git_repositories.rb revision 556d9e007120cfbfbb79070544b4928f26bfa0eb
2095N/A def save_ontology(commit_oid, filepath, user=nil, iri: nil, fast_parse: false, do_not_parse: false, previous_filepath: nil)
2557N/A clazz = Ontology.file_extensions_distributed.include?(File.extname(filepath)) ? DistributedOntology : SingleOntology
2557N/A entries.each do |name, es|
2506N/A entries = git.folder_contents(commit_oid, path).select { |e| e[:name].split('.')[0] == file }
2095N/A when entries.size == 1
2095N/A type: :file_base_ambiguous,
2095N/A # given a commit oid or a branch name, commit_id returns a hash of oid and branch name if existent
2437N/A if f.added? || f.modified?
2437N/A versions << save_ontology(commit.oid, f.path, options.delete(:user), fast_parse: has_changed?(f.path, commit.oid), do_not_parse: true)