vanishing-point.cpp revision bedbeec8a0241f2d83052b4c9e3f40510b1edb73
* Vanishing point for 3D perspectives
* Authors:
* bulia byak <>
* Johan Engelen <>
* Maximilian Albert <>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "vanishing-point.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "box3d.h"
#include "knotholder.h" // FIXME: can we avoid direct access to knotholder_update_knots?
namespace Box3D {
#define VP_KNOT_COLOR_NORMAL 0xffffff00
#define VP_KNOT_COLOR_SELECTED 0x0000ff00
#define VP_LINE_COLOR_FILL 0x0000ff7f
#define VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_X 0xff00007f
#define VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_Y 0x0000ff7f
#define VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_Z 0xffff007f
// screen pixels between knots when they snap:
#define SNAP_DIST 5
// absolute distance between gradient points for them to become a single dragger when the drag is created:
#define MERGE_DIST 0.1
// knot shapes corresponding to GrPointType enum
SPKnotShapeType vp_knot_shapes [] = {
// FIXME: We should always require to have both the point (for finite VPs)
// and the direction (for infinite VPs) set. Otherwise toggling
// shows very unexpected behaviour.
// Later on we can maybe infer the infinite direction from the finite point
// and a suitable center of the scene. How to go in the other direction?
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Point const &pt, NR::Point const &inf_dir, VPState st)
: NR::Point (pt), state (st), v_dir (inf_dir) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Point const &pt)
: NR::Point (pt), state (VP_FINITE), v_dir (0.0, 0.0) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Point const &pt, NR::Point const &direction)
: NR::Point (pt), state (VP_INFINITE), v_dir (direction) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Coord x, NR::Coord y)
: NR::Point(x, y), state(VP_FINITE), v_dir(0.0, 0.0) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Coord dir_x, NR::Coord dir_y, VPState st)
: NR::Point(0.0, 0.0), state(st), v_dir(dir_x, dir_y) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(NR::Coord x, NR::Coord y, NR::Coord dir_x, NR::Coord dir_y)
: NR::Point(x, y), state(VP_INFINITE), v_dir(dir_x, dir_y) {}
VanishingPoint::VanishingPoint(VanishingPoint const &rhs) : NR::Point (rhs)
this->state = rhs.state;
//this->ref_pt = rhs.ref_pt;
this->v_dir = rhs.v_dir;
VanishingPoint::~VanishingPoint () {}
bool VanishingPoint::operator== (VanishingPoint const &other)
// Should we compare the parent perspectives, too? Probably not.
if ((*this)[NR::X] == other[NR::X] && (*this)[NR::Y] == other[NR::Y]
&& this->state == other.state && this->v_dir == other.v_dir) {
return true;
return false;
bool VanishingPoint::is_finite() const
return this->state == VP_FINITE;
VPState VanishingPoint::toggle_parallel()
if (this->state == VP_FINITE) {
this->state = VP_INFINITE;
} else {
this->state = VP_FINITE;
return this->state;
void VanishingPoint::draw(Box3D::Axis const axis)
switch (axis) {
case X:
if (state == VP_FINITE)
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0xff000000);
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0xffffff00);
case Y:
if (state == VP_FINITE)
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0x0000ff00);
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0xffffff00);
case Z:
if (state == VP_FINITE)
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0x00770000);
create_canvas_point(*this, 6.0, 0xffffff00);
static void
vp_drag_sel_changed(Inkscape::Selection *selection, gpointer data)
VPDrag *drag = (VPDrag *) data;
drag->updateDraggers ();
drag->updateLines ();
static void
vp_drag_sel_modified (Inkscape::Selection *selection, guint flags, gpointer data)
VPDrag *drag = (VPDrag *) data;
if (drag->local_change) {
