index.html.haml revision 8ad47f4edef58b0df66752810e7fa49cb03e8736
- if parent
= repository_nav parent.repository, :ontologies, disable_actions: true
= ontology_nav parent, :categories
- if parent.categories.any?
%p This #{Settings.OMS} is assigned to the following categories:
- parent.categories.each do |category|
%li= fancy_link category
- else
This #{Settings.OMS} is assigned to no categories.
- if can? :update, parent
= link_to "Edit the #{Settings.OMS}", [:edit, *resource_chain]
to change that.
- else
%h2 Categories
%p.alert.alert-info Click on a category to list the contained #{Settings.OMS.pluralize}.
= render partial: 'categories'