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# Parses Lao text, with syllable as token.
# The definition of Lao syllable is based from:
# Syllabification of Lao Script for Line Breaking
# Phonpasit Phissamay, Valaxay Dalolay, Chitaphone Chanhsililath, Oulaiphone Silimasak,
# Sarmad Hussain, Nadir Durrani, Science Technology and Environment Agency, CRULP
# http://www.panl10n.net/english/final%20reports/pdf%20files/Laos/LAO06.pdf
# http://www.panl10n.net/Presentations/Cambodia/Phonpassit/LineBreakingAlgo.pdf
# There are some ambiguities in Lao syllabification without additional processing, as mentioned in the paper.
# For this reason, this RBBI grammar really only works with LaoBreakIterator, as it does this additional work.
# Syllable structure, where X is the nuclear consonant:
# +----+
# | X5 |
# +----+
# | X4 |
# +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-----+
# | X0 | X1 | X | X6 | X7 | X8 | X9 | X10 |
# +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-----+
# | X2 |
# +----+
# | X3 |
# +----+
# X0 represents a vowel which occurs before the nuclear consonant.
# It can always define the beginning of syllable.
$X0 = [\u0EC0-\u0EC4];
# X1 is a combination consonant which comes before the nuclear consonant,
# but only if nuclear consonant is one of {ງ ຍ ລ ວ ຼ ມ ນ ຣ}
$X1 = [\u0EAB];
# X represents the nuclear consonant.
$X = [\u0E81-\u0EAE\u0EDC\u0EDD];
# X2 is a combination consonant which comes after the nuclear consonant,
# which is placed under or next to the nuclear consonant.
$X2 = [\u0EBC\u0EA3\u0EA7\u0EA5];
# X3 represents a vowel which occurs under the nuclear consonant.
$X3 = [\u0EB8\u0EB9];
# X4 represents a vowel which occurs above the nuclear consonant.
$X4 = [\u0EB4-\u0EB7\u0ECD\u0EBB\u0EB1];
# X5 represents a tone mark which occurs above the nuclear consonant or upper vowel.
$X5 = [\u0EC8-\u0ECB];
# X6 represents a consonant vowel, which occurs after the nuclear consonant.
# It functions when the syllable doesn’t have any vowels. And it always exists with X8.
$X6 = [\u0EA7\u0EAD\u0EBD];
# X7 represents a final vowel.
# However X7_1 always represents the end of syllable and it never exists with tone mark.
$X7 = [\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3];
# X8 represents an alternate consonant.
$X8 = [\u0E81\u0E87\u0E8D\u0E94\u0E99\u0EA1\u0E9A\u0EA7];
# X9 represents alternate consonants to pronounce foreign terms, it always exist with X10_3.
$X9 = [\u0E88\u0EAA\u0E8A\u0E9E\u0E9F\u0EA5];
# X10 represents a sign mark.
# It always occurs at the end of a syllable, but mostly people keep it separate from syllable.
$X10 = [\u0EAF\u0EC6\u0ECC];
# Section 1
$X0_1 = [\u0EC0];
$X4_1_2 = [\u0EB4\u0EB5];
$X4_3_4 = [\u0EB6\u0EB7];
$X4_6 = [\u0EBB];
$X4_7 = [\u0EB1];
$X6_2 = [\u0EAD];
$X6_3 = [\u0EBD];
$X7_1 = [\u0EB0];
$X7_2 = [\u0EB2];
$X10_1 = [\u0EAF];
$X10_2 = [\u0EC6];
$X10_3 = [\u0ECC];
$Rule1_1 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1_2 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_1_2 ($X5)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1_3 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_3_4 ($X5)? $X6_2 ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1_4 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X7_2)? $X7_1;
$Rule1_5 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_6 ($X5)? $X7_2 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1_6 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_7 ($X5)? $X8 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1_7 = $X0_1 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X4_7)? ($X5)? $X6_3 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule1 = ($Rule1_1 | $Rule1_2 | $Rule1_3 | $Rule1_4 | $Rule1_5 | $Rule1_6 | $Rule1_7);
# Section 2
$X0_2 = [\u0EC1];
$Rule2_1 = $X0_2 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? ($X6)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule2_2 = $X0_2 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X7_1;
$Rule2_3 = $X0_2 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_7 ($X5)? $X8 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule2 = ($Rule2_1 | $Rule2_2 | $Rule2_3);
# Section 3
$X0_3 = [\u0EC2];
$X8_3 = [\u0E8D];
$X8_8 = [\u0EA7];
$Rule3_1 = $X0_3 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule3_2 = $X0_3 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X7_1;
$Rule3_3 = $X0_3 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_7 ($X5)? ($X8_3 | $X8_8);
$Rule3 = ($Rule3_1 | $Rule3_2 | $Rule3_3);
# Section 4
$X0_4 = [\u0EC4];
$X6_1 = [\u0EA7];
$Rule4 = $X0_4 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? ($X6_1)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 5
$X0_5 = [\u0EC3];
$Rule5 = $X0_5 ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? ($X6_1)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 6
$Rule6 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X3 ($X5)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 7
$X4_1_4 = [\u0EB4-\u0EB7];
$Rule7 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_1_4 ($X5)? ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 8
$X4_5 = [\u0ECD];
$Rule8 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_5 ($X5)? ($X7_2)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 9
$Rule9_1 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_6 ($X5)? $X8 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$Rule9_2 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_6 ($X5)? $X6_1 $X7_1;
$Rule9 = ($Rule9_1 | $Rule9_2);
# Section 10
$Rule10 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? $X4_7 ($X5)? ($X6_1)? $X8 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 11
$Rule11 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? $X6 $X8 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 12
$Rule12 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? $X7_1;
# Section 13
$Rule13 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? $X7_2 ($X8)? ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
# Section 14
$X7_3 = [\u0EB3];
$Rule14 = ($X1)? $X ($X2)? ($X5)? $X7_3 ($X9 $X10_3)? ($X10_2)? ($X10_1)?;
$LaoSyllableEx = ($Rule1 | $Rule2 | $Rule3 | $Rule4 | $Rule5 | $Rule6 | $Rule7 | $Rule8 | $Rule9 | $Rule10 | $Rule11 | $Rule12 | $Rule13 | $Rule14);
$WordJoin = [:Line_Break=Word_Joiner:];
$LaoJoinedSyllableEx = $LaoSyllableEx ($WordJoin $LaoSyllableEx)*;
# default numerical definitions
$Extend = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}];
$Format = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
$MidNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
$MidNum = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
$Numeric = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
$ExtendNumLet = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
$MidNumLetEx = $MidNumLet ($Extend | $Format)*;
$MidNumEx = $MidNum ($Extend | $Format)*;
$NumericEx = $Numeric ($Extend | $Format)*;
$ExtendNumLetEx = $ExtendNumLet ($Extend | $Format)*;
$LaoJoinedSyllableEx {200};
# default numeric rules
$NumericEx $ExtendNumLetEx? (($MidNumEx | $MidNumLetEx)? $NumericEx $ExtendNumLetEx?)* {100};