drag->local_change = false;
} else {
drag->updateDraggers ();
drag->updateLines ();
// auxiliary function
static GSList *
eliminate_remaining_boxes_of_persp_starting_from_list_position (GSList *boxes_to_do, const SP3DBox *start_box, const Perspective3D *persp)
GSList *i = g_slist_find (boxes_to_do, start_box);
g_return_val_if_fail (i != NULL, boxes_to_do);
SP3DBox *box;
GSList *successor;
i = i->next;
while (i != NULL) {
successor = i->next;
box = SP_3DBOX (i->data);
if (persp->has_box (box)) {
boxes_to_do = g_slist_remove (boxes_to_do, box);
i = successor;
return boxes_to_do;
static bool
have_VPs_of_same_perspective (VPDragger *dr1, VPDragger *dr2)
Perspective3D *persp;
for (GSList *i = dr1->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
persp = dr1->parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data);
if (dr2->hasPerspective (persp)) {
return true;
return false;
static void
vp_knot_moved_handler (SPKnot *knot, NR::Point const *ppointer, guint state, gpointer data)
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) data;
VPDrag *drag = dragger->parent;
NR::Point p = *ppointer;
// FIXME: take from prefs
double snap_dist = SNAP_DIST / inkscape_active_desktop()->current_zoom();
if (!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) {
// without Shift; see if we need to snap to another dragger
for (GList *di = dragger->parent->draggers; di != NULL; di = di->next) {
VPDragger *d_new = (VPDragger *) di->data;
if ((d_new != dragger) && (NR::L2 (d_new->point - p) < snap_dist)) {
if (have_VPs_of_same_perspective (dragger, d_new)) {
// this would result in degenerate boxes, which we disallow for the time being
// update positions ...
for (GSList *j = dragger->vps; j != NULL; j = j->next) {
((VanishingPoint *) j->data)->set_pos (d_new->point);
// ... join lists of VPs ...
// FIXME: Do we have to copy the second list (i.e, is it invalidated when dragger is deleted below)?
d_new->vps = g_slist_concat (d_new->vps, g_slist_copy (dragger->vps));
// ... delete old dragger ...
drag->draggers = g_list_remove (drag->draggers, dragger);
delete dragger;
dragger = NULL;
// ... and merge any duplicate perspectives
// TODO: Update the new merged dragger
//d_new->updateKnotShape ();
d_new->updateTip ();
d_new->reshapeBoxes (d_new->point, Box3D::XYZ);
d_new->updateBoxReprs ();
d_new->updateZOrders ();
drag->updateLines ();
// TODO: Undo machinery; this doesn't work yet because perspectives must be created and
// deleted according to changes in the svg representation, not based on any user input
// as is currently the case.
//sp_document_done (sp_desktop_document (drag->desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_3DBOX,
// _("Merge vanishing points"));
dragger->point = p;
dragger->reshapeBoxes (p, Box3D::XYZ);
dragger->updateBoxReprs ();
dragger->updateZOrders ();
drag->updateLines ();
//drag->local_change = false;
static void
vp_knot_clicked_handler(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) data;
vp_knot_grabbed_handler (SPKnot *knot, unsigned int state, gpointer data)
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) data;
VPDrag *drag = dragger->parent;
drag->dragging = true;
//sp_canvas_force_full_redraw_after_interruptions(dragger->parent->desktop->canvas, 5);
if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) && !drag->hasEmptySelection()) { // FIXME: Is the second check necessary?
if (drag->allBoxesAreSelected (dragger)) {
// if all of the boxes linked to dragger are selected, we don't need to split it
// we are Shift-dragging; unsnap if we carry more than one VP
// FIXME: Should we distinguish between the following cases:
// 1) there are several VPs in a dragger
// 2) there is only a single VP but several boxes linked to it
// ?
// Or should we simply unlink all selected boxes? Currently we do the latter.
if (dragger->numberOfBoxes() > 1) {
// create a new dragger
VPDragger *dr_new = new VPDragger (drag, dragger->point, NULL);
drag->draggers = g_list_prepend (drag->draggers, dr_new);
// move all the VPs from dragger to dr_new
dr_new->vps = dragger->vps;
dragger->vps = NULL;
/* now we move all selected boxes back to the current dragger (splitting perspectives
if they also have unselected boxes) so that they are further reshaped during dragging */
GSList *boxes_to_do = drag->selectedBoxesWithVPinDragger (dr_new);
for (GSList *i = boxes_to_do; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX (i->data);
Perspective3D *persp = drag->document->get_persp_of_box (box);
VanishingPoint *vp = dr_new->getVPofPerspective (persp);
if (vp == NULL) {
g_warning ("VP is NULL. We should be okay, though.\n");
if (persp->all_boxes_occur_in_list (boxes_to_do)) {
// if all boxes of persp are selected, we can simply move the VP from dr_new back to dragger
dr_new->removeVP (vp);
dragger->addVP (vp);
// some cleaning up for efficiency
boxes_to_do = eliminate_remaining_boxes_of_persp_starting_from_list_position (boxes_to_do, box, persp);
} else {
/* otherwise the unselected boxes need to stay linked to dr_new; thus we
create a new perspective and link the VPs to the correct draggers */
Perspective3D *persp_new = new Perspective3D (*persp);
drag->document->add_perspective (persp_new);
Axis vp_axis = persp->get_axis_of_VP (vp);
dragger->addVP (persp_new->get_vanishing_point (vp_axis));
std::pair<Axis, Axis> rem_axes = get_remaining_axes (vp_axis);
drag->addDragger (persp->get_vanishing_point (rem_axes.first));
drag->addDragger (persp->get_vanishing_point (rem_axes.second));
// now we move the selected boxes from persp to persp_new
GSList * selected_boxes_of_perspective = persp->boxes_occurring_in_list (boxes_to_do);
for (GSList *j = selected_boxes_of_perspective; j != NULL; j = j->next) {
persp->remove_box (SP_3DBOX (j->data));
persp_new->add_box (SP_3DBOX (j->data));
// cleaning up
boxes_to_do = eliminate_remaining_boxes_of_persp_starting_from_list_position (boxes_to_do, box, persp);
// TODO: Something is still wrong with updating the boxes' representations after snapping
//dr_new->updateBoxReprs ();
static void
vp_knot_ungrabbed_handler (SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) data;
dragger->point_original = dragger->point = knot->pos;
VanishingPoint *vp;
for (GSList *i = dragger->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
vp = (VanishingPoint *) i->data;
vp->set_pos (knot->pos);
dragger->parent->updateDraggers ();
dragger->updateBoxReprs ();
// TODO: Update box's paths and svg representation
dragger->parent->dragging = false;
// TODO: Undo machinery!!
g_return_if_fail (dragger->parent);
g_return_if_fail (dragger->parent->document);
sp_document_done(dragger->parent->document, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_3DBOX,
_("3D box: Move vanishing point"));
VPDragger::VPDragger(VPDrag *parent, NR::Point p, VanishingPoint *vp)
this->vps = NULL;
this->parent = parent;
this->point = p;
this->point_original = p;
if (vp->is_finite()) {
// create the knot
this->knot = sp_knot_new (inkscape_active_desktop(), NULL);
this->knot->setStroke(0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff);
// move knot to the given point
sp_knot_set_position (this->knot, &this->point, SP_KNOT_STATE_NORMAL);
sp_knot_show (this->knot);
// connect knot's signals
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (this->knot), "moved", G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_moved_handler), this);
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (this->knot), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_clicked_handler), this);
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (this->knot), "grabbed", G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_grabbed_handler), this);
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (this->knot), "ungrabbed", G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_ungrabbed_handler), this);
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (this->knot), "doubleclicked", G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_doubleclicked_handler), this);
// add the initial VP (which may be NULL!)
this->addVP (vp);
// unselect if it was selected
// disconnect signals
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(this->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_moved_handler), this);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(this->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_clicked_handler), this);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(this->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_grabbed_handler), this);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(this->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_ungrabbed_handler), this);
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(this->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (vp_knot_doubleclicked_handler), this);
/* unref should call destroy */
g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (this->knot));
g_slist_free (this->vps);
this->vps = NULL;
Updates the statusbar tip of the dragger knot, based on its draggables
VPDragger::updateTip ()
if (this->knot && this->knot->tip) {
g_free (this->knot->tip);
this->knot->tip = NULL;
guint num = this->numberOfBoxes();
if (g_slist_length (this->vps) == 1) {
VanishingPoint *vp = (VanishingPoint *) this->vps->data;
switch (vp->state) {
this->knot->tip = g_strdup_printf (ngettext("<b>Finite</b> vanishing point shared by <b>%d</b> box",
"<b>Finite</b> vanishing point shared by <b>%d</b> boxes; drag with <b>Shift</b> to separate selected box(es)",
// This won't make sense any more when infinite VPs are not shown on the canvas,
// but currently we update the status message anyway
this->knot->tip = g_strdup_printf (ngettext("<b>Infinite</b> vanishing point shared by <b>%d</b> box",
"<b>Infinite</b> vanishing point shared by <b>%d</b> boxes; drag with <b>Shift</b> to separate selected box(es)",
} else {
int length = g_slist_length (this->vps);
char *desc1 = g_strdup_printf ("Collection of <b>%d</b> vanishing points ", length);
char *desc2 = g_strdup_printf (ngettext("shared by <b>%d</b> box; drag with <b>Shift</b> to separate selected box(es)",
"shared by <b>%d</b> boxes; drag with <b>Shift</b> to separate selected box(es)",
this->knot->tip = g_strconcat(desc1, desc2, NULL);
g_free (desc1);
g_free (desc2);
* Adds a vanishing point to the dragger (also updates the position)
VPDragger::addVP (VanishingPoint *vp)
if (vp == NULL) {
if (!vp->is_finite() || g_slist_find (this->vps, vp)) {
// don't add infinite VPs, and don't add the same VP twice
vp->set_pos (this->point);
this->vps = g_slist_prepend (this->vps, vp);
VPDragger::removeVP (VanishingPoint *vp)
if (vp == NULL) {
g_print ("NULL vanishing point will not be removed.\n");
g_assert (this->vps != NULL);
this->vps = g_slist_remove (this->vps, vp);
// returns the VP contained in the dragger that belongs to persp
VanishingPoint *
VPDragger::getVPofPerspective (Perspective3D *persp)
for (GSList *i = vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
if (persp->has_vanishing_point ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)) {
return ((VanishingPoint *) i->data);
return NULL;
VPDragger::hasBox(const SP3DBox *box)
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
if (parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)->has_box (box)) return true;
return false;
VPDragger::numberOfBoxes ()
guint num = 0;
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
num += parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)->number_of_boxes ();
return num;
VPDragger::hasPerspective (const Perspective3D *persp)
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
if (*persp == *parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)) {
return true;
return false;
VPDragger::mergePerspectives ()
Perspective3D *persp1, *persp2;
GSList * successor = NULL;
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
persp1 = parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data);
for (GSList *j = i->next; j != NULL; j = successor) {
// if the perspective is deleted, the VP is invalidated, too, so we must store its successor beforehand
successor = j->next;
persp2 = parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) j->data);
if (*persp1 == *persp2) {
persp1->absorb (persp2); // persp2 is deleted; hopefully this doesn't screw up the list of vanishing points and thus the loops
VPDragger::reshapeBoxes (NR::Point const &p, Box3D::Axis axes)
Perspective3D *persp;
for (GSList const* i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
VanishingPoint *vp = (VanishingPoint *) i->data;
// TODO: We can extract the VP directly from the box's perspective. Is that vanishing point identical to 'vp'?
// Or is there duplicated information? If so, remove it and simplify the whole construction!
persp = parent->document->get_persp_of_VP (vp);
Box3D::Axis axis = persp->get_axis_of_VP (vp);
parent->document->get_persp_of_VP (vp)->reshape_boxes (axis); // FIXME: we should only update the direction of the VP
VPDragger::updateBoxReprs ()
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)->update_box_reprs ();
VPDragger::updateZOrders ()
for (GSList *i = this->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
parent->document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)->update_z_orders ();
VPDrag::VPDrag (SPDocument *document)
this->document = document;
this->selection = sp_desktop_selection(inkscape_active_desktop());
this->draggers = NULL;
this->lines = NULL;
this->show_lines = true;
this->front_or_rear_lines = 0x1;
//this->selected = NULL;
this->local_change = false;
this->dragging = false;
this->sel_changed_connection = this->selection->connectChanged(
sigc::bind (
(gpointer)this )
this->sel_modified_connection = this->selection->connectModified(
(gpointer)this )
this->updateDraggers ();
this->updateLines ();
for (GList *l = this->draggers; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
delete ((VPDragger *) l->data);
g_list_free (this->draggers);
this->draggers = NULL;
for (GSList const *i = this->lines; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
gtk_object_destroy( GTK_OBJECT (i->data));
g_slist_free (this->lines);
this->lines = NULL;
* Select the dragger that has the given VP.
