repr-css.cpp revision 728bc3693cb57ff9989427a212e20d1ab3fba5f2
* bulia byak <>
* Tavmjong Bah <> (Documentation)
* Functions to manipulate SPCSSAttr which is a class derived from Inkscape::XML::Node See
* sp-css-attr.h and node.h
* SPCSSAttr is a special node type where the "attributes" are the properties in an element's style
* attribute. For example, style="fill:blue;stroke:none" is stored in a List (Inkscape::Util:List)
* where the key is the property (e.g. "fill" or "stroke") and the value is the property's value
* (e.g. "blue" or "none"). An element's properties are manipulated by adding, removing, or
* changing an item in the List. Utility functions are provided to go back and forth between the
* two ways of representing properties (by a string or by a list).
* Use sp_repr_write_string to go from a property list to a style string.
* Use sp_repr_css_add_component to parse a property string and add the properties to the List.
#define SP_REPR_CSS_C
#include <cstring>
#include "xml/simple-document.h"
#include "xml/simple-node.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "libcroco/cr-sel-eng.h"
* Creates an empty SPCSSAttr (a class for manipulating CSS style properties).
if (!attr_doc) {
return new SPCSSAttrImpl(attr_doc);
* Unreferences an SPCSSAttr (will be garbage collected if no references remain).
* Creates a new SPCSSAttr with one attribute (i.e. style) copied from an existing repr (node). The
* repr attribute data is in the form of a char const * string (e.g. fill:#00ff00;stroke:none). The
* string is parsed by libcroco which returns a CRDeclaration list (a typical C linked list) of
* properties and values. This list is then used to fill the attributes of the new SPCSSAttr.
return css;
* Adds an attribute to an existing SPCSAttr with the cascaded value including all parents.
static void
// read the ancestors from root down, using head recursion, so that children override parents
if (parent) {
* Creates a new SPCSSAttr with one attribute whose value is determined by cascading.
return css;
* Adds components (style properties) to an existing SPCSAttr from a character string.
static void
* Returns a character string of the value of a given style property or a default value if the
* attribute is not found.
char const *
? defval
: attr );
* Returns true if a style property is present and its value is unset.
* Set a style property to a new value (e.g. fill to #ffff00).
* Set a style property to "inkscape:unset".
* Return the value of a style property if property define, or a default value if not.
* Write a style attribute string from a list of properties stored in an SPCSAttr object.
gchar *
// we only quote font-family/font-specification, as SPStyle does
g_free (t);
if (val_quoted) {
g_free (val_quoted);
} else {
* Sets an attribute (e.g. style) to a string created from a list of style properties.
* Merges two SPCSSAttr's. Properties in src overwrite properties in dst if present in both.
* Merges style properties as parsed by libcroco into an existing SPCSSAttr.
static void
* Merges style properties as parsed by libcroco into an existing SPCSSAttr.
* \pre decl_list != NULL
static void
// read the decls from start to end, using tail recursion, so that latter declarations override
// (Ref: point 4.)
// because sp_repr_css_merge_from_decl sets properties unconditionally
* Use libcroco to parse a string for CSS properties and then merge
* them into an existing SPCSSAttr.
if (p != NULL) {
CRDeclaration *const decl_list
if (decl_list) {
* Creates a new SPCSAttr with the values filled from a repr, merges in properties from the given
* SPCSAttr, and then replaces the that SPCSAttr with the new one.
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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