node.cpp revision 389bf510ec6c05c9b560df655542664c61c40766
546N/A/* Authors:
546N/A * Krzysztof KosiƄski <>
546N/A * Jon A. Cruz <>
546N/A *
546N/A * Copyright (C) 2009 Authors
546N/A * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
546N/A */
546N/A#include <iostream>
546N/A#include <stdexcept>
546N/A#include <boost/utility.hpp>
546N/A#include "multi-path-manipulator.h"
546N/A#include <glib/gi18n.h>
546N/A#include <2geom/bezier-utils.h>
546N/A#include <2geom/transforms.h>
546N/A#include "display/sp-ctrlline.h"
546N/A#include "display/sp-canvas.h"
943N/A#include "display/sp-canvas-util.h"
546N/A#include "desktop.h"
546N/A#include "desktop-handles.h"
919N/A#include "preferences.h"
919N/A#include "snap.h"
919N/A#include "snap-preferences.h"
919N/A#include "sp-namedview.h"
919N/A#include "ui/control-manager.h"
546N/A#include "ui/tool/control-point-selection.h"
919N/A#include "ui/tool/event-utils.h"
919N/A#include "ui/tool/node.h"
919N/A#include "ui/tool/path-manipulator.h"
546N/A#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
919N/A#include <cmath>
919N/Anamespace {
919N/AInkscape::ControlType nodeTypeToCtrlType(Inkscape::UI::NodeType type)
546N/A Inkscape::ControlType result = Inkscape::CTRL_TYPE_NODE_CUSP;
546N/A switch(type) {
546N/A case Inkscape::UI::NODE_SMOOTH:
546N/A result = Inkscape::CTRL_TYPE_NODE_SMOOTH;
546N/A break;
546N/A case Inkscape::UI::NODE_AUTO:
546N/A result = Inkscape::CTRL_TYPE_NODE_AUTO;
546N/A break;
546N/A case Inkscape::UI::NODE_SYMMETRIC:
546N/A result = Inkscape::CTRL_TYPE_NODE_SYMETRICAL;
546N/A break;
546N/A case Inkscape::UI::NODE_CUSP:
546N/A default:
546N/A result = Inkscape::CTRL_TYPE_NODE_CUSP;
546N/A break;
546N/A }
546N/A return result;
546N/A} // namespace
546N/Anamespace Inkscape {
546N/Anamespace UI {
546N/AControlPoint::ColorSet Node::node_colors = {
546N/A {0xbfbfbf00, 0x000000ff}, // normal fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // mouseover fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // clicked fill, stroke
546N/A //
546N/A {0x0000ffff, 0x000000ff}, // normal fill, stroke when selected
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // mouseover fill, stroke when selected
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff} // clicked fill, stroke when selected
546N/AControlPoint::ColorSet Handle::_handle_colors = {
546N/A {0xffffffff, 0x000000ff}, // normal fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // mouseover fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // clicked fill, stroke
546N/A //
546N/A {0xffffffff, 0x000000ff}, // normal fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff}, // mouseover fill, stroke
546N/A {0xff000000, 0x000000ff} // clicked fill, stroke
546N/Astd::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, NodeType type)
546N/A switch(type) {
546N/A case NODE_CUSP: out << 'c'; break;
546N/A case NODE_SMOOTH: out << 's'; break;
546N/A case NODE_AUTO: out << 'a'; break;
546N/A case NODE_SYMMETRIC: out << 'z'; break;
546N/A default: out << 'b'; break;
546N/A }
546N/A return out;
546N/A/** Computes an unit vector of the direction from first to second control point */
546N/Astatic Geom::Point direction(Geom::Point const &first, Geom::Point const &second) {
546N/A return Geom::unit_vector(second - first);
546N/AGeom::Point Handle::_saved_other_pos(0, 0);
546N/Adouble Handle::_saved_length = 0.0;
546N/Abool Handle::_drag_out = false;
546N/AHandle::Handle(NodeSharedData const &data, Geom::Point const &initial_pos, Node *parent) :
546N/A ControlPoint(data.desktop, initial_pos, SP_ANCHOR_CENTER,
546N/A _handle_colors, data.handle_group),
546N/A _parent(parent),
546N/A _handle_line(ControlManager::getManager().createControlLine(data.handle_line_group)),
546N/A _degenerate(true)
546N/A setVisible(false);
546N/A //sp_canvas_item_hide(_handle_line);
546N/A sp_canvas_item_destroy(_handle_line);
546N/Avoid Handle::setVisible(bool v)
546N/A ControlPoint::setVisible(v);
546N/A if (v) {
546N/A sp_canvas_item_show(_handle_line);
546N/A } else {
546N/A sp_canvas_item_hide(_handle_line);
546N/A }
546N/Avoid Handle::move(Geom::Point const &new_pos)
546N/A Handle *other = this->other();
546N/A Node *node_towards = _parent->nodeToward(this); // node in direction of this handle
546N/A Node *node_away = _parent->nodeAwayFrom(this); // node in the opposite direction
546N/A Handle *towards = node_towards ? node_towards->handleAwayFrom(_parent) : NULL;
546N/A Handle *towards_second = node_towards ? node_towards->handleToward(_parent) : NULL;
546N/A if (Geom::are_near(new_pos, _parent->position())) {
546N/A // The handle becomes degenerate.
546N/A // Adjust node type as necessary.
