Logging Demo
This should not be taken as a demo of how to use the logging API, but
rather how to use the features of the MailHandler.
To run the demo:
1. The demo requires Java version 1.5 or newer.
We *strongly* encourage you to use the latest version of J2SE,
which you can download from
2. Set your CLASSPATH to include the "mail.jar" and "activation.jar".
For JDK 1.1 on UNIX:
export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar.
For JDK 1.2 and newer on UNIX:
export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar:.
3. Go to the demo/logging directory
4. Compile all the files using your Java compiler. For example:
javac *.java
5. Not required but, you should edit the maildemo.properties and change the
6. Run the demo. For example:
java -Dmail.debug=false -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/u/me/download/javamail/demo/maildemo.properties MailHandlerDemo
Overview of the Classes
Main Classes:
MailHandlerDemo = The main method creates log messages
for the MailHander to capture. The
initXXX methods describe some of the
common setup code for different types
of email messages.
Usage: java MailHandlerDemo [[-all] | [-body] | [-debug]
| [-low] | [-simple] | [-pushlevel]
| [-pushfilter] | [-pushnormal]| [-pushonly]]
-all : Execute all demos.
-body : An email with all records and only a body.
-custom : An email with attachments and dynamic names.
-debug : Output basic debug information about the
JVM and log configuration.
-low : Generates multiple emails due to low
-simple : An email with all records with body and an
-pushlevel : Generates high priority emails when
the push level is triggered and
normal priority when flushed.
-pushFilter : Generates high priority emails when
the push level and the push filter
is triggered and normal priority
emails when flushed.
-pushnormal : Generates multiple emails when the
MemoryHandler push level is
triggered. All generated email are
sent as normal priority.
-pushonly : Generates multiple emails when the
MemoryHandler push level is
triggered. Generates high priority
emails when the push level is
triggered and normal priority when
FileErrorManager = Used to store email messages to the
local file system when mail transport
fails. This is installed as a
fallback in case the logging config is
not specified.
SummaryFormatter = An example compact formatter with summary
for use with the body of an email message.
Support files:
maildemo.properties = A sample LogManager properties file for
the MailHandlerDemo.
maildemo.policy = A sample security policy file to use with
the MailHandlerDemo. This can be used to
enable security tracing.