show.html.haml revision 4755669b9d408e3240e1f005349399973923c095
= repository_nav resource, :overview
- if resource.remote?
= render partial: 'source'
Clone URL:
%input.form-control.clone-url{type: 'text', readonly: true, value: repository_tree_url(resource, protocol: 'git', port: nil) << '.git' }
- if resource.is_private
%h2 Private
%p This repository is private. Only users and teams with explicitly set permissions have access to this repository.
%h2 Description
- if resource.description?
- else
%em No description.
%h2 Recent changes
%p No changes.
- else
- resource.recent_changes.each do |commit|
= render partial: 'files/commit', locals: { repository: resource, commit: commit }