revision a5d9f6235c0a21b7b3ef2aa3da3108f92e79a556
#+TITLE: Ontohub demo video script
#+DATE: 2012-03-27 Tue
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:
* Preparation
1. be sure to be logged out
2. be sure that some ontologies exist:
* FOAF (need to upload from local file, as Hets otherwise thinks it's in the unsupported logic RDF)
* [[][OpenAAL]] (need to upload from local file, as the ontology is not published in source form)
* some Common Logic ontologies from COLORE
* [[][sublogic_fullcl.clif]]
3. be sure that some ontologies do not exist:
* [[][DOL registry]]
* Main page
2. explain "latest ontologies"
3. explain "latest comments"
* Ontologies
1. go to "[[][ontologies]]"
2. point at one ontology, say: We will look into an ontology [[#ontology-view][later]].
* Entity search
1. search for "Person"
2. refine search by "kind:ObjectProperty"
* Registration
1. register
2. confirm e-mail
* Ontology upload
1. go to "ontologies"
2. "create ontology"
3. say that one can upload from a local file …
4. … but actually do upload from a URL:
* URI defaults to URL, but here one should change it
(at this point we can not yet look into the ontology!)
* use
* enter a short name and description; say that further metadata can be added as well
* Ontology view and Hets output
:CUSTOM_ID: ontology-view
1. after upload, looking at the ontology's page
2. explain Hets status: "Hets, the heterogeneous tool set, tells Ontohub about the logic of an imported ontology and about the entities and axioms it contains. This works across logics, for any logic supported by Hets."
3. explain the kinds of entities (say that they depend on the logic)
4. point at "axioms" and "entities" tabs
5. unsuccessful import
* upload DOL registry
* say that Hets's RDF support is still under development
6. entities
* say: Hets reports entities and axioms with their name, source, text, URI (later) and range
* show sublogic\_fullcl.clif
* Versioning
1. go to version tab of the same ontology
2. say: "old versions are stored (not more than this, for now); one can upload a new one"
* Administration
As an administrator, you can manage:
* users and teams (they can also manage themselves to some extent)
* logics (later: users can contribute new logics, these will be reviewed and approved)
* jobs (here: Hets; later: further local or web services)