index.html.haml revision 0af513ab5680818fba780f05ef7cf16e0c0cb0d8
= repository_nav parent, :"Ontology urls"
The list below presents mappings from (source) prefixes of ontology IRIs
in this repository to (target) prefixes of the actual urls where the
ontologies are located. All iri-prefix url-prefix mappings of this
repository are displayed below.
- if can? :create, UrlMap
= link_to 'Add URL Map', new_repository_url_map_path(parent), class: 'btn btn-primary'
- if collection.empty?
%p There are no URL Maps defined for this repository.
- else
= pagination do
%th.source Source Target
- if can? :edit, UrlMap
%th.edit Edit
%th.delete Delete
= render collection