546N/A if (other->isDegenerate()) {
546N/A // If both handles become degenerate, convert to parent cusp node
546N/A _parent->setType(NODE_CUSP, false);
546N/A } else {
546N/A // Only 1 handle becomes degenerate
546N/A switch (_parent->type()) {
546N/A case NODE_AUTO:
546N/A _parent->setType(NODE_SMOOTH, false);
546N/A break;
546N/A default:
546N/A // do nothing for other node types
546N/A break;
546N/A }
546N/A }
546N/A // If the segment between the handle and the node
546N/A // in its direction becomes linear and there are smooth nodes
546N/A // at its ends, make their handles colinear with the segment
546N/A if (towards && towards_second->isDegenerate()) {
546N/A if (node_towards->type() == NODE_SMOOTH) {
546N/A towards->setDirection(*_parent, *node_towards);
546N/A }
546N/A if (_parent->type() == NODE_SMOOTH) {
546N/A other->setDirection(*node_towards, *_parent);
546N/A }
546N/A }
546N/A setPosition(new_pos);
546N/A //move the handler and its oposite the same proportion
546N/A if(_pm().isBSpline()){
546N/A setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this));
546N/A this->other()->setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this->other(),true));
546N/A }
546N/A return;
546N/A }
546N/A if (_parent->type() == NODE_SMOOTH && Node::_is_line_segment(_parent, node_away)) {
546N/A // restrict movement to the line joining the nodes
546N/A Geom::Point direction = _parent->position() - node_away->position();
546N/A Geom::Point delta = new_pos - _parent->position();
546N/A // project the relative position on the direction line
546N/A Geom::Point new_delta = (Geom::dot(delta, direction)
546N/A / Geom::L2sq(direction)) * direction;
546N/A setRelativePos(new_delta);
546N/A //move the handler and its oposite the same proportion
546N/A if(_pm().isBSpline()){
546N/A setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this));
546N/A this->other()->setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this->other(),true));
546N/A }
546N/A return;
546N/A }
546N/A switch (_parent->type()) {
546N/A case NODE_AUTO:
546N/A _parent->setType(NODE_SMOOTH, false);
546N/A // fall through - auto nodes degrade into smooth nodes
546N/A case NODE_SMOOTH: {
546N/A /* for smooth nodes, we need to rotate the other handle so that it's colinear
546N/A * with the dragged one while conserving length. */
546N/A other->setDirection(new_pos, *_parent);
546N/A } break;
546N/A // for symmetric nodes, place the other handle on the opposite side
546N/A other->setRelativePos(-(new_pos - _parent->position()));
546N/A break;
546N/A default: break;
546N/A }
546N/A setPosition(new_pos);
546N/A // moves the handler and its oposite the same proportion
546N/A if(_pm().isBSpline()){
546N/A setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this));
546N/A this->other()->setPosition(_pm().BSplineHandleReposition(this->other(),true));
546N/A }
546N/Avoid Handle::setPosition(Geom::Point const &p)
546N/A ControlPoint::setPosition(p);
546N/A _handle_line->setCoords(_parent->position(), position());
546N/A // update degeneration info and visibility
546N/A if (Geom::are_near(position(), _parent->position()))
546N/A _degenerate = true;
546N/A else _degenerate = false;
546N/A if (_parent->_handles_shown && _parent->visible() && !_degenerate) {
546N/A setVisible(true);
546N/A } else {
546N/A setVisible(false);
546N/A }
546N/Avoid Handle::setLength(double len)
if (isDegenerate()) return;
Geom::Point dir = Geom::unit_vector(relativePos());
setRelativePos(dir * len);
void Handle::retract()
void Handle::setDirection(Geom::Point const &from, Geom::Point const &to)
setDirection(to - from);
void Handle::setDirection(Geom::Point const &dir)
Geom::Point unitdir = Geom::unit_vector(dir);
setRelativePos(unitdir * length());
char const *Handle::handle_type_to_localized_string(NodeType type)
switch(type) {
case NODE_CUSP: return _("Cusp node handle");
case NODE_SMOOTH: return _("Smooth node handle");
case NODE_SYMMETRIC: return _("Symmetric node handle");
case NODE_AUTO: return _("Auto-smooth node handle");
default: return "";
bool Handle::_eventHandler(Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase *event_context, GdkEvent *event)
switch (event->type)
switch (shortcut_key(event->key))
case GDK_KEY_s:
case GDK_KEY_S:
if (held_only_shift(event->key) && _parent->_type == NODE_CUSP) {
// when Shift+S is pressed when hovering over a handle belonging to a cusp node,
// hold this handle in place; otherwise process normally
// this handle is guaranteed not to be degenerate
other()->move(_parent->position() - (position() - _parent->position()));
_parent->setType(NODE_SMOOTH, false);
_parent->_pm().update(); // magic triple combo to add undo event
_parent->_pm()._commit(_("Change node type"));
return true;
default: break;
// new double click event to set the handlers of a node to the default proportion, 0.3334%
default: break;
return ControlPoint::_eventHandler(event_context, event);
//this function moves the handler and its oposite to the default proportion of 0.3334
void Handle::handle_2button_press(){
bool Handle::grabbed(GdkEventMotion *)
_saved_other_pos = other()->position();
_saved_length = _drag_out ? 0 : length();
return false;
void Handle::dragged(Geom::Point &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event)
Geom::Point parent_pos = _parent->position();
Geom::Point origin = _last_drag_origin();
SnapManager &sm = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
bool snap = held_shift(*event) ? false : sm.someSnapperMightSnap();
boost::optional<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint> ctrl_constraint;
// with Alt, preserve length
if (held_alt(*event)) {
new_pos = parent_pos + Geom::unit_vector(new_pos - parent_pos) * _saved_length;
snap = false;
// with Ctrl, constrain to M_PI/rotationsnapsperpi increments from vertical
// and the original position.
