en.yml revision c361c823f26bbaf7682313664825fa8e67059f94
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncioen:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio admin_deletion_error_message: |
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio You probably shouldn't remove this account, as deleting
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio it would leave the system with too few admins.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio The threshold level is: %{minimal_count}.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio wait: 'Please wait …'
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio relation_list:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio team_user:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio placeholder: Add users to your team
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio help: Enter at least three characters or complete e-mail addresses to start searching.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio permission:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio placeholder: Add teams or users
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio help: Enter at least three characters to search for users or teams.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio support:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio placeholder: 'Add a support'
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio help: Enter at least three characters to search for a support
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio search:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio help: "Enter all words that must be included in the symbols. You can search a special kind by adding a 'kind:<value>'"
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio support:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio placeholder:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio language: Support an new logic
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio logic: Support an new language
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio help:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio language: Enter characters to search for a logic
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio logic: Enter characters to search for a language
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio Mapping: Ontology-Mapping
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio LogicMapping: Logic-Mapping
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio repositories:
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio index:
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio clone_list_prefix: There is also a complete list of
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio clone_list_link: repository clone-urls
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio repository:
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio delete: Delete Repository
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio delete_error: "Can't delete repository: It contains %{oms} that is imported by another repository."
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio deleted: Deleted
21909d3b620d97e81dd946b959a47efe88d2b7d8Fabiano Fidêncio deleting_at: 'This repository will be deleted irreversibly '
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio undelete:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio headline: Undelete Repository
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio description:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio If you undelete this repository, it will be accessible again with the same permissions as before the deletion.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio button: Undelete Repository
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio undestroy:
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio success: Successfully undeleted the Repository.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio failure: Cannot undelete the Repository - It has already been completely removed.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio errors: Errors
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio permissions: Permissions
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio edit: Edit repository
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio urlmaps: Url Catalog
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio access:
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio change_hint: 'Caution! When setting the repository public, all reader permissions are removed.'
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio options:
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio private_r: Private readable
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio private_rw: Private readable and writable
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio public_r: Public readable
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio public_rw: Public readable and writable
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio remote_type:
e17e37cd0e2109e7f1bd4ae48edfc8cca85b3f93Fabiano Fidêncio text: A mirror will be synchronized periodically. A fork is just a one-time copy.
9a18f78f38e274f4906af6ef8e1a82d844fde4ccFabiano Fidêncio un_mirror:
label: Un-mirror
text: If you un-mirror this repository, it won't get synchronized with the remote reposoitory any more. There is no possibility to synchronize it ever again.
create: Successfully created directory "%{name}".
create_additional: "That is, the following directories have been created: %{directories}"
submit: Create subdirectory
name: Directory name
slashes: Use slashes to directly create subdirectories.
delete: Delete
delete_error: Can't delete an %{oms} that's imported by another one.
text: "Really delete the ontology %{name}?\n\nThe %{parent_text}%{children_text}defining file %{path} will be deleted as well."
parent: 'parent ontology including its children and the '
children: 'subontologies and the '
delete_header: Are you sure you want to delete the permission?
delete_desc: If you remove this %{role} permission, %{subject} won't be able to access the %{class} %{item} according to it.
delete_btn: Delete Permission
falling_short_of_owner_count: |
You can't remove this owner permission, as deleting
it would leave the %{item} with too few owners.
The threshold level is: %{minimal_count}.
discard: Discard
discard_confirmation: You made changes to the code. Are you sure you want to discard them?
discard_desc: |
If you discard the changes, the textarea on the left will be reset to the previous state.
This action is irreversible!
Currently we display only self-defined sentences.
to display only the self-defined sentences.
Currently we display all sentences, self-defined and imported
to display all related sentences (including translations/blendoids).
defined in %{link}
prove: Prove all theorems
all_proven: All theorems of this %{oms} have been proven.
starting_jobs: Proving jobs have been scheduled. Please come back in a few moments.
nothing_to_do: All theorems have been proven.
one: has
other: have
welcome: Welcome %{name}
what_happens: |
For full qualified access to Ontohub you have to confirm your e-mail address.
We have sent an mail with instructions for you.
wiki: |
You can find more information about Ontohub in the %{link}.
Moreover, context specific information is available with the "Help" button, leading to a specfic wiki page.
need_help: Need Help?
delete_repository: Are you sure about deleting the Repository?
delete_repository_desc: |
If you delete this repository, all ontologies, which are related to this repository, will be deleted too.
This action is irreversible!
cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
delete: Delete
processing_ontologies: Ontologies that are being processed
information_title: Information related to the status
information_description: |
This contains information about different aspects of the
application that might be relevant for administrative and
error-finding purposes.
no processing iri
errored_ontologies: Ontologies which encountered errors during evaluation
details: Details
ontology_count_by_state: Ontologies-count by state
iris_marked_as_processing: Count of iris that are processing
overview: Overview
other_data: Other data
download: download
responses: We have %{all} Responses, %{global} of them represent global