select-toolbar.cpp revision e42e6130e1aca183d24c4e696c9fae555c49beaa
* Selector aux toolbar
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* bulia byak <>
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include "config.h"
#include "widgets/spw-utilities.h"
#include "widgets/widget-sizes.h"
#include "widgets/spinbutton-events.h"
#include "widgets/sp-widget.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "selection-chemistry.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop-style.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "toolbox.h"
#include "helper/unit-menu.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "verbs.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "selection-chemistry.h"
#include "sp-item-transform.h"
#include "message-stack.h"
static void
using NR::X;
using NR::Y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(keys); ++i) {
} else {
{ "width", dimensions[X] },
{ "height", dimensions[Y] }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(keyval); ++i) {
} else {
} else {
static void
sp_selection_layout_widget_modify_selection(SPWidget *spw, Inkscape::Selection *selection, guint flags, gpointer data)
static void
sp_selection_layout_widget_change_selection(SPWidget *spw, Inkscape::Selection *selection, gpointer data)
static void
* When only units are being changed, don't treat changes
* to adjuster values as object changes.
if (!((bbox.max()[NR::X] - bbox.min()[NR::X] > 1e-6) || (bbox.max()[NR::Y] - bbox.min()[NR::Y] > 1e-6))) {
GtkAdjustment *a;
} else {
GtkAdjustment *a;
// Keep proportions if lock is on
if (SP_BUTTON_IS_DOWN(lock)) {
// scales and moves, in px
// unless the unit is %, convert the scales and moves to the unit
// digit in the spinbox (currently spinboxes have 3 fractional digits, so that makes 0.0005). If
// the value was changed by the user, the difference will be at least that much; otherwise it's
// just rounding difference between the spinbox value and actual value, so no action is
// performed
NR::Matrix scaler = get_scale_transform_with_stroke (bbox, strokewidth, transform_stroke, x0, y0, x1, y1);
// defocus spinbuttons by moving focus to the canvas, unless "stay" is on
sp_select_toolbox_spinbutton(gchar *label, gchar *data, float lower_limit, GtkWidget *us, GtkWidget *spw, gchar *tooltip, gboolean altx)
GtkObject *a = gtk_adjustment_new(0.0, lower_limit, 1e6, SPIN_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP, SPIN_PAGE_STEP);
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(a), "value_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(sp_object_layout_any_value_changed), spw);
if (altx) { // this spinbutton will be activated by alt-x
return hb;
if (!desktop) {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
/* Absolute to percentage */
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ax, fabs(bbox.min()[NR::X]) > 1e-6? 100.0 * x / bbox.min()[NR::X] : 100.0);
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ay, fabs(bbox.min()[NR::Y]) > 1e-6? 100.0 * y / bbox.min()[NR::Y] : 100.0);
gtk_adjustment_set_value(aw, fabs(bbox.extent(NR::X)) > 1e-6? 100.0 * w / bbox.extent(NR::X) : 100.0);
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ah, fabs(bbox.extent(NR::Y)) > 1e-6? 100.0 * h / bbox.extent(NR::Y) : 100.0);
return TRUE;
/* Percentage to absolute */
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ax, sp_pixels_get_units(0.01 * ax->value * bbox.min()[NR::X], *new_units));
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ay, sp_pixels_get_units(0.01 * ay->value * bbox.min()[NR::Y], *new_units));
gtk_adjustment_set_value(aw, sp_pixels_get_units(0.01 * aw->value * bbox.extent(NR::X), *new_units));
gtk_adjustment_set_value(ah, sp_pixels_get_units(0.01 * ah->value * bbox.extent(NR::Y), *new_units));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// toggle button callbacks and updaters
prefs_set_int_attribute ("options.transform", "stroke", gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)) ? 1 : 0);
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>stroke width</b> is <b>scaled</b> when objects are scaled."));
} else {
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>stroke width</b> is <b>not scaled</b> when objects are scaled."));
prefs_set_int_attribute ("options.transform", "rectcorners", gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)) ? 1 : 0);
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>rounded rectangle corners</b> are <b>scaled</b> when rectangles are scaled."));
} else {
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>rounded rectangle corners</b> are <b>not scaled</b> when rectangles are scaled."));
prefs_set_int_attribute ("options.transform", "gradient", gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)) ? 1 : 0);
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>gradients</b> are <b>transformed</b> along with their objects when those are transformed (moved, scaled, rotated, or skewed)."));
} else {
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>gradients</b> remain <b>fixed</b> when objects are transformed (moved, scaled, rotated, or skewed)."));
prefs_set_int_attribute ("options.transform", "pattern", gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)) ? 1 : 0);
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>patterns</b> are <b>transformed</b> along with their objects when those are transformed (moved, scaled, rotated, or skewed)."));
} else {
desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::INFORMATION_MESSAGE, _("Now <b>patterns</b> remain <b>fixed</b> when objects are transformed (moved, scaled, rotated, or skewed)."));
} else {
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_ROTATE_90_CCW), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_ROTATE_90_CW), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_FLIP_HORIZONTAL), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_OBJECT_FLIP_VERTICAL), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_TO_BACK), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_LOWER), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_RAISE), view, tt);
sp_toolbox_button_normal_new_from_verb(tb, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, Inkscape::Verb::get(SP_VERB_SELECTION_TO_FRONT), view, tt);
// Create the parent widget for x y w h tracker.
// Remember the desktop's canvas widget, to be used for defocusing.
// The vb frame holds all other widgets and is used to set sensitivity depending on selection state.
// Create the units menu.
// four spinbuttons
//TRANSLATORS: only translate "string" in "context|string".
// For more details, see
sp_select_toolbox_spinbutton(_("select_toolbar|X"), "X", -1e6, us, spw, _("Horizontal coordinate of selection"), TRUE));
//TRANSLATORS: only translate "string" in "context|string".
// For more details, see
sp_select_toolbox_spinbutton(_("select_toolbar|Y"), "Y", -1e6, us, spw, _("Vertical coordinate of selection"), FALSE));
//TRANSLATORS: only translate "string" in "context|string".
// For more details, see
sp_select_toolbox_spinbutton(_("select_toolbar|W"), "width", 1e-3, us, spw, _("Width of selection"), FALSE));
// lock toggle
_("When locked, change both width and height by the same proportion"),
//TRANSLATORS: only translate "string" in "context|string".
// For more details, see
sp_select_toolbox_spinbutton(_("select_toolbar|H"), "height", 1e-3, us, spw, _("Height of selection"), FALSE));
// Add the units menu.
// Set font size.
// Force update when selection changes.
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(spw), "modify_selection", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(sp_selection_layout_widget_modify_selection), desktop);
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(spw), "change_selection", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(sp_selection_layout_widget_change_selection), desktop);
// Update now.
sp_selection_layout_widget_update(SP_WIDGET(spw), SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP ? SP_DT_SELECTION(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP) : NULL);
// Insert spw into the toolbar.
// "Transform with object" buttons
_("When scaling objects, scale the stroke width by the same proportion"),
gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "stroke", 1));
_("When scaling rectangles, scale the radii of rounded corners"),
gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "rectcorners", 1));
_("Transform gradients (in fill or stroke) along with the objects"),
gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "gradient", 1));
_("Transform patterns (in fill or stroke) along with the objects"),
gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "pattern", 1));
return tb;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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