127N/A As a admin, I have different possibilities than a normal user.
127N/A Given I am logged in as a admin
127N/A Scenario: Edit user name
127N/A When I visit the users overview page
127N/A And I visit the users edit page
127N/A And I change the name of the user
127N/A Then I should see the users overview page and the updated user name
127N/A Scenario: Edit user email adress
127N/A When I visit the users overview page
127N/A And I visit the users edit page
127N/A And I change the email adress of the user
127N/A Then I should see the users overview page and the updated user email adress
127N/A Scenario: Edit user to admin
127N/A When I visit the users overview page
127N/A And I visit the users edit page
618N/A And I allow the user admin status
127N/A Then I should see the users overview page and the updated admin user status
618N/A Scenario: Edit user to non admin
127N/A When I visit the users overview page
127N/A And I visit the users edit page
127N/A And I delete the user admin status
127N/A Then I should see the users overview page and the updated non admin user status