VPDragger *
VPDrag::getDraggerFor (VanishingPoint const &vp)
for (GList const* i = this->draggers; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) i->data;
for (GSList const* j = dragger->vps; j != NULL; j = j->next) {
VanishingPoint *vp2 = (VanishingPoint *) j->data;
g_assert (vp2 != NULL);
// TODO: Should we compare the pointers or the VPs themselves!?!?!?!
//if ((*vp2) == vp) {
if (vp2 == &vp) {
return (dragger);
return NULL;
* Regenerates the draggers list from the current selection; is called when selection is changed or modified
VPDrag::updateDraggers ()
if (this->dragging)
while (selected) {
selected = g_list_remove(selected, selected->data);
// delete old draggers
for (GList const* i = this->draggers; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
delete ((VPDragger *) i->data);
g_list_free (this->draggers);
this->draggers = NULL;
g_return_if_fail (this->selection != NULL);
for (GSList const* i = this->selection->itemList(); i != NULL; i = i->next) {
SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(i->data);
//SPStyle *style = SP_OBJECT_STYLE (item);
if (!SP_IS_3DBOX (item)) continue;
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX (item);
Box3D::Perspective3D *persp = document->get_persp_of_box (box);
addDragger (persp->get_vanishing_point(Box3D::X));
addDragger (persp->get_vanishing_point(Box3D::Y));
addDragger (persp->get_vanishing_point(Box3D::Z));
Regenerates the lines list from the current selection; is called on each move
of a dragger, so that lines are always in sync with the actual perspective
VPDrag::updateLines ()
// delete old lines
for (GSList const *i = this->lines; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
gtk_object_destroy( GTK_OBJECT (i->data));
g_slist_free (this->lines);
this->lines = NULL;
// do nothing if perspective lines are currently disabled
if (this->show_lines == 0) return;
g_return_if_fail (this->selection != NULL);
for (GSList const* i = this->selection->itemList(); i != NULL; i = i->next) {
if (!SP_IS_3DBOX(i->data)) continue;
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX (i->data);
this->drawLinesForFace (box, Box3D::X);
this->drawLinesForFace (box, Box3D::Y);
this->drawLinesForFace (box, Box3D::Z);
VPDrag::updateBoxHandles ()
// FIXME: Is there a way to update the knots without accessing the
// statically linked function knotholder_update_knots?
GSList *sel = (GSList *) selection->itemList();
if (g_slist_length (sel) > 1) {
// Currently we only show handles if a single box is selected
if (!SP_IS_3DBOX (sel->data))
SPEventContext *ec = inkscape_active_event_context();
g_assert (ec != NULL);
if (ec->shape_knot_holder != NULL) {
knotholder_update_knots(ec->shape_knot_holder, (SPItem *) sel->data);
* Depending on the value of all_lines, draw the front and/or rear perspective lines starting from the given corners.
