index_ontology.html.haml revision 0af513ab5680818fba780f05ef7cf16e0c0cb0d8
= repository_nav parent, :ontologies
- if can?(:edit, parent) and parent.ontologies.count > 0
= render 'states'
This repository contains
= pluralize @count, 'ontology'
ranked according to the number of comitted changes.
You can search for a particular ontology by filtering the list using the
ontology name, the logic name, or the name of logical symbols such as
classes, individuals, and properties.
= link_to 'Upload an ontology file', new_repository_file_path(parent, 'upload_file[path]' => params[:path]), class: 'btn btn-link'
#OntologySearch{pagination: 'paginated', role: 'filter'}