page-sizer.h revision 1b3a8414f17dc95fc921d999ea715c99d10dd4aa
* Author:
* Ralf Stephan <>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL. Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "ui/widget/registered-widget.h"
#include <gtkmm/alignment.h>
#include <gtkmm/expander.h>
#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
* Data class used to store common paper dimensions. Used to make
* PageSizer's _paperSizeTable.
* Default constructor
{ init(); }
* Main constructor. Use this one.
double smallerArg,
double largerArg,
* Copy constructor
* Assignment operator
* Destructor
* Name of this paper specification
* The lesser of the two dimensions
double smaller;
* The greater of the two dimensions
double larger;
* The units (px, pt, mm, etc) of this specification
void init()
name = "";
smaller = 0.0;
larger = 0.0;
unit = SP_UNIT_PX;
* A compound widget that allows the user to select the desired
* page size. This widget is used in DocumentPreferences
* Constructor
* Destructor
* Set up or reset this widget
void init ();
* Set the page size to the given dimensions. If 'changeList' is
* true, then reset the paper size list to the closest match
void setDim (double w, double h, bool changeList=true);
* Updates the scalar widgets for the fit margins. (Just changes the value
* of the ui widgets to match the xml).
* Our handy table of all 'standard' paper sizes.
* Find the closest standard paper size in the table, to the
//### The Paper Size selection list
void on_paper_size_list_changed();
//### Portrait or landscape orientation
void on_portrait();
void on_landscape();
//### Custom size frame
//### Fit Page options
bool _lockMarginUpdate;
void on_value_changed();
//### state - whether we are currently landscape or portrait
bool _landscape;
} // namespace Widget
} // namespace UI
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0))
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