VPDrag::drawLinesForFace (const SP3DBox *box, Box3D::Axis axis) //, guint corner1, guint corner2, guint corner3, guint corner4)
guint color;
switch (axis) {
// TODO: Make color selectable by user
case Box3D::X: color = VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_X; break;
case Box3D::Y: color = VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_Y; break;
case Box3D::Z: color = VP_LINE_COLOR_STROKE_Z; break;
default: g_assert_not_reached();
NR::Point corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4;
sp_3dbox_corners_for_perspective_lines (box, axis, corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4);
VanishingPoint *vp = document->get_persp_of_box (box)->get_vanishing_point (axis);
if (vp->is_finite()) {
// draw perspective lines for finite VPs
NR::Point pt = vp->get_pos();
if (this->front_or_rear_lines & 0x1) {
// draw 'front' perspective lines
this->addLine (corner1, pt, color);
this->addLine (corner2, pt, color);
if (this->front_or_rear_lines & 0x2) {
// draw 'rear' perspective lines
this->addLine (corner3, pt, color);
this->addLine (corner4, pt, color);
} else {
// draw perspective lines for infinite VPs
NR::Maybe<NR::Point> pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
Box3D::Perspective3D *persp = this->document->get_persp_of_box (box);
SPDesktop *desktop = inkscape_active_desktop (); // FIXME: Store the desktop in VPDrag
Box3D::PerspectiveLine pl (corner1, axis, persp);
pt1 = pl.intersection_with_viewbox(desktop);
pl = Box3D::PerspectiveLine (corner2, axis, persp);
pt2 = pl.intersection_with_viewbox(desktop);
pl = Box3D::PerspectiveLine (corner3, axis, persp);
pt3 = pl.intersection_with_viewbox(desktop);
pl = Box3D::PerspectiveLine (corner4, axis, persp);
pt4 = pl.intersection_with_viewbox(desktop);
if (!pt1 || !pt2 || !pt3 || !pt4) {
// some perspective lines s are outside the canvas; currently we don't draw any of them
if (this->front_or_rear_lines & 0x1) {
// draw 'front' perspective lines
this->addLine (corner1, *pt1, color);
this->addLine (corner2, *pt2, color);
if (this->front_or_rear_lines & 0x2) {
// draw 'rear' perspective lines
this->addLine (corner3, *pt3, color);
this->addLine (corner4, *pt4, color);
* Returns true if all boxes that are linked to a VP in the dragger are selected
VPDrag::allBoxesAreSelected (VPDragger *dragger) {
GSList *selected_boxes = (GSList *) dragger->parent->selection->itemList();
for (GSList *i = dragger->vps; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
if (!document->get_persp_of_VP ((VanishingPoint *) i->data)->all_boxes_occur_in_list (selected_boxes)) {
return false;
return true;
GSList *
VPDrag::selectedBoxesWithVPinDragger (VPDragger *dragger)
GSList *sel_boxes = g_slist_copy ((GSList *) dragger->parent->selection->itemList());
for (GSList const *i = sel_boxes; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX (i->data);
if (!dragger->hasBox (box)) {
sel_boxes = g_slist_remove (sel_boxes, box);
return sel_boxes;
* If there already exists a dragger within MERGE_DIST of p, add the VP to it;
* otherwise create new dragger and add it to draggers list
VPDrag::addDragger (VanishingPoint *vp)
if (vp == NULL) {
g_print ("Warning: The VP in addDragger is already NULL. Aborting.\n)");
g_assert (vp != NULL);
if (!vp->is_finite()) {
// don't create draggers for infinite vanishing points
NR::Point p = vp->get_pos();
for (GList *i = this->draggers; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
VPDragger *dragger = (VPDragger *) i->data;
if (NR::L2 (dragger->point - p) < MERGE_DIST) {
// distance is small, merge this draggable into dragger, no need to create new dragger
dragger->addVP (vp);
VPDragger *new_dragger = new VPDragger(this, p, vp);
// fixme: draggers should be added AFTER the last one: this way tabbing through them will be from begin to end.
this->draggers = g_list_append (this->draggers, new_dragger);
Create a line from p1 to p2 and add it to the lines list
VPDrag::addLine (NR::Point p1, NR::Point p2, guint32 rgba)
SPCanvasItem *line = sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_controls(inkscape_active_desktop()), SP_TYPE_CTRLLINE, NULL);
sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(line), p1, p2);
if (rgba != VP_LINE_COLOR_FILL) // fill is the default, so don't set color for it to speed up redraw
sp_ctrlline_set_rgba32 (SP_CTRLLINE(line), rgba);
sp_canvas_item_show (line);
this->lines = g_slist_append (this->lines, line);
} // namespace Box3D
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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