if (held_control(*event)) {
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int snaps = 2 * prefs->getIntLimited("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12, 1, 1000);
// note: if snapping to the original position is only desired in the original
// direction of the handle, change to Ray instead of Line
Geom::Line original_line(parent_pos, origin);
Geom::Line perp_line(parent_pos, parent_pos + Geom::rot90(origin - parent_pos));
Geom::Point snap_pos = parent_pos + Geom::constrain_angle(
Geom::Point(0,0), new_pos - parent_pos, snaps, Geom::Point(1,0));
Geom::Point orig_pos = original_line.pointAt(original_line.nearestPoint(new_pos));
Geom::Point perp_pos = perp_line.pointAt(perp_line.nearestPoint(new_pos));
Geom::Point result = snap_pos;
ctrl_constraint = Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(parent_pos, parent_pos - snap_pos);
if (Geom::distance(orig_pos, new_pos) < Geom::distance(result, new_pos)) {
result = orig_pos;
ctrl_constraint = Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(parent_pos, parent_pos - orig_pos);
if (Geom::distance(perp_pos, new_pos) < Geom::distance(result, new_pos)) {
result = perp_pos;
ctrl_constraint = Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(parent_pos, parent_pos - perp_pos);
new_pos = result;
// moves the handler and its oposite in X fixed positions depending on parameter "steps with control"
// by default in live BSpline
int steps = _pm().BSplineGetSteps();
std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> unselected;
//if the snap adjustment is activated and it is not bspline
if (snap && !_pm().isBSpline()) {
ControlPointSelection::Set &nodes = _parent->_selection.allPoints();
for (ControlPointSelection::Set::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) {
Node *n = static_cast<Node*>(*i);
sm.setupIgnoreSelection(_desktop, true, &unselected);
Node *node_away = _parent->nodeAwayFrom(this);
if (_parent->type() == NODE_SMOOTH && Node::_is_line_segment(_parent, node_away)) {
Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint cl(_parent->position(),
_parent->position() - node_away->position());
Inkscape::SnappedPoint p;
p = sm.constrainedSnap(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(new_pos, SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE), cl);
new_pos = p.getPoint();
} else if (ctrl_constraint) {
// NOTE: this is subtly wrong.
// We should get all possible constraints and snap along them using
// multipleConstrainedSnaps, instead of first snapping to angle and then to objects
Inkscape::SnappedPoint p;
p = sm.constrainedSnap(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(new_pos, SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE), *ctrl_constraint);
new_pos = p.getPoint();
} else {
sm.freeSnapReturnByRef(new_pos, SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE);
// with Shift, if the node is cusp, rotate the other handle as well
if (_parent->type() == NODE_CUSP && !_drag_out) {
if (held_shift(*event)) {
Geom::Point other_relpos = _saved_other_pos - parent_pos;
other_relpos *= Geom::Rotate(Geom::angle_between(origin - parent_pos, new_pos - parent_pos));
} else {
// restore the position
//if it is bspline but SHIFT or CONTROL are not pressed it fixes it in the original position
if(_pm().isBSpline() && !held_shift(*event) && !held_control(*event)){
move(new_pos); // needed for correct update, even though it's redundant
void Handle::ungrabbed(GdkEventButton *event)
// hide the handle if it's less than dragtolerance away from the node
// however, never do this for cancelled drag / broken grab
// TODO is this actually a good idea?
if (event) {
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int drag_tolerance = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/dragtolerance/value", 0, 0, 100);
Geom::Point dist = _desktop->d2w(_parent->position()) - _desktop->d2w(position());
if (dist.length() <= drag_tolerance) {
// HACK: If the handle was dragged out, call parent's ungrabbed handler,
// so that transform handles reappear
if (_drag_out) {
_drag_out = false;
bool Handle::clicked(GdkEventButton *event)
_pm()._handleClicked(this, event);
return true;
Handle const *Handle::other() const
return const_cast<Handle *>(this)->other();
Handle *Handle::other()
if (this == &_parent->_front) {
return &_parent->_back;
} else {
return &_parent->_front;
static double snap_increment_degrees() {
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int snaps = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12, 1, 1000);
return 180.0 / snaps;
Glib::ustring Handle::_getTip(unsigned state) const
char const *more;
// a trick to mark as bspline if the node has no strength, we are going to use it later
// to show the appropiate messages. We cannot do it in any different way becasue the function is constant
bool isBSpline = false;
//if( _parent->bsplineWeight != 0.0000)
// isBSpline = true;
bool can_shift_rotate = _parent->type() == NODE_CUSP && !other()->isDegenerate();
if (can_shift_rotate && !isBSpline) {
more = C_("Path handle tip", "more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt");
} else if(isBSpline){
more = C_("Path handle tip", "more: Ctrl");
}else {
more = C_("Path handle tip", "more: Ctrl, Alt");
if (state_held_alt(state) && !isBSpline) {
if (state_held_control(state)) {
if (state_held_shift(state) && can_shift_rotate) {
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl+Alt</b>: preserve length and snap rotation angle to %g° "
"increments while rotating both handles"),
} else {
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Ctrl+Alt</b>: preserve length and snap rotation angle to %g° increments"),
} else {
if (state_held_shift(state) && can_shift_rotate) {
return C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Alt</b>: preserve handle length and rotate both handles");
} else {
return C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Alt</b>: preserve handle length while dragging");
} else {
if (state_held_control(state)) {
if (state_held_shift(state) && can_shift_rotate && !isBSpline) {
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl</b>: snap rotation angle to %g° increments and rotate both handles"),
} else if(isBSpline){
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Ctrl</b>: Move handle by his actual steps in BSpline Live Effect"));
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Ctrl</b>: snap rotation angle to %g° increments, click to retract"),
} else if (state_held_shift(state) && can_shift_rotate && !isBSpline) {
return C_("Path hande tip",
"<b>Shift</b>: rotate both handles by the same angle");
} else if(state_held_shift(state) && isBSpline){
return C_("Path hande tip",
"<b>Shift</b>: move handle");
switch (_parent->type()) {
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Auto node handle</b>: drag to convert to smooth node (%s)"), more);
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>Auto node handle</b>: drag to convert to smooth node (%s)"), more);
return format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"<b>BSpline node handle</b>: Shift to drag, double click to reset (%s)"), more);
Glib::ustring Handle::_getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/) const
Geom::Point dist = position() - _last_drag_origin();
// report angle in mathematical convention
double angle = Geom::angle_between(Geom::Point(-1,0), position() - _parent->position());
angle += M_PI; // angle is (-M_PI...M_PI] - offset by +pi and scale to 0...360
angle *= 360.0 / (2 * M_PI);
Inkscape::Util::Quantity x_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(dist[Geom::X], "px");
Inkscape::Util::Quantity y_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(dist[Geom::Y], "px");
Inkscape::Util::Quantity len_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(length(), "px");
GString *x = g_string_new(x_q.string(_desktop->namedview->doc_units).c_str());
GString *y = g_string_new(y_q.string(_desktop->namedview->doc_units).c_str());
GString *len = g_string_new(len_q.string(_desktop->namedview->doc_units).c_str());
Glib::ustring ret = format_tip(C_("Path handle tip",
"Move handle by %s, %s; angle %.2f°, length %s"), x->str, y->str, angle, len->str);
g_string_free(x, TRUE);
g_string_free(y, TRUE);
g_string_free(len, TRUE);
return ret;
Node::Node(NodeSharedData const &data, Geom::Point const &initial_pos) :
SelectableControlPoint(data.desktop, initial_pos, SP_ANCHOR_CENTER,
node_colors, data.node_group),
_front(data, initial_pos, this),
_back(data, initial_pos, this),
// NOTE we do not set type here, because the handles are still degenerate
Node const *Node::_next() const
return const_cast<Node*>(this)->_next();
// NOTE: not using iterators won't make this much quicker because iterators can be 100% inlined.
