filedialogimpl-gtkmm.h revision 4325c73c705ad4c09590f8d4f1e62d849eeda096
/** @file
* @brief Implementation of the file dialog interfaces defined in filedialogimpl.h
/* Authors:
* Bob Jamison
* Johan Engelen <>
* Joel Holdsworth
* Bruno Dilly
* Other dudes from The Inkscape Organization
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Authors
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 The Inkscape Organization
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "filedialog.h"
//General includes
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
//Gtk includes
//Temporary ugly hack
//Remove this after the get_filter() calls in
//show() on both classes are fixed
#include <gtk/gtkfilechooser.h>
//Another hack
#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
#include <gtk/gtkexpander.h>
//Inkscape includes
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "svg-view-widget.h"
//For export dialog
#include "ui/widget/scalar-unit.h"
### Utility
### SVG Preview Widget
FileType() {}
~FileType() {}
* Simple class for displaying an SVG file in the "preview widget."
* Currently, this is just a wrapper of the sp_svg_view Gtk widget.
* Hopefully we will eventually replace with a pure Gtkmm widget.
bool setFromMem(char const *xmlBuffer);
* Show image embedded in SVG
* Show the "No preview" image
void showNoPreview();
* Show the "Too large" image
void showTooLarge(long fileLength);
* The svg document we are currently showing
* The sp_svg_view widget
* are we currently showing the "no preview" image?
bool showingNoPreview;
### F I L E D I A L O G B A S E C L A S S
* This class is the base implementation for the others. This
* reduces redundancies and bugs.
void cleanup( bool showConfirmed );
* What type of 'open' are we? (open, import, place, etc)
* Our svg preview widget
* Child widgets
void internalSetup();
* Callback for user changing preview checkbox
void _previewEnabledCB();
* Callback for seeing if the preview needs to be drawn
void _updatePreviewCallback();
### F I L E O P E N
* Our implementation class for the FileOpenDialog interface..
bool show();
* Create a filter menu for this type of dialog
void createFilterMenu();
* Filter name->extension lookup
* The extension to use to write this file
//# F I L E S A V E
* Our implementation of the FileSaveDialog interface.
const bool save_copy);
bool show();
//void change_title(const Glib::ustring& title);
void updateNameAndExtension();
* Whether the dialog was invoked by "Save as ..." or "Save a copy ..."
bool is_copy;
* Fix to allow the user to type the file name
* Allow the specification of the output file type
* Data mirror of the combo box
//# Child widgets
* Callback for user input into fileNameEntry
void fileTypeChangedCallback();
* Create a filter menu for this type of dialog
void createFileTypeMenu();
* The extension to use to write this file
* Callback for user input into fileNameEntry
void fileNameEntryChangedCallback();
//# F I L E E X P O R T
* Our implementation of the FileExportDialog interface.
bool show();
* Return the scope of the export. One of the enumerated types
* in ScopeType
if (pageButton.get_active())
return SCOPE_PAGE;
else if (selectionButton.get_active())
else if (customButton.get_active())
* Return left side of the exported region
double getSourceX()
{ return sourceX0Spinner.getValue(); }
* Return the top of the exported region
double getSourceY()
{ return sourceY1Spinner.getValue(); }
* Return the width of the exported region
double getSourceWidth()
{ return sourceWidthSpinner.getValue(); }
* Return the height of the exported region
double getSourceHeight()
{ return sourceHeightSpinner.getValue(); }
* Return the units of the coordinates of exported region
{ return sourceUnitsSpinner.getUnitAbbr(); }
* Return the width of the destination document
double getDestinationWidth()
{ return destWidthSpinner.getValue(); }
* Return the height of the destination document
double getDestinationHeight()
{ return destHeightSpinner.getValue(); }
* Return the height of the exported region
{ return destUnitsSpinner.getUnitAbbr(); }
* Return the destination DPI image resulution, if bitmap
double getDestinationDPI()
{ return destDPISpinner.getValue(); }
* Return whether we should use Cairo for rendering
bool getUseCairo()
{ return cairoButton.get_active(); }
* Return whether we should use antialiasing
bool getUseAntialias()
{ return antiAliasButton.get_active(); }
* Return the background color for exporting
unsigned long getBackground()
* Fix to allow the user to type the file name
* 'Extra' widget that holds two boxes above
//# Child widgets
* Allow the specification of the output file type
* Data mirror of the combo box
* Callback for user input into fileNameEntry
void fileTypeChangedCallback();
* Create a filter menu for this type of dialog
void createFileTypeMenu();
bool append_extension;
* The extension to use to write this file
* Callback for user input into fileNameEntry
void fileNameEntryChangedCallback();
* Filename that was given
} // namespace Dialog
} // namespace UI
} // namespace Inkscape
#endif /*__FILE_DIALOGIMPL_H__*/
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :