seeds.rb revision 0e96fcb3650434da3e94d65e8a6e481253b26cd7
# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values.
# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup).
# Create Admin User
user = User.create!({
:email => "",
:name => 'admin',
:admin => true,
:password => 'foobar'
}, :as => :admin)
# Create Team
team = Team.create! \
:name => 'Lorem Ipsum',
:admin_user => user
# Create some other users
%w(Bob Alice Carol Dave Ted).each_with_index do |name, i|
user = User.create! \
:email => "#{name}",
:name => name,
:password => 'foobar'
# add two users to the first team
team.users << user if i < 2
# Import ontologies
Dir["#{Rails.root}/db/seeds/*.xml"].each do |file|
basename = File.basename(file)
o = \
uri: "file:///db/seeds/#{basename}",
name: basename.split(".")[0].capitalize,
description: Faker::Lorem.paragraph
o.import_xml_from_file file
# Create 5 ontologies
5.times do |n|
o = \
uri: "gopher://host/ontology/#{n}",
name: Faker::Lorem.words(2+rand(4)).join(" "),
description: Faker::Lorem.paragraph
o.import_xml_from_file 'test/fixtures/ontologies/valid.xml'
# Add permissions to the first ontology
ontology = Ontology.first
ontology.permissions.create! \
subject: Team.first,
role: 'owner'
ontology.permissions.create! \
subject: User.first,
role: 'editor'