20120307163615_create_links.rb revision 3e7a51349781a4cf69b876a1488db647bb62a63d
class CreateLinks < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :links do |t|
t.string iri, :default => nil
t.references :source, :null => false
t.references :target, :null => false
t.references :logic_mapping # for heterogeneous links. nil means identity = homogeneous link
t.string :kind # roughly corresponds to DGLinkType constructor and LinkKind in Hets
t.boolean :theorem, :default => false # definition or theorem link?
t.boolean :proven, :default => false # has the link been proven (makes only sense for theorem links)
t.boolean :local, :default => false # local or global link? corresponds to Scope in Hets. Local links may arise in development graph proofs
t.boolean :inclusion, :default => true # is the linka signature inclusion?
t.references :parent, :default => nil # non-nil for component signature morphisms which are coded as links here,
# see FreeOrCofreeDefLink (here the link is the inclusion of the intermediate node into the source) or HidingFreeOrCofreeThm in Hets
t.timestamps :null => false
change_table :links do |t|
t.index :source_id
t.index :target_id
t.foreign_key :ontologies, :column => :source_id
t.foreign_key :ontologies, :column => :target_id
t.foreign_key :links, :column => :parent_id