application.css.sass revision cc8b31ab13064b81eee943494935cc807f7dc9cd
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * listed below.
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets,
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the top of the
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa * compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope.
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa *= require_self
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa *= require jquery.ui.autocomplete
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa *= require jquery.ui.progressbar
f0e0f09f12a9e9ce36023d339a7e35548df5bbc2Eugen Kuksa// Default was 768px, more necessary for our menu
@import data_type
@import symbols
@import files
@import filter
@import footer
@import formats
@import forms
@import graphs
@import header
@import highlight
@import jumbotron
@import latest
@import login
@import navbar
@import ontology
@import popover
@import relationList
@import repository
@import sentences
@import status
@import pagination