CHANGES.txt revision 33
de68e21ab7c82f21db445d619b211c7aaa6f22c9henning muellerYou can find more information about each bug number by visiting the Sun
831f94d76317b81366b7b6917782740c78ffb035henning muellerBug Database and looking up each bug you're interested in.
00c175adc24043fbcd4cd5e3769c9d13e31ff831Model Renamer CHANGES IN THE 1.4.2 RELEASE
ee5342a8882c2fc7631fcffb5497e6597747887cTim Reddehase ----------------------------
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian KornbergerThe following bugs have been fixed in the 1.4.2 release.
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger6621377 unexpected result when uuencode data has any line starting with
ee5342a8882c2fc7631fcffb5497e6597747887cTim Reddehase "END" characters
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger6629213 base64 encoder sometimes omits CRLF
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger<no id> ignore socket timeout while waiting in IMAP IDLE
ee5342a8882c2fc7631fcffb5497e6597747887cTim Reddehase<no id> fix bug in MailDateFormat parsing in non-lenient mode
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger<no id> add mail.mime.multipart.allowempty system property to handle (illegal)
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger empty multiparts (see javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart)
d6f4200103ff4fdbb3d9bfb1296a27a366808b0dJulian Kornberger CHANGES IN THE 1.4.1 RELEASE
de68e21ab7c82f21db445d619b211c7aaa6f22c9henning mueller ----------------------------
4119871 MimeMessage.reply() should set the "References" header
6447799 encoded text not decoded even when mail.mime.decodetext.strict is false
6447801 MimeBodyPart.writeTo reencodes data unnecessarily
6478460 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0 in MultipartReport
6604571 Folder.hasNewMessages hangs with some IMAP servers when folder is closed
<no id> MimeUtility.decodeText should not discard trailing whitespace
<no id> MimeMultipart failed to parse stream before adding/removing body parts
<no id> add mail.mime.applefilenames to work around filename encoding bug
even if mail.smtp.auth is not set
4971381 add mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingendboundary System property
6300765 add MimePart.setText(text, charset, subtype) method
6300768 add mail.mime.encodefilename and decodefilename properties
6300771 add Service.connect(user, password)
6300811 add MimeMultipart.isComplete() method
6300814 add mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingboundaryparameter property
6300831 add MimeMessage.updateMessageID() protected method
6300833 add MimeMessage.createMimeMessage() protected method
6301381 folder.getSeparator should not require the folder to exist
6378822 Transport.isConnected() conflicts with Sendmail NOOP check
<no id> changed default for mail.smtp.quitwait to true
4239782 add IMAPFolder.getUIDNext
4288393 add IMAPMessage.setPeek to allow reading message without setting SEEN
6214426 POP3Folder.isOpen may return false even though folder is open
6214448 IMAPStore.isConnected may return true even though server is down
<no id> don't check if an IMAP folder exists before subscribing/unsubscribing
<no id> add IMAPMessage.getSender(), getInReplyTo() and getContentLanguage()
<no id> add IMAPFolder.getAttributes to retrieve LIST response attributes
<no id> add IMAPStore.hasCapability to check for IMAP server CAPABILITY strings
<no id> add IMAPMessage.invalidateHeaders for memory management
<no id> add mail.pop3.disabletop property to disable use of the TOP command
<no id> add mail.pop3.forgettopheaders property to forget headers from TOP cmd
<no id> add POP3Folder.getSizes() method to return sizes of all messages
<no id> add POP3Folder.listCommand() method to return raw results of LIST cmd
<no id> add SMTPTransport.connect(Socket) to enable ATRN support in server
4900116 NotifyResponseHandler in throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExc
4924077 folder.getDeletedMessageCount() reports number of undeleted messages
4945868 Potential infinite loop in com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.BODY
4945901 Folder.copyMessages() throws wrong exception in case of deleted messages
4996863 in the com.sun.mail.iap.Response bitfield constant "BAD" is set wrongly
(added mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingendboundary System property)
<no id> make sure server is really alive in POP3Folder.isOpen()
<no id> support RFC2554 AUTH= submitter via mail.smtp.submitter and
<no id> mail.smtp.reportsuccess causes an exception to be thrown even on
<no id> add SSL support to all protocols, see SSLNOTES.txt for details
<no id> add STARTTLS support to IMAP and SMTP protocols, see SSLNOTES.txt
4708655 IMAPNestedMessage.getContent without partialfetch
4726447 InternetHeaders.getHeader() doc. doesn't document null pointer return
4750519 using SSL, SocketFetcher.getSocket0() throws incorrect Exception
4780255 Message subject not encoded according to 'mail.mime.charset' property
4787814 accessibility 508 non-compliance: api/javax/mail/Session.html
4790700 JavaMail Store.connect() throws wrong exception when already connected
4820025 IMAPStore.getPersonalNamespaces throws a ProtocolException
4874787 InternetAddress.toUnicodeString throws NPE, personal not initialized
<no id> don't always fetch entire envelope in IMAPMessage.getSize
<no id> added mail.smtp.quitwait property to wait for response to QUIT
<no id> added mail.imap.auth.login.disable prop to disable AUTHENTICATE LOGIN
(set the *System* property "mail.mime.decodetext.strict" to "false")
4483158 null pointer exception for MessageContext.getMessage()
4672308 InternetAddress.toString () throws a NullPointerException after creation
4684040 Calling Folder.fetch twice may cause to header duplication
<no id> add POP3Message.invalidate method to invalidate cached message data
<no id> add mail.imap.allowreadonlyselect property to support shared mailboxes
<no id> add IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem.HEADER and SIZE
<no id> IMAPFolder.close(false) read-only folder doesn't need to EXAMINE first
<no id> properly escape CRLF in MimeUtility.quote
<no id> fix NPE in MessagingException.getMessage
4112065 Need API to list and set/remove ACLs on folders (IMAP-specific)
4126013 terms should be serializable
4140579 MimeUtility.encode() does not allow for filename when using UUEncode
4281729 AddressStringTerm.match bug
4330580 MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(String CID) throws exception
4340648 MimeUtility.getEncoding(DataHandler) method should be public
4372700 ParameterList.toString method should allow for returning folded results
<no id> allow SMTP multiline reponses with no text (e.g., "250-")
<no id> add mail.smtp.sendpartial property to send msg with some bad addresses
<no id> added DataContentHandler for text/xml data
<no id> mail.pop3.message.class property allows POP3Message class to be replaced
4271714 DEBUG message always printed when providers loaded from <java.home>/lib
4292793 using Message.reply(true) twice on the same IMAP message causes NPE
4293605 javax.mail.MimeMultipart boundary string contains invalid characters
<no id> add support for SMTP Authentication, see NOTES.txt
<no id> add support for SMTP Delivery Status Notification, see NOTES.txt
<no id> SMTP return address is now set in mail.smtp.from
<no id> avoid JDK 1.2 bug 4208960 in SimpleTimeZone.getOffset
<no id> convert SimpleClient to swing 1.1 package names (javax.swing.*)
<no id> folder.getURLName() should return native separator, not /, per RFC 2192
<no id> use JDK 1.2 ClassLoader.getResources() method (if available) to find all
<no id> added DataContentHandler for text/html, to simplify creation of HTML
<no id> support mail.smtp.timeout property
Folder.appendMessages(Message[] m);
<no id> Fix RFC2047 decoding bug in InternetAddress.getPersonal()
<no id> forgot to use javaCharset() in MimeUtility.decodeWord()