units.h revision 9f578482ce54902110df95931d68120ec51e6cab
* Inkscape Units
* Authors:
* Matthew Petroff <matthew@mpetroff.net>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Petroff
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
This is a rough draft of a global 'units' thingee, to allow dialogs and
the ruler to share info about unit systems... Dunno if this is the
right kind of object though, so we may have to redo this or shift things
around later when it becomes clearer what we need.
This object is used for defining different unit systems.
Need to review the Units support that's in Gtkmm already...
#include <map>
enum UnitType {
const char DEG[] = "°";
double factor,
void clear();
* Returns the suggested precision to use for displaying numbers
* of this unit.
int defaultDigits() const;
bool compatibleWith(const Unit *u) const;
double factor;
// temporary
int svgUnit() const;
int metric() const;
double quantity;
bool compatibleWith(const Unit *u) const;
* Initializes the unit tables and identifies the primary unit types.
* The primary unit's conversion factor is required to be 1.00
/** Add a new unit to the table */
/** Retrieve a given unit based on its string identifier */
/** Retrieve a quantity based on its string identifier */
/** Remove a unit definition from the given unit type table */
bool deleteUnit(Unit const& u);
/** Returns true if the given string 'name' is a valid unit in the table */
/** Provides an iteratable list of items in the given unit table */
/** Returns the default unit abbr for the given type */
double getScale() const;
void setScale();
/** Loads units from a text file.
* loadText loads and merges the contents of the given file into the UnitTable,
* possibly overwriting existing unit definitions.
* @param filename file to be loaded
/** Saves the current UnitTable to the given file. */
double _linear_scale;
} // namespace Util
} // namespace Inkscape
#endif // define INKSCAPE_UTIL_UNITS_H
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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