ontologies
When I create a combination via the API of these ontologies
Then I should get a 403 response
Scenario: Failing to create a Combination (without key)
Given I have a repository with path: "default"
And I have 2 ontologies
When I create a combination via the API of these ontologies
Then I should get a 403 response
Scenario: Creating a Combination
Given that I have a valid API-Key
And I have a repository with path: "default"
And I have 2 ontologies
When I create a combination via the API of these ontologies
Then I should get a 201 response
And a location-header to the combination-ontology