repr.h revision a03d7b1c021befbdfc646a947964e8a6f3c7789c
#ifndef __SP_REPR_H__
#define __SP_REPR_H__
/** \file
* C facade to Inkscape::XML::Node.
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 authors
* Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gc-anchored.h"
#include "xml/document.h"
#include "xml/sp-css-attr.h"
#include "io/inkscapestream.h"
#define SP_XLINK_NS_URI ""
#define SP_SVG_NS_URI ""
#define SP_CC_NS_URI ""
#define SP_OLD_CC_NS_URI ""
#define SP_DC_NS_URI ""
/** \todo
* Though Inkscape::XML::Node provides "signals" for notification when
* individual nodes change, there is no mechanism to receive notification
* for overall document changes.
* However, with the addition of the transactions code, it would not be
* very hard to implement if you wanted it.
* \class Inkscape::XML::Node
* \note
* Inkscape::XML::Node itself doesn't use GObject signals at present --
* Inkscape::XML::Nodes maintain lists of Inkscape::XML::NodeEventVectors
* (added via sp_repr_add_listener), which are used to specify callbacks
* when something changes.
* Here are the current callbacks in an event vector (they may be NULL):
* void (* child_added)(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, Inkscape::XML::Node *child,
* Inkscape::XML::Node *ref, void *data); Called once a child has been added.
* void (* child_removed)(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr,
* Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *ref, void *data);
* Called after a child is removed; ref is the child that used to precede
* the removed child.
* void (* attr_changed)(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, gchar const *key,
* gchar const *oldval, gchar const *newval, void *data);
* Called after an attribute has been changed.
* void (* content_changed)(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, gchar const *oldcontent,
* gchar const *newcontent, void *data);
* Called after an element's content has been changed.
* void (* order_changed)(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, Inkscape::XML::Node *child,
* Inkscape::XML::Node *oldref, Inkscape::XML::Node *newref, void *data);
* Called once the child has been moved to its new position in the child order.
* <b> Inkscape::XML::Node mini-FAQ </b>
* Since I'm not very familiar with this section of code but I need to use
* it heavily for the RDF work, I'm going to answer various questions I run
* into with my best-guess answers so others can follow along too.
* \arg
* Q: How do I find the root Inkscape::XML::Node? <br>
* A: If you have an SPDocument, use doc->rroot. For example:
* \code SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->rroot \endcode <br>
* (but it's better to arrange for your caller to pass in the relevent
* document rather than assuming it's necessarily the active one and
* \arg
* A: Use sp_repr_lookup_child
* \arg
* Q: How do I find an Inkscape::XML::Node by unique namespace name? <br>
* A: Use sp_repr_lookup_name
* \arg
* Q: How do I make an Inkscape::XML::Node namespace prefix constant in
* the application? <br>
* A: Add the XML namespace URL as a #define to repr.h at the top with the
* other SP_<NAMESPACE>_NS_URI #define's, and then in repr-util.cpp,
* in sp_xml_ns_register_defaults, bump "defaults" up in size one, and
* add another section. Don't forget to increment the array offset and
* keep ".next" pointed to the next (if any) array entry.
* \arg
* Q: How do I create a new Inkscape::XML::Node? <br>
* A: Use the appropriate create* method on Inkscape::XML::Document,
* parent->appendChild(child), and then use Inkscape::GC::release(child) to
* let go of it (the parent will hold it in memory).
* \arg
* Q: How do I destroy an Inkscape::XML::Node?
* A: Just call "sp_repr_unparent" on it and release any references
* you may be retaining to it. Any attached SPObjects will
* clean themselves up automatically, as will any children.
* \arg
* Q: What about listeners? <br>
* A: I have no idea yet...
* \arg
* Q: How do I add a namespace to a newly created document? <br>
* A: The current hack is in document.cpp:sp_document_create
* Kees Cook 2004-07-01, updated MenTaLguY 2005-01-25
/* SPXMLNs */
/* Contents */
/// Sets the node's \a key attribute to \a value.
bool is_interactive = false) {
return true;
/* Tree */
/// Returns the node's parent.
/// Returns first child of node, resets iterator.
/// Returns first child of node, resets iterator.
/// Returns next child of node or NULL.
/// Returns next child of node or NULL.
/* IO */
Inkscape::XML::Document *sp_repr_read_mem(gchar const *buffer, int length, gchar const *default_ns);
int inlineattrs, int indent);
int inlineattrs, int indent);
void sp_repr_save_stream(Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, FILE *to_file, gchar const *default_ns=NULL, bool compress = false);
bool sp_repr_save_file(Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, gchar const *filename, gchar const *default_ns=NULL);
/* CSS stuff */
SPCSSAttr *sp_repr_css_attr_new(void);
/* Utility finctions */
/// Remove \a repr from children of its parent node.
if (parent) {
/* Convenience */
/// \deprecated !
/// \deprecated !
long long int sp_repr_get_int_attribute(Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, gchar const *key, long long int def);
/* End Deprecated? */
/* Searching */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :