ubuntu-cloud-prep revision d24d56d7ee3420bb79238ff84cad07c20cf4757d
## If the container being cloned has one or more lxc.hook.clone
## specified, then the specified hooks will be called for the new
## container. The arguments passed to the clone hook are:
## 1. the container name
## 2. a section ('lxc')
## 3. hook type ('clone')
## 4. .. additional arguments to lxc-clone
## Environment variables:
## LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT: path to the root filesystem
## LXC_CONFIG_FILE: path to config file
## LXC_SRC_NAME: old container name
## LXC_ROOTFS_PATH: path or device on which the root fs is located
set -f
error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
debug() { [ "$VERBOSITY" -ge "$1" ] || return; shift; error "$@"; }
fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
prep_usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: ${0##*/} [options] root-dir
root-dir is the root directory to operate on
[ -C | --cloud ]: do not configure a datasource. incompatible with
options marked '[ds]'
[ -i | --instance-id]: instance-id for cloud-init, defaults to random [ds]
[ -L | --nolocales ]: Do not copy host's locales into container
[ -S | --auth-key ]: ssh public key file for datasource [ds]
[ -u | --userdata ]: user-data file for cloud-init [ds]
write_patched_start() {
cat > "$1" <<"EOF"
## This is a wrapper around upstart's /sbin/start to ensure that
## calling 'start' on a job after writing it to /etc/init will function
## correctly despite broken/missing support for inotify in overlayfs.
real() { exec -a /sbin/start "/sbin/start.real" "$@"; }
# no args or not root
[ $# -ne 0 -a "$UID" = "0" ] || real "$@"
# find first argument that doesn't start with '-' as 'job'
for x in "$@"; do
[ "${x#-}" = "$x" ] && { job="$x"; break; }
# if job isn't there, no reason to check further
[ -n "$job" ] && [ -f "/etc/init/$job.conf" ] || real "$@"
# on Unknown, 'status' exits 1, and prints 'Unknown job' to stderr.
out=$(status "$@" 2>&1)
[ $? -eq 1 -a "${out#*nknown job}" != "$out" ] || real "$@"
initctl reload-configuration >/dev/null 2>&1
real "$@"
chmod 755 "$1"
patch_start() {
# patch /sbin/start inside root_d to deal with lack of inotify
local root_d="$1"
# already patched
[ -f "$root_d/sbin/start.real" ] &&
{ debug 1 "$root_d 'start' seems already patched"; return 1; }
debug 1 "patching /sbin/start in $root_d"
chroot "$root_d" dpkg-divert --local --rename \
--divert /sbin/start.real --add /sbin/start ||
{ error "failed to patch /sbin/start for overlayfs"; return 1; }
write_patched_start "$root_d/sbin/start"
prep() {
local short_opts="Chi:L:S:u:v"
local long_opts="auth-key:,cloud,help,hostid:,name:,nolocales:,patch-start,userdata:,verbose"
local getopt_out getopt_ret
getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \
--options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@" 2>/dev/null) ||
if [ $getopt_ret -eq 0 ]; then
eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
{ error "Unexpected error reading usage"; return 1; }
local cur="" next=""
local userdata="" hostid="" authkey="" locales=1 cloud=0 name=""
local patch_start=0
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
cur="$1"; next="$2";
case "$cur" in
-C|--cloud) cloud=1;;
-h|--help) prep_usage; return 0;;
--name) name="$next";;
-i|--hostid) hostid="$next";;
-L|--nolocales) locales=0;;
--patch-start) patch_start=1;;
[ -f "$next" ] ||
{ error "--auth-key: '$next' not a file"; return 1; }
[ -f "$next" ] ||
{ error "--userdata: '$next' not a file"; return 1; }
-v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
--) shift; break;;
[ $# -eq 1 ] || {
prep_usage 1>&2;
error "expected 1 arguments, got ($_LXC_HOOK) $#: $*";
return 1;
local root_d="$1";
if [ $getopt_ret -ne 0 -a "$_LXC_HOOK" = "clone" ]; then
# getopt above failed, but we were called from lxc clone. there might
# be multiple clone hooks and the args provided here not for us. This
# seems like not the greatest interface, so all we'll do is mention it.
error "${0##*}: usage failed, continuing with defaults"
[ "$patch_start" -eq 0 ] || patch_start "$root_d" ||
{ error "failed to patch start for overlayfs"; return 1; }
local seed_d=""
if [ $cloud -eq 1 ]; then
debug 1 "--cloud provided, not modifying seed in '$seed_d'"
if [ -z "$hostid" ]; then
hostid=$(uuidgen | cut -c -8) && [ -n "$hostid" ] ||
{ error "failed to get hostid"; return 1; }
mkdir -p "$seed_d" ||
{ error "failed to create '$seed_d'"; return 1; }
echo "instance-id: lxc-$hostid" > "$seed_d/meta-data" ||
{ error "failed to write to $seed_d/meta-data"; return 1; }
if [ -n "$authkey" ]; then
echo "public-keys:" &&
sed -e '/^$/d' -e 's,^,- ,' "$authkey"
} >> "$seed_d/meta-data"
[ $? -eq 0 ] ||
{ error "failed to write public keys to metadata"; return 1; }
local larch="usr/lib/locale/locale-archive"
if [ $locales -eq 1 ]; then
cp "/$larch" "$root_d/$larch" || {
error "failed to cp '/$larch' '$root_d/$larch'";
return 1;
if [ -z "$MIRROR" ]; then
if [ -n "$userdata" ]; then
cp "$userdata" "$seed_d/user-data"
local lc=$(locale | awk -F= '/LANG=/ {print $NF; }')
echo "#cloud-config"
echo "output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}"
echo "apt_mirror: $MIRROR"
echo "manage_etc_hosts: localhost"
[ -z "$LANG" ] || echo "locale: $LANG";
echo "password: ubuntu"
echo "chpasswd: { expire: false; }"
} > "$seed_d/user-data"
[ $? -eq 0 ] || {
error "failed to write user-data write to '$seed_d/user-data'";
return 1;
main() {
# main just joins 2 modes of being called. from user one from lxc clone
local _LXC_HOOK
if [ -n "$LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT" -a "$3" = "clone" ]; then
local name="$1" pstart=""
shift 3
# if mountpoint is overlayfs then add '--patch-start'
[ "${LXC_ROOTFS_PATH#overlayfs}" != "${LXC_ROOTFS_PATH}" ] &&
debug 1 prep "--name=$name" $pstart "$LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT" "$@"
prep "--name=$name" $pstart "$LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT" "$@"
prep "$@"
return $?
main "$@"
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