msync.c revision 0
0N/A * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 0N/A * Use is subject to license terms. 0N/A " [-f file-to-map (default %s)]\n" 0N/A " [-l mapping-length (default %d)]\n" 0N/A " [-r] (read a byte from each page between msyncs)\n" 0N/A " [-w] (write a byte to each page between msyncs)\n" 0N/A " [-s] (use MAP_SHARED instead of MAP_PRIVATE)\n" 0N/A " [-a (specify MS_ASYNC rather than default MS_SYNC)\n" 0N/A " [-i (specify MS_INVALIDATE)\n" 0N/A "notes: measures msync()\n",