node.h revision d2e42b9425ccd4c2d4c20c2217455da177035e48
/** @file
* @brief Interface for XML nodes
/* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <>
* Krzysztof KosiƄski <> (documentation)
* Copyright 2005-2008 Authors
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See the file COPYING for details.
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include "gc-anchored.h"
#include "util/list.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace XML {
struct AttributeRecord;
struct Document;
class Event;
class NodeObserver;
struct NodeEventVector;
* @brief Enumeration containing all supported node types.
enum NodeType {
DOCUMENT_NODE, ///< Top-level document node. Do not confuse with the root node.
ELEMENT_NODE, ///< Regular element node, e.g. &lt;group /&gt;.
TEXT_NODE, ///< Text node, e.g. "Some text" in &lt;group&gt;Some text&lt;/group&gt; is represented by a text node.
COMMENT_NODE, ///< Comment node, e.g. &lt;!-- some comment --&gt;
PI_NODE ///< Processing instruction node, e.g. &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?&gt;
// careful; GC::Anchored should only appear once in the inheritance
// hierarchy; otherwise there will be leaks
* @brief Interface for refcounted XML nodes
* This class is an abstract base type for all nodes in an XML document - this includes
* everything except attributes. An XML document is also a node itself. This is the main
* class used for interfacing with Inkscape's documents. Everything that has to be stored
* in the SVG has to go through this class at some point.
* Each node unconditionally has to belong to a document. There no "documentless" nodes,
* and it's not possible to move nodes between documents - they have to be duplicated.
* Each node can only refer to the nodes in the same document. Name of the node is immutable,
* it cannot be changed after its creation. Same goes for the type of the node. To simplify
* the use of this class, you can perform all operations on all nodes, but only some of them
* make any sense. For example, only element nodes can have attributes, only element and
* document nodes can have children, and all nodes except element and document nodes can
* have content. Although you can set content for element nodes, it won't make any difference
* in the XML output.
* To create new nodes, use the methods of the Inkscape::XML::Document class. You can obtain
* the nodes' document using the document() method. To destroy a node, just unparent it
* by calling sp_repr_unparent() or node->parent->removeChild() and release any references
* to it. The garbage collector will reclaim the memory in the next pass. There are additional
* convenience functions defined in @ref xml/repr.h
* In addition to regular DOM manipulations, you can register observer objects that will
* receive notifications about changes made to the node. See the NodeObserver class.
* @see Inkscape::XML::Document
* @see Inkscape::XML::NodeObserver
class Node : public Inkscape::GC::Anchored {
Node() {}
virtual ~Node() {}
* @name Retrieve information about the node
* @{
* @brief Get the type of the node
* @return NodeType enumeration member corresponding to the type of the node.
virtual NodeType type() const=0;
* @brief Get the name of the element node
* This method only makes sense for element nodes. Names are stored as
* GQuarks to accelerate conversions.
* @return Name for element nodes, NULL for others
virtual char const *name() const=0;
* @brief Get the integer code corresponding to the node's name
* @return GQuark code corresponding to the name
virtual int code() const=0;
* @brief Get the index of this node in parent's child order
* If this method is used on a node that doesn't have a parent, the method will return 0,
* and a warning will be printed on the console.
* @return The node's index, or 0 if the node does not have a parent
virtual unsigned position() const=0;
* @brief Get the number of children of this node
* @return The number of children
virtual unsigned childCount() const=0;
* @brief Get the content of a text or comment node
* This method makes no sense for element nodes. To retrieve the element node's name,
* use the name() method.
* @return The node's content
virtual char const *content() const=0;
* @brief Get the string representation of a node's attribute
* If there is no attribute with the given name, the method will return NULL.
* All strings returned by this method are owned by the node and may not be freed.
* The returned pointer will become invalid when the attribute changes. If you need
* to store the return value, use g_strdup(). To parse the string, use methods
* in repr.h
* @param key The name of the node's attribute
virtual char const *attribute(char const *key) const=0;
* @brief Get a list of the node's attributes
* The returned list is a functional programming style list rather than a standard one.
* @return A list of AttributeRecord structures describing the attributes
* @todo This method should return std::map<Glib::Quark const, gchar const *>
* or something similar with a custom allocator
virtual Inkscape::Util::List<AttributeRecord const> attributeList() const=0;
* @brief Check whether this node has any attribute that matches a string
* This method checks whether this node has any attributes whose names
* have @c partial_name as their substrings. The check is done using
* the strstr() function of the C library. I don't know what would require that
* functionality, because matchAttributeName("id") matches both "identity" and "hidden".
* @param partial_name The string to match against all attributes
* @return true if there is such an attribute, false otherwise
virtual bool matchAttributeName(char const *partial_name) const=0;
* @name Modify the node
* @{
* @brief Set the position of this node in parent's child order
* To move the node to the end of the parent's child order, pass a negative argument.
* @param pos The new position in parent's child order
virtual void setPosition(int pos)=0;
* @brief Set the content of a text or comment node
* This method doesn't make sense for element nodes.
* @param value The node's new content
virtual void setContent(char const *value)=0;
* @brief Change an attribute of this node
* The strings passed to this method are copied, so you can free them after use.
* @param key Name of the attribute to change
* @param value The new value of the attribute
* @param is_interactive Ignored
virtual void setAttribute(char const *key, char const *value, bool is_interactive=false)=0;
void setAttribute(char const *key, Glib::ustring const &value, bool is_interactive=false)
setAttribute(key, value.empty() ? NULL : value.c_str(), is_interactive);
void setAttribute(Glib::ustring const &key, Glib::ustring const &value, bool is_interactive=false)
setAttribute( key.empty() ? NULL : key.c_str(),
value.empty() ? NULL : value.c_str(), is_interactive);
* @brief Directly set the integer GQuark code for the name of the node
* This function is a hack to easily move elements with no namespace to the SVG namespace.
* Do not use this function unless you really have a good reason.
* @param code The integer value corresponding to the string to be set as the name of this node
virtual void setCodeUnsafe(int code)=0;
* @name Traverse the XML tree
* @{
* @brief Get the node's associated document
* @return The document to which the node belongs. Never NULL.
virtual Document *document()=0;
virtual Document const *document() const=0;
* @brief Get the root node of this node's document
* This method works on any node that is part of an XML document, and returns
* the root node of the document in which it resides. For detached node hierarchies
* (i.e. nodes that are not descendants of a document node) this method
* returns the highest-level element node. For detached non-element nodes this method
* returns NULL.
* @return A pointer to the root element node, or NULL if the node is detached
virtual Node *root()=0;
virtual Node const *root() const=0;
* @brief Get the parent of this node
* This method will return NULL for detached nodes.
* @return Pointer to the parent, or NULL
virtual Node *parent()=0;
virtual Node const *parent() const=0;
* @brief Get the next sibling of this node
* This method will return NULL if the node is the last sibling element of the parent.
* The nodes form a singly-linked list, so there is no "prev()" method. Use the provided
* external function for that.
* @return Pointer to the next sibling, or NULL
* @see Inkscape::XML::previous_node()
virtual Node *next()=0;
virtual Node const *next() const=0;
* @brief Get the first child of this node
* For nodes without any children, this method returns NULL.
* @return Pointer to the first child, or NULL
virtual Node *firstChild()=0;
virtual Node const *firstChild() const=0;
* @brief Get the last child of this node
* For nodes without any children, this method returns NULL.
* @return Pointer to the last child, or NULL
virtual Node *lastChild()=0;
virtual Node const *lastChild() const=0;
* @brief Get the child of this node with a given index
* If there is no child with the specified index number, this method will return NULL.
* @param index The zero-based index of the child to retrieve
* @return Pointer to the appropriate child, or NULL
virtual Node *nthChild(unsigned index)=0;
virtual Node const *nthChild(unsigned index) const=0;
* @name Manipulate the XML tree
* @{
* @brief Create a duplicate of this node
* The newly created node has no parent, and a refcount equal 1.
* You need to manually insert it into the document, using e.g. appendChild().
* Afterwards, call Inkscape::GC::release on it, so that it will be
* automatically collected when the parent is collected.
* @param doc The document in which the duplicate should be created
* @return A pointer to the duplicated node
virtual Node *duplicate(Document *doc) const=0;
* @brief Insert another node as a child of this node
* When @c after is NULL, the inserted node will be placed as the first child
* of this node. @c after must be a child of this node.
* @param child The node to insert
* @param after The node after which the inserted node should be placed, or NULL
virtual void addChild(Node *child, Node *after)=0;
* @brief Append a node as the last child of this node
* @param child The node to append
virtual void appendChild(Node *child)=0;
* @brief Remove a child of this node
* Once the pointer to the removed node disappears from the stack, the removed node
* will be collected in the next GC pass, but only as long as its refcount is zero.
* You should keep a refcount of zero for all nodes in the document except for
* the document node itself, because they will be held in memory by the parent.
* @param child The child to remove
virtual void removeChild(Node *child)=0;
* @brief Move a given node in this node's child order
* Both @c child and @c after must be children of this node for the method to work.
* @param child The node to move in the order
* @param after The sibling node after which the moved node should be placed
virtual void changeOrder(Node *child, Node *after)=0;
* @brief Merge all children of another node with the current
* This method merges two node hierarchies, where @c src takes precedence.
* @c key is the name of the attribute that determines whether two nodes are
* corresponding (it must be the same for both, and all of their ancestors). If there is
* a corresponding node in @c src hierarchy, their attributes and content override the ones
* already present in this node's hierarchy. If there is no corresponding node,
* it is copied from @c src to this node. This method is used when merging the user's
* preferences file with the defaults, and has little use beyond that.
* @param src The node to merge into this node
* @param key The attribute to use as the identity attribute
virtual void mergeFrom(Node const *src, char const *key)=0;
* @name Notify observers about operations on the node
* @{
* @brief Add an object that will be notified of the changes to this node
* @c observer must be an object deriving from the NodeObserver class.
* The virtual methods of this object will be called when a corresponding change
* happens to this node. You can also notify the observer of the node's current state
* using synthesizeEvents(NodeObserver &).
* @param observer The observer object
virtual void addObserver(NodeObserver &observer)=0;
* @brief Remove an object from the list of observers
* @param observer The object to be removed
virtual void removeObserver(NodeObserver &observer)=0;
* @brief Generate a sequence of events corresponding to the state of this node
* This function notifies the specified observer of all the events that would
* recreate the current state of this node; e.g. the observer is notified of
* all the attributes, children and content like they were just created.
* This function can greatly simplify observer logic.
* @param observer The node observer to notify of the events
virtual void synthesizeEvents(NodeObserver &observer)=0;
* @brief Add an object that will be notified of the changes to this node and its descendants
* The difference between adding a regular observer and a subtree observer is that
* the subtree observer will also be notified if a change occurs to any of the node's
* descendants, while a regular observer will only be notified of changes to the node
* it was assigned to.
* @param observer The observer object
virtual void addSubtreeObserver(NodeObserver &observer)=0;
* @brief Remove an object from the subtree observers list
* @param observer The object to be removed
virtual void removeSubtreeObserver(NodeObserver &observer)=0;
* @brief Add a set node change callbacks with an associated data
* @deprecated Use addObserver(NodeObserver &) instead
virtual void addListener(NodeEventVector const *vector, void *data)=0;
* @brief Remove a set of node change callbacks by their associated data
* @deprecated Use removeObserver(NodeObserver &) instead
virtual void removeListenerByData(void *data)=0;
* @brief Generate a sequence of events corresponding to the state of this node
* @deprecated Use synthesizeEvents(NodeObserver &) instead
virtual void synthesizeEvents(NodeEventVector const *vector, void *data)=0;
Node(Node const &) : Anchored() {}
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