node-tool.cpp revision addb39f5f5b6743f7ab120eda1078cc0c2216b2b
/** @file
* @brief New node tool - implementation
/* Authors:
* Krzysztof KosiĆski <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <glib.h>
#include "desktop.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "display/canvas-bpath.h"
#include "display/sp-canvas.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "live_effects/lpeobject.h"
#include "message-context.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "shape-editor.h" // temporary!
#include "sp-clippath.h"
#include "sp-item-group.h"
#include "sp-mask.h"
#include "sp-object-group.h"
#include "sp-path.h"
#include "sp-text.h"
#include "ui/tool/node-tool.h"
#include "ui/tool/control-point-selection.h"
#include "ui/tool/curve-drag-point.h"
#include "ui/tool/event-utils.h"
#include "ui/tool/manipulator.h"
#include "ui/tool/multi-path-manipulator.h"
#include "ui/tool/path-manipulator.h"
#include "ui/tool/selector.h"
#include "ui/tool/shape-record.h"
#include "pixmaps/cursor-node.xpm"
#include "pixmaps/cursor-node-d.xpm"
/** @struct InkNodeTool
* Node tool event context.
* @par Architectural overview of the tool
* @par
* Here's a breakdown of what each object does.
* - Handle: shows a handle and keeps the node type constraint (smooth / symmetric) by updating
* the other handle's position when dragged. Its move() method cannot violate the constraints.
* - Node: keeps node type constraints for auto nodes and smooth nodes at ends of linear segments.
* Its move() method cannot violate constraints. Handles linear grow and dispatches spatial grow
* to MultiPathManipulator. Keeps a reference to its NodeList.
* - NodeList: exposes an iterator-based interface to nodes. It is possible to obtain an iterator
* to a node from the node. Keeps a reference to its SubpathList.
* - SubpathList: list of NodeLists that represents an editable pathvector. Keeps a reference
* to its PathManipulator.
* - PathManipulator: performs most of the single-path actions like reverse subpaths,
* delete segment, shift selection, etc. Keeps a reference to MultiPathManipulator.
* - MultiPathManipulator: performs additional operations for actions that are not per-path,
* for example node joins and segment joins. Tracks the control transforms for PMs that edit
* clipping paths and masks. It is more or less equivalent to ShapeEditor and in the future
* it might handle all shapes. Handles XML commit of actions that affect all paths or
* the node selection and removes PathManipulators that have no nodes left after e.g. node
* deletes.
* - ControlPointSelection: keeps track of node selection and a set of nodes that can potentially
* be selected. There can be more than one selection. Performs actions that require no
* knowledge about the path, only about the nodes, like dragging and transforms. It is not
* specific to nodes and can accomodate any control point derived from SelectableControlPoint.
* Transforms nodes in response to transform handle events.
* - TransformHandleSet: displays nodeset transform handles and emits transform events. The aim
* is to eventually use a common class for object and control point transforms.
* - SelectableControlPoint: base for any type of selectable point. It can belong to only one
* selection.
* @par Plans for the future
* @par
* - MultiPathManipulator should become a generic shape editor that manages all active manipulator,
* more or less like the old ShapeEditor.
* - Knotholder should be rewritten into one manipulator class per shape, using the control point
* classes. Interesting features like dragging rectangle sides could be added along the way.
* - Better handling of clip and mask editing, particularly in response to undo.
* - High level refactoring of the event context hierarchy. All aspects of tools, like toolbox
* controls, icons, event handling should be collected in one class, though each aspect
* of a tool might be in an separate class for better modularity. The long term goal is to allow
* tools to be defined in extensions or shared library plugins.
namespace {
} // anonymous namespace
if (!type) {
NULL, /* value_table */
return type;
namespace {
return reinterpret_cast<SPCanvasGroup*>(sp_canvas_item_new(
void destroy_group(SPCanvasGroup *g)
//new (&nt->_mgroup) Inkscape::UI::ManipulatorGroup(nt->desktop);
if (nt->_node_message_context) {
delete nt->_node_message_context;
SPEventContextClass *parent = (SPEventContextClass *) g_type_class_peek(g_type_parent(INK_TYPE_NODE_TOOL));
// selector has to be created here, so that its hidden control point is on the bottom
// Prepare canvas groups for controls. This guarantees correct z-order, so that
// for example a dragpoint won't obscure a node
nt->_selection_modified_connection =
(void*) 0));
nt->cursor_drag = false;
nt->show_transform_handles = true;
nt->single_node_transform_handles = false;
// read prefs before adding items to selection to prevent momentarily showing the outline
if (entry_name == "show_handles") {
} else if (entry_name == "show_outline") {
} else if (entry_name == "live_outline") {
} else if (entry_name == "live_objects") {
} else if (entry_name == "show_path_direction") {
} else if (entry_name == "show_transform_handles") {
} else if (entry_name == "single_node_transform_handles") {
} else if (entry_name == "edit_clipping_paths") {
} else if (entry_name == "edit_masks") {
} else {
if (parent_class->set)
/** Recursively collect ShapeRecords */
if (!obj) return;
ShapeRecord r;
} else if (SP_IS_ITEM(obj)) {
ShapeRecord r;
// TODO add support for objectBoundingBox
// this item was encountered the first time
if (SP_IS_ITEM(obj)) {
// use multiple ShapeEditors for now, to allow editing many shapes at once
// needs to be rethought
ShapeRecord s;
} else {
ShapeRecord const &r = *i;
/* things to handle here:
* 1. selection of items
* 2. passing events to manipulators
* 3. some keybindings
// create pathflash outline
if (nt->flash_tempitem) {
} break; // do not return true, because we need to pass this event to the parent context
// otherwise some features cease to work
case GDK_Escape: // deselect everything
} else {
return TRUE;
case GDK_a:
case GDK_A:
// Ctrl+A is handled in selection-chemistry.cpp via verb
return TRUE;
case GDK_h:
case GDK_H:
return TRUE;
default: break;
SPEventContextClass *parent_class = (SPEventContextClass *) g_type_class_peek(g_type_parent(INK_TYPE_NODE_TOOL));
if (parent_class->root_handler)
return FALSE;
if (state_held_shift(new_state)) {
if (nt->_last_over) {
"click to toggle object selection"));
} else {
if (sz != 0) {
if (nt->_last_over) {
"<b>%u of %u nodes</b> selected. "
} else {
"<b>%u of %u nodes</b> selected. "
if (nt->_last_over) {
"Drag to select nodes, click to edit only this object"));
} else {
"Drag to select nodes, click to clear the selection"));
} else {
if (nt->_last_over) {
"Drag to select objects to edit, click to edit this object (more: Shift)"));
} else {
"Drag to select objects to edit"));
if (parent_class->item_handler)
return FALSE;
// if multipath is empty, select rubberbanded items rather than nodes
} else {
if (!event) return;
// if no Shift, deselect
// if there are nodes selected, the first click should deselect the nodes
// and the second should deselect the items
} else {
} else {
if (held_shift(*event)) {
} else {
nt->cursor_drag = true;
nt->cursor_drag = false;
} // anonymous namespace
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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