Node *Node::_next()
NodeList::iterator n = NodeList::get_iterator(this).next();
if (n) {
return n.ptr();
} else {
return NULL;
Node const *Node::_prev() const
return const_cast<Node *>(this)->_prev();
Node *Node::_prev()
NodeList::iterator p = NodeList::get_iterator(this).prev();
if (p) {
return p.ptr();
} else {
return NULL;
void Node::move(Geom::Point const &new_pos)
// move handles when the node moves.
Geom::Point old_pos = position();
Geom::Point delta = new_pos - position();
// save the previous nodes strength to apply it again once the node is moved
double nodeWeight = 0.0000;
double nextNodeWeight = 0.0000;
double prevNodeWeight = 0.0000;
Node *n = this;
Node * nextNode = n->nodeToward(n->front());
Node * prevNode = n->nodeToward(n->back());
nodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(n->front());
nextNodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(nextNode->front());
prevNodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(prevNode->front());
_front.setPosition(_front.position() + delta);
_back.setPosition(_back.position() + delta);
// if the node has a smooth handle after a line segment, it should be kept colinear
// with the segment
_fixNeighbors(old_pos, new_pos);
// move the affected handlers. First the node ones, later the adjoining ones.
void Node::transform(Geom::Affine const &m)
Geom::Point old_pos = position();
// save the previous nodes strength to apply it again once the node is moved
double nodeWeight = 0.0000;
double nextNodeWeight = 0.0000;
double prevNodeWeight = 0.0000;
Node *n = this;
Node * nextNode = n->nodeToward(n->front());
Node * prevNode = n->nodeToward(n->back());
nodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(n->front());
nextNodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(nextNode->front());
prevNodeWeight = _pm().BSplineHandlePosition(prevNode->front());
setPosition(position() * m);
_front.setPosition(_front.position() * m);
_back.setPosition(_back.position() * m);
/* Affine transforms keep handle invariants for smooth and symmetric nodes,
* but smooth nodes at ends of linear segments and auto nodes need special treatment */
_fixNeighbors(old_pos, position());
// move the involved handlers, first the node ones, later the adjoining ones
Geom::Rect Node::bounds() const
Geom::Rect b(position(), position());
return b;
void Node::_fixNeighbors(Geom::Point const &old_pos, Geom::Point const &new_pos)
/* This method restores handle invariants for neighboring nodes,
* and invariants that are based on positions of those nodes for this one. */
/* Fix auto handles */
if (_type == NODE_AUTO) _updateAutoHandles();
if (old_pos != new_pos) {
if (_next() && _next()->_type == NODE_AUTO) _next()->_updateAutoHandles();
if (_prev() && _prev()->_type == NODE_AUTO) _prev()->_updateAutoHandles();
/* Fix smooth handles at the ends of linear segments.
* Rotate the appropriate handle to be colinear with the segment.
* If there is a smooth node at the other end of the segment, rotate it too. */
Handle *handle, *other_handle;
Node *other;
if (_is_line_segment(this, _next())) {
handle = &_back;
other = _next();
other_handle = &_next()->_front;
} else if (_is_line_segment(_prev(), this)) {
handle = &_front;
other = _prev();
other_handle = &_prev()->_back;
} else return;
if (_type == NODE_SMOOTH && !handle->isDegenerate()) {
handle->setDirection(other->position(), new_pos);
// also update the handle on the other end of the segment
if (other->_type == NODE_SMOOTH && !other_handle->isDegenerate()) {
other_handle->setDirection(new_pos, other->position());
void Node::_updateAutoHandles()
// Recompute the position of automatic handles.
// For endnodes, retract both handles. (It's only possible to create an end auto node
// through the XML editor.)
if (isEndNode()) {
// Auto nodes automaticaly adjust their handles to give an appearance of smoothness,
// no matter what their surroundings are.
Geom::Point vec_next = _next()->position() - position();
Geom::Point vec_prev = _prev()->position() - position();
double len_next = vec_next.length(), len_prev = vec_prev.length();
if (len_next > 0 && len_prev > 0) {
// "dir" is an unit vector perpendicular to the bisector of the angle created
// by the previous node, this auto node and the next node.
Geom::Point dir = Geom::unit_vector((len_prev / len_next) * vec_next - vec_prev);
// Handle lengths are equal to 1/3 of the distance from the adjacent node.
