_show_file.html.haml revision 22f8827cd8892a298f9764ce862db6867307828d
%span.show-when-editing.label.label-info Edit mode
= form_for(repository, url: fancy_repository_path(repository, path: path, ref: oid), method: :post, html: {class: 'form-horizontal edit-form'}) do |f|
- if display_file?
= text_area_tag 'content', resource.content.force_encoding('UTF-8'), id: 'code-area', 'data-mime-type' => get_mime_string(resource.name, resource.mime_type)
- else
File too large to display.
= link_to "Download #{resource.name}.", fancy_repository_path(repository, path: path, ref: oid, action: :download)
- if can? :write, repository
You are now in editing mode and may change the text directly in the
text area on the left. To save the changes, simply add a brief
description as a commit message and click the commit button below.
If someone else is editing the same file simultaneously only one
of the changes will be saved.
.alert.alert-error.alert-warning Please enter a commit message.
= label_tag 'message', class: 'control-label' do
= text_area_tag 'message', params[:message] || '', id: 'message', required: true
= f.button 'Commit', type: 'submit', id: 'codemirror-btn-commit', class: 'btn btn-primary'
= f.button t('files.discard'), type: 'cancel', id: 'codemirror-btn-discard', class: 'btn btn-danger'
= render partial: 'modal_discard'
- unless resource.ontologies.empty?
= pluralize resource.ontologies.present.count, Settings.OMS
- resource.ontologies.present.each do |ontology|
%li= fancy_link ontology