history.html.haml revision 9e3da44db694ada292d9021ae77cfa723c922e13
= repository_nav repository, :history
The versions of this repository are maintained by GIT Version Control Software.
Below you have access to the history of changes commited to this repository
as well as to any particular past version of it.
= render partial: 'repositories/breadcrumbs'
- unless @page == 1
= link_to raw(t 'views.pagination.first'), "?page=1"
= link_to raw(t 'views.pagination.previous'), "?page=#{@page-1}", :rel => 'prev'
= link_to @page, "?page=#{@page}"
= link_to raw(t 'views.pagination.next'), "?page=#{@page+1}", :rel => 'next'
- group_commits(@commits).each do |group|
= render partial: 'history_commit_group', locals: { group: group }