_back.setRelativePos(-dir * (len_prev / 3));
_front.setRelativePos(dir * (len_next / 3));
} else {
// If any of the adjacent nodes coincides, retract both handles.
void Node::showHandles(bool v)
_handles_shown = v;
if (!_front.isDegenerate()) {
if (!_back.isDegenerate()) {
void Node::updateHandles()
void Node::setType(NodeType type, bool update_handles)
if (type == NODE_PICK_BEST) {
updateState(); // The size of the control might have changed
// if update_handles is true, adjust handle positions to match the node type
// handle degenerate handles appropriately
if (update_handles) {
switch (type) {
// nothing to do
// auto handles make no sense for endnodes
if (isEndNode()) return;
// ignore attempts to make smooth endnodes.
if (isEndNode()) return;
// rotate handles to be colinear
// for degenerate nodes set positions like auto handles
bool prev_line = _is_line_segment(_prev(), this);
bool next_line = _is_line_segment(this, _next());
if (_type == NODE_SMOOTH) {
// For a node that is already smooth and has a degenerate handle,
// drag out the second handle without changing the direction of the first one.
if (_front.isDegenerate()) {
double dist = Geom::distance(_next()->position(), position());
_front.setRelativePos(Geom::unit_vector(-_back.relativePos()) * dist / 3);
if (_back.isDegenerate()) {
double dist = Geom::distance(_prev()->position(), position());
_back.setRelativePos(Geom::unit_vector(-_front.relativePos()) * dist / 3);
} else if (isDegenerate()) {
} else if (_front.isDegenerate()) {
// if the front handle is degenerate and is a line segment,
// make back colinear; otherwise pull out the other handle
// to 1/3 of distance to prev
if (next_line) {
_back.setDirection(*_next(), *this);
} else if (_prev()) {
Geom::Point dir = direction(_back, *this);
_front.setRelativePos(Geom::distance(_prev()->position(), position()) / 3 * dir);
} else if (_back.isDegenerate()) {
if (prev_line) {
_front.setDirection(*_prev(), *this);
} else if (_next()) {
Geom::Point dir = direction(_front, *this);
_back.setRelativePos(Geom::distance(_next()->position(), position()) / 3 * dir);
} else {
// both handles are extended. make colinear while keeping length
// first make back colinear with the vector front ---> back,
// then make front colinear with back ---> node
// (not back ---> front because back's position was changed in the first call)
_back.setDirection(_front, _back);
_front.setDirection(_back, *this);
} break;
if (isEndNode()) return; // symmetric handles make no sense for endnodes
if (isDegenerate()) {
// similar to auto handles but set the same length for both
Geom::Point vec_next = _next()->position() - position();
Geom::Point vec_prev = _prev()->position() - position();
double len_next = vec_next.length(), len_prev = vec_prev.length();
double len = (len_next + len_prev) / 6; // take 1/3 of average
if (len == 0) return;
Geom::Point dir = Geom::unit_vector((len_prev / len_next) * vec_next - vec_prev);
_back.setRelativePos(-dir * len);
_front.setRelativePos(dir * len);
} else {
// Both handles are extended. Compute average length, use direction from
// back handle to front handle. This also works correctly for degenerates
double len = (_front.length() + _back.length()) / 2;
Geom::Point dir = direction(_back, _front);
_front.setRelativePos(dir * len);
_back.setRelativePos(-dir * len);
default: break;
/* in node type changes, about bspline traces, we can mantain them with 0.0000 power in border mode,
or we give them the default power in curve mode */
double weight = 0.0000;
if(_pm().BSplineHandlePosition(this->front()) != 0.0000){
weight = 0.3334;
_type = type;
void Node::pickBestType()
_type = NODE_CUSP;
bool front_degen = _front.isDegenerate();
bool back_degen = _back.isDegenerate();
bool both_degen = front_degen && back_degen;
bool neither_degen = !front_degen && !back_degen;
do {
// if both handles are degenerate, do nothing
if (both_degen) break;
// if neither are degenerate, check their respective positions
if (neither_degen) {
Geom::Point front_delta = _front.position() - position();
Geom::Point back_delta = _back.position() - position();
// for now do not automatically make nodes symmetric, it can be annoying
/*if (Geom::are_near(front_delta, -back_delta)) {
if (Geom::are_near(Geom::unit_vector(front_delta),
_type = NODE_SMOOTH;
// check whether the handle aligns with the previous line segment.
// we know that if front is degenerate, back isn't, because
// both_degen was false
if (front_degen && _next() && _next()->_back.isDegenerate()) {
Geom::Point segment_delta = Geom::unit_vector(_next()->position() - position());
Geom::Point handle_delta = Geom::unit_vector(_back.position() - position());
if (Geom::are_near(segment_delta, -handle_delta)) {
_type = NODE_SMOOTH;
} else if (back_degen && _prev() && _prev()->_front.isDegenerate()) {
Geom::Point segment_delta = Geom::unit_vector(_prev()->position() - position());
Geom::Point handle_delta = Geom::unit_vector(_front.position() - position());
if (Geom::are_near(segment_delta, -handle_delta)) {
_type = NODE_SMOOTH;
} while (false);
bool Node::isEndNode() const
return !_prev() || !_next();
void Node::sink()
sp_canvas_item_move_to_z(_canvas_item, 0);
NodeType Node::parse_nodetype(char x)
switch (x) {
case 'a': return NODE_AUTO;
case 'c': return NODE_CUSP;
case 's': return NODE_SMOOTH;
case 'z': return NODE_SYMMETRIC;
default: return NODE_PICK_BEST;
bool Node::_eventHandler(Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase *event_context, GdkEvent *event)
int dir = 0;
switch (event->type)
if (event->scroll.direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) {
dir = 1;
} else if (event->scroll.direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) {
dir = -1;
} else break;
if (held_control(event->scroll)) {
} else {
_selection.spatialGrow(this, dir);
return true;
switch (shortcut_key(event->key))
case GDK_KEY_Page_Up:
dir = 1;
case GDK_KEY_Page_Down:
dir = -1;
default: goto bail_out;
if (held_control(event->key)) {
} else {
_selection.spatialGrow(this, dir);
return true;
return ControlPoint::_eventHandler(event_context, event);
void Node::_linearGrow(int dir)
// Interestingly, we do not need any help from PathManipulator when doing linear grow.
