vanishing-point.h revision 9a868a59ec493f756a456bfd2c6706a347bc5682
* Vanishing point for 3D perspectives
* Authors:
* Maximilian Albert <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "libnr/nr-point.h"
#include "line-geometry.h"
enum VPState {
VP_FINITE = 0, // perspective lines meet in the VP
VP_INFINITE // perspective lines are parallel
// in binary representation, respectively.
enum Axis {
X = 1,
Y = 2,
Z = 4,
NONE = 0
/** Given two axis directions out of {X, Y, Z}, returns the remaining one */
// FIXME: Store the Axis of the VP inside the class
inline VanishingPoint(NR::Point const &pt, NR::Point const &ref = NR::Point(0,0))
: NR::Point (pt),
ref_pt (ref),
v_dir (pt[NR::X] - ref[NR::X], pt[NR::Y] - ref[NR::Y]) {}
inline VanishingPoint(NR::Coord x, NR::Coord y, NR::Point const &ref = NR::Point(0,0))
: NR::Point (x, y),
ref_pt (ref),
v_dir (x - ref[NR::X], y - ref[NR::Y]) {}
bool is_finite();
//inline VPState state() { return state; }
//NR::Point ref_pt; // point of reference to compute the direction of parallel lines
} // namespace Box3D
/** A function to print out the VanishingPoint (prints the coordinates) **/
inline std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out_file, const VanishingPoint &vp) {
out_file << vp;
return out_file;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0))
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