settings.yml revision 250e5c1ec05ffb6d1b933f913c3c65934b206957
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Project configuration
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Environment specific settings can be overridden in:
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# /config/settings/<environment>.yml
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Name of the installation
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reepername: "MyOntohub"
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Hostname of the installation
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Generalizing term "Ontology",ALternatives are M:Models and S:Specification
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# In case of Model,this should be used.
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de ReeperOMS_qualifier: modeling
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Optional asset host for delivery of static files (css, images, javascripts)
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Sender address for outgoing mail
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeperemail:
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Mail delivery
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper#
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeperaction_mailer:
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper # possible values for delivery_method (see ActionMailer documentation):
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper # :smtp, :sendmail, :file, :test
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper delivery_method: :sendmail
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper perform_deliveries: true
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper raise_delivery_errors: true
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper smtp_settings:
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper address: 'mail'
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper # Supply the fully qualified domain name in the settings.local.yml at:
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper domain: # nil
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper enable_starttls_auto: true
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper password: # nil
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper authentication: # nil
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# The number of days a user can access
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# the website without confirming his account.
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeperallow_unconfirmed_access_for_days: 3
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Limits for displaying file contents and diffs
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reepermax_read_filesize: 524_288
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reepermax_combined_diff_size: 1_048_576
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeper# Timeout for ontology parsing jobs in hours
31734da27b3f913bfb1da241a2e2571f33ab4629Mark de Reeperontology_parse_timeout: 6
# git repositories (names are numbers/ids)
git_repositories: data/repositories
symlinks: data/git_daemon
commits: data/commits
git_home: /home/git
verify_url: http://localhost/
description: describes general, domain-independent concepts e.g. space, time
description: "describes the most important concepts in a specific domain (also: mid-level ontology)"
description: the task characterizes how ontologies are used to refine common keywordbased search algorithms using domain knowledge in form of subsumption relations. Ontology-driven search is usually performed automatically by means of reasoning services handling particular aspects of an ontology representation language.
description: the ontology is used as a controlled vocabulary to annotate Semantic Web resources. This task includes the usage of a semantically rich ontology for representing arbitrarily complex annotation statements on these resources. The task can be performed manually or (semi-)automatically.
description: complementary to the query formulation dimension, this task applies ontologies to semantically optimize query expressions by means of the domain knowledge (constraints, subsumption relations etc.) The task can be interpreted as a particular art of filtering information. The task is performed automatically; however, it assumes the availability of patterns describing the transformations at query level.
description: the task describes at a very general level how ontologies are applied to refine the solution space of a certain problem, such as information retrieval or personalization. The task is targeted at being performed semi-automatically or automatically.
description: the task characterizes how ontologies provide an integrating environment, an inter-lingua, for information repositories or software tools. In this scenario the ontology is applied (semi-)automatically to merge between heterogeneous data pools in the same or in adjacent domains.
description: the ontology is used in information retrieval settings as a controlled vocabulary for representing user queries. Usually the task is performed automatically in that the concepts of the ontology is are listed in a query formulation front-end in order to allow users to specifies their queries.
description: the ontology is built to reduce the ambiguities between communicating human or machine agents. It can act as a normative model which formally and clearly defines the meaning of the terms employed in agent interactions. In the context of programmed agents, the task is envisioned to be performed automatically.
description: the ontology is designed to provide a controlled and unambiguous means to represent valid configuration profiles in application systems. As the aim of the ontology is to support the operationalization of particular system-related processes; this task is performed automatically in that the ontology is processed in an automatic manner by means of reasoners or APIs.
description: the ontology is used mainly for providing personalized access to information resources. Individual user preferences w.r.t. particular application settings are formally specified by means of an ontology, which, in conjunction with appropriate reasoning services, can be directly integrated to a personalization component for filtering purposes. The usage of ontologies in personalization tasks might be carried out in various forms, from a direct involvement of the user who manually specifies ontological concepts which optimally describe his preferences, to the ontological modelling of user profiles.
description: in this scenario, the goal of the ontology is to provide a clearly defined classification and browsing structure for the information items in a repository. Again, the task can be performed manually by domain experts or as part of an application in an automatic or semi-automatic way.
description: the goal of matching is to establish links between semantically similar data items in information repositories. In contrast to the previous task, matching does not include the production of a shared final schema/ontology as a result of aggregating the matched source elements to common elements. W.r.t. the automatization level the range varies from manual to fully-automatical execution.