// First handle the trivial case of growing over an unselected node.
if (!selected() && dir > 0) {
NodeList::iterator this_iter = NodeList::get_iterator(this);
NodeList::iterator fwd = this_iter, rev = this_iter;
double distance_back = 0, distance_front = 0;
// Linear grow is simple. We find the first unselected nodes in each direction
// and compare the linear distances to them.
if (dir > 0) {
if (!selected()) {
// find first unselected nodes on both sides
while (fwd && fwd->selected()) {
NodeList::iterator n =;
distance_front += Geom::bezier_length(*fwd, fwd->_front, n->_back, *n);
fwd = n;
if (fwd == this_iter)
// there is no unselected node in this cyclic subpath
// do the same for the second direction. Do not check for equality with
// this node, because there is at least one unselected node in the subpath,
// so we are guaranteed to stop.
while (rev && rev->selected()) {
NodeList::iterator p = rev.prev();
distance_back += Geom::bezier_length(*rev, rev->_back, p->_front, *p);
rev = p;
NodeList::iterator t; // node to select
if (fwd && rev) {
if (distance_front <= distance_back) t = fwd;
else t = rev;
} else {
if (fwd) t = fwd;
if (rev) t = rev;
if (t) _selection.insert(t.ptr());
// Linear shrink is more complicated. We need to find the farthest selected node.
// This means we have to check the entire subpath. We go in the direction in which
// the distance we traveled is lower. We do this until we run out of nodes (ends of path)
// or the two iterators meet. On the way, we store the last selected node and its distance
// in each direction (if any). At the end, we choose the one that is farther and deselect it.
} else {
// both iterators that store last selected nodes are initially empty
NodeList::iterator last_fwd, last_rev;
double last_distance_back = 0, last_distance_front = 0;
while (rev || fwd) {
if (fwd && (!rev || distance_front <= distance_back)) {
if (fwd->selected()) {
last_fwd = fwd;
last_distance_front = distance_front;
NodeList::iterator n =;
if (n) distance_front += Geom::bezier_length(*fwd, fwd->_front, n->_back, *n);
fwd = n;
} else if (rev && (!fwd || distance_front > distance_back)) {
if (rev->selected()) {
last_rev = rev;
last_distance_back = distance_back;
NodeList::iterator p = rev.prev();
if (p) distance_back += Geom::bezier_length(*rev, rev->_back, p->_front, *p);
rev = p;
// Check whether we walked the entire cyclic subpath.
// This is initially true because both iterators start from this node,
// so this check cannot go in the while condition.
// When this happens, we need to check the last node, pointed to by the iterators.
if (fwd && fwd == rev) {
if (!fwd->selected()) break;
NodeList::iterator fwdp = fwd.prev(), revn =;
double df = distance_front + Geom::bezier_length(*fwdp, fwdp->_front, fwd->_back, *fwd);
double db = distance_back + Geom::bezier_length(*revn, revn->_back, rev->_front, *rev);
if (df > db) {
last_fwd = fwd;
last_distance_front = df;
} else {
last_rev = rev;
last_distance_back = db;
NodeList::iterator t;
if (last_fwd && last_rev) {
if (last_distance_front >= last_distance_back) t = last_fwd;
else t = last_rev;
} else {
if (last_fwd) t = last_fwd;
if (last_rev) t = last_rev;
if (t) _selection.erase(t.ptr());
void Node::_setState(State state)
// change node size to match type and selection state
ControlManager &mgr = ControlManager::getManager();
mgr.setSelected(_canvas_item, selected());
switch (state) {
mgr.setActive(_canvas_item, false);
mgr.setPrelight(_canvas_item, false);
mgr.setActive(_canvas_item, false);
mgr.setPrelight(_canvas_item, true);
mgr.setActive(_canvas_item, true);
mgr.setPrelight(_canvas_item, false);
//this shows the handlers when selecting the nodes
bool Node::grabbed(GdkEventMotion *event)
if (SelectableControlPoint::grabbed(event)) {
return true;
// Dragging out handles with Shift + drag on a node.
if (!held_shift(*event)) {
return false;
Geom::Point evp = event_point(*event);
Geom::Point rel_evp = evp - _last_click_event_point();
// This should work even if dragtolerance is zero and evp coincides with node position.
double angle_next = HUGE_VAL;
double angle_prev = HUGE_VAL;
bool has_degenerate = false;
// determine which handle to drag out based on degeneration and the direction of drag
if (_front.isDegenerate() && _next()) {
Geom::Point next_relpos = _desktop->d2w(_next()->position())
- _desktop->d2w(position());
angle_next = fabs(Geom::angle_between(rel_evp, next_relpos));
has_degenerate = true;
if (_back.isDegenerate() && _prev()) {
Geom::Point prev_relpos = _desktop->d2w(_prev()->position())
- _desktop->d2w(position());
angle_prev = fabs(Geom::angle_between(rel_evp, prev_relpos));
has_degenerate = true;
if (!has_degenerate) {
return false;
Handle *h = angle_next < angle_prev ? &_front : &_back;
h->transferGrab(this, event);
Handle::_drag_out = true;
return true;
void Node::dragged(Geom::Point &new_pos, GdkEventMotion *event)
// For a note on how snapping is implemented in Inkscape, see snap.h.
SnapManager &sm = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
// even if we won't really snap, we might still call the one of the
// constrainedSnap() methods to enforce the constraints, so we need
// to setup the snapmanager anyway; this is also required for someSnapperMightSnap()
// do not snap when Shift is pressed
bool snap = !held_shift(*event) && sm.someSnapperMightSnap();
Inkscape::SnappedPoint sp;
std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> unselected;
if (snap) {
/* setup
* TODO We are doing this every time a snap happens. It should once be done only once
* per drag - maybe in the grabbed handler?
