uri.h revision 153bb1867986d6db392e2cfa711ad6231fce8abe
* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <mental@rydia.net>
* Jon A. Cruz <jon@joncruz.org>
* Copyright (C) 2003 MenTaLguY
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <glib/gtypes.h>
#include <exception>
#include <libxml/uri.h>
#include "bad-uri-exception.h"
namespace Inkscape {
* Represents an URI as per RFC 2396.
class URI {
* Copy constructor.
URI(URI const &uri);
* Constructor from a C-style ASCII string.
* @param preformed Properly quoted C-style string to be represented.
explicit URI(gchar const *preformed) throw(BadURIException);
* Destructor.
* Determines if the URI represented is an 'opaque' URI.
* @return \c true if the URI is opaque, \c false if hierarchial.
bool isOpaque() const { return _impl->isOpaque(); }
* Determines if the URI represented is 'relative' as per RFC 2396.
* Relative URI references are distinguished by not begining with a
* scheme name.
* @return \c true if the URI is relative, \c false if it is absolute.
bool isRelative() const { return _impl->isRelative(); }
* Determines if the relative URI represented is a 'net-path' as per RFC 2396.
* A net-path is one that starts with "\\".
* @return \c true if the URI is relative and a net-path, \c false otherwise.
bool isNetPath() const { return _impl->isNetPath(); }
* Determines if the relative URI represented is a 'relative-path' as per RFC 2396.
* A relative-path is one that starts with no slashes.
* @return \c true if the URI is relative and a relative-path, \c false otherwise.
bool isRelativePath() const { return _impl->isRelativePath(); }
* Determines if the relative URI represented is a 'absolute-path' as per RFC 2396.
* An absolute-path is one that starts with a single "\".
* @return \c true if the URI is relative and an absolute-path, \c false otherwise.
bool isAbsolutePath() const { return _impl->isAbsolutePath(); }
const gchar *getScheme() const { return _impl->getScheme(); }
const gchar *getPath() const { return _impl->getPath(); }
const gchar *getQuery() const { return _impl->getQuery(); }
const gchar *getFragment() const { return _impl->getFragment(); }
const gchar *getOpaque() const { return _impl->getOpaque(); }
static URI fromUtf8( gchar const* path ) throw (BadURIException);
static URI from_native_filename(gchar const *path) throw(BadURIException);
static gchar *to_native_filename(gchar const* uri) throw(BadURIException);
gchar *toNativeFilename() const throw(BadURIException);
* Returns a glib string version of this URI.
* The returned string must be freed with \c g_free().
* @return a glib string version of this URI.
gchar *toString() const { return _impl->toString(); }
* Assignment operator.
URI &operator=(URI const &uri);
class Impl {
static Impl *create(xmlURIPtr uri);
void reference();
void unreference();
bool isOpaque() const;
bool isRelative() const;
bool isNetPath() const;
bool isRelativePath() const;
bool isAbsolutePath() const;
const gchar *getScheme() const;
const gchar *getPath() const;
const gchar *getQuery() const;
const gchar *getFragment() const;
const gchar *getOpaque() const;
gchar *toString() const;
Impl(xmlURIPtr uri);
int _refcount;
xmlURIPtr _uri;
Impl *_impl;
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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