jitGraph.js.coffee revision eaac5c30daaf4f10087c6d5e11743a35b7453b8d
ht = new $jit.Hypertree(
#id of the visualization container
injectInto: "infovis"
#canvas width and height
width: 500
height: 350
#Change node and edge styles such as
#color, width and dimensions.
dim: 9
color: "#f00"
lineWidth: 2
color: "#088"
#Attach event handlers and add text to the
#labels. This method is only triggered on label
onCreateLabel: (domElement, node) ->
domElement.innerHTML = node.name
$jit.util.addEvent domElement, "click", ->
ht.onClick node.id,
onComplete: ->
#Change node styles when labels are placed
#or moved.
onPlaceLabel: (domElement, node) ->
style = domElement.style
style.display = ""
style.cursor = "pointer"
if node._depth <= 1
style.fontSize = "0.8em"
style.color = "#555"
else if node._depth is 2
style.fontSize = "0.7em"
style.color = "#999"
style.display = "none"
left = parseInt(style.left)
w = domElement.offsetWidth
style.left = (left - w / 2) + "px"
onComplete: ->
#Build the right column relations list.
#This is done by collecting the information (stored in the data property)
#for all the nodes adjacent to the centered node.
node = ht.graph.getClosestNodeToOrigin("current")
html = "<h4>" + node.name + "</h4><b>Connections:</b>"
html += "<ul>"
node.eachAdjacency (adj) ->
child = adj.nodeTo
if child.data
url = child.data.url
html += "<li>" + child.name + " " + "<div class=\"relation\">(relation: " + url + ")</div></li>"
html += "</ul>"
$jit.id("infoviscontext").innerHTML = html
$(document).ready ->
ht.loadJSON graph
#compute positions and plot.