* TODO Unselected nodes vector must be valid during the snap run, because it is not
* copied. Fix this in snap.h and snap.cpp, then the above.
* TODO Snapping to unselected segments of selected paths doesn't work yet. */
// Build the list of unselected nodes.
typedef ControlPointSelection::Set Set;
Set &nodes = _selection.allPoints();
for (Set::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) {
if (!(*i)->selected()) {
Node *n = static_cast<Node*>(*i);
Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint p(n->position(), n->_snapSourceType(), n->_snapTargetType());
sm.setupIgnoreSelection(_desktop, true, &unselected);
// Snap candidate point for free snapping; this will consider snapping tangentially
// and perpendicularly and therefore the origin or direction vector must be set
Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint scp_free(new_pos, _snapSourceType());
boost::optional<Geom::Point> front_point, back_point;
Geom::Point origin = _last_drag_origin();
Geom::Point dummy_cp;
if (_front.isDegenerate()) {
if (_is_line_segment(this, _next())) {
front_point = _next()->position() - origin;
if (_next()->selected()) {
dummy_cp = _next()->position() - position();
} else {
dummy_cp = _next()->position();
} else {
front_point = _front.relativePos();
if (_back.isDegenerate()) {
if (_is_line_segment(_prev(), this)) {
back_point = _prev()->position() - origin;
if (_prev()->selected()) {
dummy_cp = _prev()->position() - position();
} else {
dummy_cp = _prev()->position();
} else {
back_point = _back.relativePos();
if (held_control(*event)) {
// We're about to consider a constrained snap, which is already limited to 1D
// Therefore tangential or perpendicular snapping will not be considered, and therefore
// all calls above to scp_free.addVector() and scp_free.addOrigin() can be neglected
std::vector<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint> constraints;
if (held_alt(*event)) {
// with Ctrl+Alt, constrain to handle lines
// project the new position onto a handle line that is closer;
// also snap to perpendiculars of handle lines
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
int snaps = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12, 1, 1000);
double min_angle = M_PI / snaps;
boost::optional<Geom::Point> fperp_point, bperp_point;
if (front_point) {
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, *front_point));
fperp_point = Geom::rot90(*front_point);
if (back_point) {
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, *back_point));
bperp_point = Geom::rot90(*back_point);
// perpendiculars only snap when they are further than snap increment away
// from the second handle constraint
if (fperp_point && (!back_point ||
(fabs(Geom::angle_between(*fperp_point, *back_point)) > min_angle &&
fabs(Geom::angle_between(*fperp_point, *back_point)) < M_PI - min_angle)))
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, *fperp_point));
if (bperp_point && (!front_point ||
(fabs(Geom::angle_between(*bperp_point, *front_point)) > min_angle &&
fabs(Geom::angle_between(*bperp_point, *front_point)) < M_PI - min_angle)))
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, *bperp_point));
sp = sm.multipleConstrainedSnaps(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(new_pos, _snapSourceType()), constraints, held_shift(*event));
} else {
// with Ctrl, constrain to axes
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, Geom::Point(1, 0)));
constraints.push_back(Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(origin, Geom::Point(0, 1)));
sp = sm.multipleConstrainedSnaps(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(new_pos, _snapSourceType()), constraints, held_shift(*event));
new_pos = sp.getPoint();
} else if (snap) {
Inkscape::SnappedPoint sp = sm.freeSnap(scp_free);
new_pos = sp.getPoint();
SelectableControlPoint::dragged(new_pos, event);
bool Node::clicked(GdkEventButton *event)
if(_pm()._nodeClicked(this, event))
return true;
return SelectableControlPoint::clicked(event);
Inkscape::SnapSourceType Node::_snapSourceType() const
if (_type == NODE_SMOOTH || _type == NODE_AUTO)
Inkscape::SnapTargetType Node::_snapTargetType() const
if (_type == NODE_SMOOTH || _type == NODE_AUTO)
Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint Node::snapCandidatePoint()
return SnapCandidatePoint(position(), _snapSourceType(), _snapTargetType());
Handle *Node::handleToward(Node *to)
if (_next() == to) {
return front();
if (_prev() == to) {
return back();
g_error("Node::handleToward(): second node is not adjacent!");
return NULL;
Node *Node::nodeToward(Handle *dir)
if (front() == dir) {
return _next();
if (back() == dir) {
return _prev();
g_error("Node::nodeToward(): handle is not a child of this node!");
return NULL;
Handle *Node::handleAwayFrom(Node *to)
if (_next() == to) {
return back();
if (_prev() == to) {
return front();
g_error("Node::handleAwayFrom(): second node is not adjacent!");
return NULL;
Node *Node::nodeAwayFrom(Handle *h)
if (front() == h) {
return _prev();
if (back() == h) {
return _next();
g_error("Node::nodeAwayFrom(): handle is not a child of this node!");
return NULL;
Glib::ustring Node::_getTip(unsigned state) const
/* if the node doesnt have strength, it marks it as bspline, we'll use it later
to show the appropiate messages. We cannot do it in any other way, because the
function is constant */
bool isBSpline = false;
//if( this->bsplineWeight != 0.0000)
// isBSpline = true;
if (state_held_shift(state)) {
bool can_drag_out = (_next() && _front.isDegenerate()) || (_prev() && _back.isDegenerate());
if (can_drag_out) {
/*if (state_held_control(state)) {
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>Shift+Ctrl:</b> drag out a handle and snap its angle "
"to %f° increments"), snap_increment_degrees());
return C_("Path node tip",
"<b>Shift</b>: drag out a handle, click to toggle selection");
