_files_dir.html.haml revision a5a4e2f7ee10435dab96569b4514486f0eee6c09
- if @info[:entries].empty?
This folder is empty
- else
%table.table.table-condensed.table-hover.file-table{"data-repository" => @repository.path, "data-url" => @url, "data-oid" => @oid}
%th{ style: 'width:4%;' }
%th{ style: 'width:18%;' } File name
%th{ style: 'width:15%;' } Last modified
%th{ style: 'width:63%;' } Last commit
- @info[:entries].each_with_index do |entry, i|
%tr{"data-id" => i}
%td{ style: 'text-align: center' }
- if entry[:type] == :dir
- else
- if @is_head #next line should be indented
= link_to entry[:name].force_encoding('UTF-8'), repository_files_path(@repository.path, basepath(entry[:path])) #FIXME force_encoding is needed due to errors in rugged
- else
= link_to entry[:name].force_encoding('UTF-8'), repository_files_by_oid_path(@repository.path, @oid, entry[:path]) #FIXME force_encoding is needed due to errors in rugged