return C_("Path node tip", "<b>Shift</b>: click to toggle selection");
if (state_held_control(state)) {
if (state_held_alt(state)) {
return C_("Path node tip", "<b>Ctrl+Alt</b>: move along handle lines, click to delete node");
return C_("Path node tip",
"<b>Ctrl</b>: move along axes, click to change node type");
if (state_held_alt(state)) {
return C_("Path node tip", "<b>Alt</b>: sculpt nodes");
// No modifiers: assemble tip from node type
char const *nodetype = node_type_to_localized_string(_type);
if (_selection.transformHandlesEnabled() && selected()) {
if (_selection.size() == 1 && !isBSpline) {
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>%s</b>: drag to shape the path (more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt)"), nodetype);
}else if(_selection.size() == 1){
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>BSpline node</b>: %g weight, drag to shape the path (more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt)"),0.0000/*this->bsplineWeight*/);
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>%s</b>: drag to shape the path, click to toggle scale/rotation handles (more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt)"), nodetype);
if (!isBSpline) {
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>%s</b>: drag to shape the path, click to select only this node (more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt)"), nodetype);
return format_tip(C_("Path node tip",
"<b>BSpline node</b>: drag to shape the path, click to select only this node (more: Shift, Ctrl, Alt)"));
Glib::ustring Node::_getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/) const
Geom::Point dist = position() - _last_drag_origin();
Inkscape::Util::Quantity x_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(dist[Geom::X], "px");
Inkscape::Util::Quantity y_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(dist[Geom::Y], "px");
GString *x = g_string_new(x_q.string(_desktop->namedview->doc_units).c_str());
GString *y = g_string_new(y_q.string(_desktop->namedview->doc_units).c_str());
Glib::ustring ret = format_tip(C_("Path node tip", "Move node by %s, %s"), x->str, y->str);
g_string_free(x, TRUE);
g_string_free(y, TRUE);
return ret;
char const *Node::node_type_to_localized_string(NodeType type)
switch (type) {
case NODE_CUSP: return _("Cusp node");
case NODE_SMOOTH: return _("Smooth node");
case NODE_SYMMETRIC: return _("Symmetric node");
case NODE_AUTO: return _("Auto-smooth node");
default: return "";
bool Node::_is_line_segment(Node *first, Node *second)
if (!first || !second) return false;
if (first->_next() == second)
return first->_front.isDegenerate() && second->_back.isDegenerate();
if (second->_next() == first)
return second->_front.isDegenerate() && first->_back.isDegenerate();
return false;
NodeList::NodeList(SubpathList &splist)
: _list(splist)
, _closed(false)
this->ln_list = this;
this->ln_next = this;
this->ln_prev = this;
bool NodeList::empty()
return ln_next == this;
NodeList::size_type NodeList::size()
size_type sz = 0;
for (ListNode *ln = ln_next; ln != this; ln = ln->ln_next) ++sz;
return sz;
bool NodeList::closed()
return _closed;
bool NodeList::degenerate()
return closed() ? empty() : ++begin() == end();
NodeList::iterator NodeList::before(double t, double *fracpart)
double intpart;
*fracpart = std::modf(t, &intpart);
int index = intpart;
iterator ret = begin();
std::advance(ret, index);
return ret;
NodeList::iterator NodeList::insert(iterator pos, Node *x)
ListNode *ins = pos._node;
x->ln_next = ins;
x->ln_prev = ins->ln_prev;
ins->ln_prev->ln_next = x;
ins->ln_prev = x;
x->ln_list = this;
return iterator(x);
void NodeList::splice(iterator pos, NodeList &list)
splice(pos, list, list.begin(), list.end());
void NodeList::splice(iterator pos, NodeList &list, iterator i)
NodeList::iterator j = i;
splice(pos, list, i, j);
void NodeList::splice(iterator pos, NodeList &/*list*/, iterator first, iterator last)
ListNode *ins_beg = first._node, *ins_end = last._node, *at = pos._node;
for (ListNode *ln = ins_beg; ln != ins_end; ln = ln->ln_next) {
ln->ln_list = this;
ins_beg->ln_prev->ln_next = ins_end;
ins_end->ln_prev->ln_next = at;
at->ln_prev->ln_next = ins_beg;
ListNode *atprev = at->ln_prev;
at->ln_prev = ins_end->ln_prev;
ins_end->ln_prev = ins_beg->ln_prev;
ins_beg->ln_prev = atprev;
void NodeList::shift(int n)
// 1. make the list perfectly cyclic
ln_next->ln_prev = ln_prev;
ln_prev->ln_next = ln_next;
// 2. find new begin
ListNode *new_begin = ln_next;
if (n > 0) {
for (; n > 0; --n) new_begin = new_begin->ln_next;
} else {
for (; n < 0; ++n) new_begin = new_begin->ln_prev;
// 3. relink begin to list
ln_next = new_begin;
ln_prev = new_begin->ln_prev;
new_begin->ln_prev->ln_next = this;
new_begin->ln_prev = this;
void NodeList::reverse()
for (ListNode *ln = ln_next; ln != this; ln = ln->ln_prev) {
std::swap(ln->ln_next, ln->ln_prev);
Node *node = static_cast<Node*>(ln);
Geom::Point save_pos = node->front()->position();
std::swap(ln_next, ln_prev);
void NodeList::clear()
for (iterator i = begin(); i != end();) erase (i++);
NodeList::iterator NodeList::erase(iterator i)
// some gymnastics are required to ensure that the node is valid when deleted;
// otherwise the code that updates handle visibility will break
Node *rm = static_cast<Node*>(i._node);
ListNode *rmnext = rm->ln_next, *rmprev = rm->ln_prev;
delete rm;
rmprev->ln_next = rmnext;
rmnext->ln_prev = rmprev;
return i;
// TODO this method is very ugly!
// converting SubpathList to an intrusive list might allow us to get rid of it
void NodeList::kill()
for (SubpathList::iterator i = _list.begin(); i != _list.end(); ++i) {
if (i->get() == this) {
NodeList &NodeList::get(Node *n) {
return n->nodeList();
NodeList &NodeList::get(iterator const &i) {
return *(i._node->ln_list);
} // namespace UI
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :